facebook / facebook-ios-sdk

Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
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App release failing with v16.3.1 #2319

Open zvjerka24 opened 5 months ago

zvjerka24 commented 5 months ago

Checklist before submitting a bug report

Xcode version


Facebook iOS SDK version


Dependency Manager


SDK Framework



Release the app to the app store

Expected results

App release (linking) is failing while releasing with Xcode 14.2. For some internal reasons, the pipeline has to use this version of the Xcode.

When I revert the version to the previously used v16.2.0, the app is linking fine.

Actual results

⚠️ ld: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCompatibilityPacks' ⚠️ ld: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCompatibility56' ⚠️ ld: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftObservation' ⚠️ ld: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'Symbols'

❌ ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

❌ clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Steps to reproduce

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Code samples & details

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gameboys84 commented 5 months ago

same Xcode & Facebook version as you, but my build issue is this:

Showing All Issues ⚠️Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCompatibilityPacks' ⚠️Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCompatibility56' ⚠️Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftObservation' ⚠️Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'CoreAudioTypes' ⚠️Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'Symbols' ❌Undefined symbol: _$s10Foundation3URLV6string25encodingInvalidCharactersACSgSSh_SbtcfC ❌Undefined symbol: _OBJCCLASS$_FBSDKBridgeAPI ❌Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCELOAD$_swiftCompatibility56

zvjerka24 commented 5 months ago

Hi @gameboys84, While looking into your issues I remember that at some point I had the same one. ❌Undefined symbol: _$s10Foundation3URLV6string25encodingInvalidCharactersACSgSSh_SbtcfC

It seems the error depends on what other libs you have. Since I updated multiple libraries at the same time, initially I didn't know which one was problematic and I was reverting one by one. At some point that was the error.

gameboys84 commented 5 months ago

Hi @gameboys84, While looking into your issues I remember that at some point I had the same one. ❌Undefined symbol: _$s10Foundation3URLV6string25encodingInvalidCharactersACSgSSh_SbtcfC

It seems the error depends on what other libs you have. Since I updated multiple libraries at the same time, initially I didn't know which one was problematic and I was reverting one by one. At some point that was the error.

Thanks for the reply, I just upgrade the Facebook sdk from 12.3.1 to 16.3.1, and fixed some other errors, and this is the last 3 error of my project.

Furthermore, I saw this error sometimes, and not sure there is relative or not.

Failed to build module 'FBSDKGamingServicesKit'; this SDK is not supported by the compiler (the SDK is built with 'Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)', while this compiler is 'Apple Swift version 5.7.2 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51)'). Please select a toolchain which matches the SDK.

zvjerka24 commented 5 months ago

Downgrade to 16.2.0 should fix your error.

gameboys84 commented 5 months ago

Downgrade to 16.2.0 should fix your error.

Yes, a friend in need is truly indeed. I just try the version 14.1, 15.1 is OK, and 16.2.1 is OK too..
This must be an ISSUE! @facebook-github-bot

zvjerka24 commented 5 months ago

I'm wondering why no one else reported this issue, since this version has been live for almost 1 month.

gpernelle commented 4 months ago

Having the same issue since couple of days. What is the best way to downgrade to 16.2.1?

Here is the issue in my case:

Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): No such module 'FBSDKShareKit'

Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Failed to build module 'FBSDKGamingServicesKit'; this SDK is not supported by the compiler (the SDK is built with
'Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)', while this compiler is 'Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang-
clang-1500.'). Please select a toolchain which matches the SDK.

Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone 15 Pro.