facebook / buck2

Build system, successor to Buck
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Errant octal escape strings in prelude docs #579

Closed tmfink closed 3 months ago

tmfink commented 4 months ago

In main branch 27cef1bb307c6bd9fe12b04bf4d45a23c5572f12, it seems that there are several instances of accidental octal escapes in:

# ripgrep search
$ rg --sort=path '\\[0-9]{3}[^\[]' app/ prelude/
95:///  - Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\200-\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;

755:                 directory specified in\302\240`http\\_archive()out`.

139:        of the Buck build process. A `cxx_genrule()` exposes\342\200\224through
140:        a set of string parameter macros and variables\342\200\224information about the

86:        An `apple_binary()` rule builds a native executable\342\200\224such as an iOS or OSX app\342\200\224from

This leads to some garbage characters in some of the rendered HTML docs.

Example from: https://buck2.build/docs/api/rules/#cxx_genrule:

A cxx_genrule() exposesâthrough a set of string parameter macros and variablesâinformation

JakobDegen commented 3 months ago

Fixed on master, thanks!