With FacebookLoginBehavior.LoginBehaviorWebViewOnly option login popup opens, which has close button which works great. but on phone back key press no method to close that dialog. Session.IsDialogOpen is only for feed/request dialogs. Login popup opens in WebviewAuthentication class in AuthenticateAsync method where dialogPopup object is local. Please can you make that object static global and create one static method to Close Dialog, it should be accessible from Session class. Please let us know if you done this and nuget package is released.
option login popup opens, which has close button which works great. but on phone back key press no method to close that dialog.Session.IsDialogOpen
is only for feed/request dialogs. Login popup opens inWebviewAuthentication
class inAuthenticateAsync
method where dialogPopup object is local. Please can you make that object static global and create onestatic
method to Close Dialog, it should be accessible fromSession
class. Please let us know if you done this and nuget package is released.Thanks