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Lazy loaded component not loading css-module #11360

Open ekokotov opened 3 years ago

ekokotov commented 3 years ago

in DEV mode when lazy chunk evaluated, its styles aren't evaluated. const AuthRoute = lazy(() => import("./auth")) and later: `

} />


and If child components contains ' import classes from "./styles.module.scss" ' style doesn't render

in PROD mode (react-scripts build) everything works, but with DEV (react-scripts start)- doesn't

Tested with react-scripts@4.0.2 + sass/node-sass

ekokotov commented 3 years ago

Even If I import CSS module inside lazied component ( import classes from "./styles.module.css ) and navigate to this route - css style not appearing. Only If I refresh the page on this route it works. Seems like in this case it doesn't add necessary