"agt" means 8 (AF). There is seemingly no reason for this test to fail out of nowhere, especially with no change to AF code. In the meantime I have restarted the GitHub CI jobs for this. This issue is to track progress on this in case it persists. See:
> debug (makeLocale AF Nothing) "agt" [Seal Numeral]
number (0..10) (agt)
-- regex (agt)
[Entity {dim = "number", body = "agt", value = RVal Numeral (NumeralValue {vValue = 8.0}), start = 0, end = 3, latent = False, enode = Node {nodeRange = Range 0 3, token = Token Numeral (NumeralData {value = 8.0, grain = Nothing, multipliable = False, okForAnyTime = True}), children = [Node {nodeRange = Range 0 3, token = Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch ["agt"]), children = [], rule = Nothing}], rule = Just "number (0..10)"}}]
> :test Duckling.Numeral.AF.Tests
AF Tests
Corpus Tests: OK
All 1 tests passed (0.02s)
"agt" means 8 (AF). There is seemingly no reason for this test to fail out of nowhere, especially with no change to AF code. In the meantime I have restarted the GitHub CI jobs for this. This issue is to track progress on this in case it persists. See: