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Language, engine, and tooling for expressing, testing, and evaluating composable language rules on input strings.
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An Introduction #672

Closed Kattman5 closed 2 years ago

Kattman5 commented 2 years ago

Greetings everyone, my name is Milton Sheppard aka Kattman5 (symbolic of a Cat companion I have and easy to remember). I have been in the "Computer Field" since 18yrs old when they were called MainFrame Systems used primarily for Government and Business. Long before the PC was heard of. The Technology captured me to the point at 72yrs old I have and still am keeping up with it. It is truly amassing to see how much it has grown from say processing to where it is today. And back then on a mainFrame if you had 64k it was usually divided into partitions, 3 for-ground and and 1 background, and with that much processing power you were 'sitting in the front row', amazing! I have seen and experienced so many in this Industry and really faster than I expected especially with the onset of the PC which gave the CPU ist's destiny. The unfortunate thing is the reality of the unintended use of the Technology in a way that is becoming the new 45-automatic, with the purpose of destroying peoples lives which in my opinion is destructive to everyone concerned... those who choose this route just don't realize it yet. I also have another passion which is Aviation. I have been a licensed pilot for 47 yrs now and as grateful as I can be that I'm still able to fly. Since retired for the second time it is a must to my existence that I stay focused and active which I've been able to do as a former CFI (certified flight instructor) in the way of mentoring future pilots through groups and organizations. I want you all to know how much I appreciate this group for taking me under consideration with my lack of activity, which I expect to change in the not too distant future. I have committed to helping those with the same dream to understand aviation from a stand point they were not old enough to be exposed to so they can have a deeper meaning and purpose, therefore becoming better and more responsible pilots in the future. Take care everyone... hope to communicate with you soon! Milton Sheppard