I was try to deserialize json data to dynamic format by wiki documentation but always fail.
and then i have an idea to change the format back to JsonObject and working.
Your Wiki Reference
Deserialize JSON String
Using dynamic
dynamic json = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(data);
string firstName = json.first_name;
DateTime startDate = json.startDate
int voteCount = json.voteCount
My right way
Deserialize JSON String
Using dynamic
dynamic json = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(data);
string firstName = json["first_name"];
DateTime startDate = json["startDate"];
int voteCount = json["voteCount"];
I was try to deserialize json data to dynamic format by wiki documentation but always fail. and then i have an idea to change the format back to JsonObject and working.
Your Wiki Reference Deserialize JSON String Using dynamic
dynamic json = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(data); string firstName = json.first_name; DateTime startDate = json.startDate int voteCount = json.voteCount List
My right way Deserialize JSON String Using dynamic
dynamic json = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(data); string firstName = json["first_name"]; DateTime startDate = json["startDate"]; int voteCount = json["voteCount"]; List