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Production apps made using create-react-app #2980

Closed paulcedrick closed 6 years ago

paulcedrick commented 6 years ago

Just want to know production apps or products made using this one. This tool is awesome and is really great to start with. With that said, I just want to know what products or app greatly benefited in this project? :)

mxstbr commented 6 years ago

We're using it in production for spectrum.chat! (real-time chat app for large online communities, e.g. the React community) It's been working well for us so far, v1 updating webpack to get import() support was the icing on the cake.

Note: We did replace react-scripts with react-app-rewired a couple of weeks ago to add a tiny bit of custom configuration, but since that's only a small wrapper around react-scripts I still consider it a create-react-app'd-app.

addyosmani commented 6 years ago

Are there any string signatures that can be used to detect if a production app was written using CRA? (after bundling steps like Webpack, any other transformations have been applied). If so, we can use HTTPArchive to determine who is using it.

thierryskoda commented 6 years ago

I'm CTO at Gameday (YC S17) and we are using it in production in our webviews for our chatbot in Facebook Messenger. So much easier to not think about all the configuration and still have an app that renders super fast!

hosmelq commented 6 years ago

We're using it in some places of https://pickuphub.net (find a game and reserve your spot).

philipyoungg commented 6 years ago

I'm using it on a a to do list app—http://www.getcontextual.com

The benefits? I can start working on the project instead of spending time on configuration!

Connorelsea commented 6 years ago

We're using it in production at NewAperio on a few major projects including https://truscore.io/

WhiteRiceWill commented 6 years ago

I used it for a basic wallpaper hosting site: pointypapers.com (I also have a repo for it on here if you want to see the code)

Worked great and didn't need to eject. There are countless resources and blog posts online specifically for create-react-app. If you haven't checked it out create-react-native-app is also great.

alshakero commented 6 years ago

https://perf.zone && https://360toolkit.co

ashtonsix commented 6 years ago

https://bebeyond.co/ but ejected to add a few custom babel/eslint plugins

cheapsteak commented 6 years ago

https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/ repo: https://github.com/NCI-GDC/portal-ui

seejamescode commented 6 years ago

I use it a lot in internal IBM sites and when I want to work fast on personal stuff- Portfolio timeline: https://www.seejamescode.com Wedding site: https://i-like-rauhuts.mybluemix.net

vraa commented 6 years ago

I am using it at https://veerasundar.com/trader/

pierr commented 6 years ago

We are using it on https://apply.selectively.co

captbaritone commented 6 years ago

I'm using it for https://markdown.today (https://github.com/captbaritone/markdown.today)

jotto commented 6 years ago

https://www.prerender.cloud/ (server-side renders React apps, including CRA) and https://www.roast.io/ (static web host for single-page apps, with server-side rendering)

mkermani144 commented 6 years ago


baptadn commented 6 years ago

Used in a side project https://paperoll.io ♥️

jonahfang commented 6 years ago

We are using it for http://boss.hothink.net.cn/m

MartijnHols commented 6 years ago

Using it for my side project https://wowanalyzer.com/ (https://github.com/MartijnHols/WoWAnalyzer). After my experience in this I also kinda have my mind set that when necessary instead of upgrading the Webpack versions we use at the office, we'll probably implement CRA instead with just as much (probably less) effort and gain all the additional benefits (compiler eslint warnings, error overlay, etc).

weslleyaraujo commented 6 years ago

using at booking.com for internal tooling, amazing work on CRA guys <3

richcsmith commented 6 years ago

https://app.beomni.com runs on create react app and is currently statically served by S3

peterbe commented 6 years ago

https://songsear.ch is CRA with react-router and universal rendering.

bestwestern commented 6 years ago

Maybe... is this some license trick?

netsov commented 6 years ago

Using at www.rsswiz.com for Twitter RSS Feed converter

paulcedrick commented 6 years ago

@bestwestern - HAHA! lol. Nahhhh, actually I have two purpose in opening this issue:

Anyways, keep on posting your products that was made using CRA. In the same time, kudos to the contributors and maintainers of this project. :+1:

evenchange4 commented 6 years ago

I use CRA in production for several kinds of projects at my company, such as Admin console, Mobile web and Landing page. Here is a landing page with preredering: mcslite.netlify.com [GitHub]

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miraage commented 6 years ago

Excuse me for offtopic, I'm very interested on did you run eject or not. If yes - what requirements were not provided out of the box?

pjm17971 commented 6 years ago

Dept. of Energy / ESnet portal: https://my.es.net/

viankakrisna commented 6 years ago

https://musify.id, my pet project that combines last.fm and youtube api for a nicer way to discover music. Previously lived as a gulp+angular1 project, rebuilt with CRA, hosted on netlify.

PatrickJS commented 6 years ago

Tipe For Developers


We used create-react-app for our prototype. We're a Meta CMS with giving developers GraphQL or REST API. The readme and scripts are probably the best thing about this. Very well documented 👍

gaearon commented 6 years ago

Nice :-) Closing this as I'm cleaning up the issues, but thanks for sharing.

pupudu commented 6 years ago

@gaearon Is CRA production ready? I believe it is. But I feel the main readme maybe misleading.

Create React App is a great fit for:

Learning React in a comfortable and feature-rich development environment.
Starting new single-page React applications.
Creating examples with React for your libraries and components.

I've used CRA for a production app. But now I have co-workers arguing CRA might be a bad choice because they've seen the above quote. I am thinking, "if we see any limitations, we can of course eject". Am I correct on this? Will someone face any limitations even after they've ejected the setup bootstrapped with CRA? If not can we please update the Readme which might be repelling people away from this great product?

tobireif commented 5 years ago

If not can we please update the Readme which might be repelling people away from this great product?

I agree - if CRA is one proper option for production web-apps, the README should reflect that.