facebook / facebook-ios-sdk

Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
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Infinite requests to the graph API #2326

Open antoinepalazzolo opened 9 months ago

antoinepalazzolo commented 9 months ago

Checklist before submitting a bug report

Xcode version


Facebook iOS SDK version


Dependency Manager


SDK Framework



The goal is to use the Facebook SDK to track app events. The SDK is generating an infinite number of network requests to the Graph API. This behavior is observed with an HTTP proxy (without SSL proxy) and with Instruments. Each request is sent as a batch to the Graph API, which consistently returns a 400 status code error for each item in the batch. The SDK then repeats the same request, receiving the same error, creating a continuous loop.

This issue leads to unnecessary network traffic and potential performance degradation in the application.

Expected results

Actual results

When the app starts, the SDK sends a batch request to the Graph API, which returns a 400 status code error for each item in the batch. The same request is then sent again, resulting in the same error response. This process repeats indefinitely.

Sample Request and Response (with SSL proxy enabled):

Preliminary Analysis: The parameters auto_log_app_events_default and auto_log_app_events_enabled appear to be causing the request failure. These are related to the automatic logging of events feature, which is controlled by the FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled property in the plist and the Settings.shared.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled property at runtime. Notably, these parameters are still sent to the API even when not enabled at runtime.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configure the Facebook iOS SDK with the following plist properties:
    • FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled: YES
    • FacebookAppID: [redacted]
    • FacebookAutoInitEnabled: NO
    • FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled: NO
    • FacebookClientToken: [redacted]
    • FacebookDisplayName: [redacted]
  2. Initialize the SDK in the application's ApplicationDelegate.shared.application(, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: ) method.
  3. Observe the network traffic through an HTTP proxy or instruments.

Code samples & details

The stack trace generating the request:

-[FBSDKURLSessionTask start]    
__55-[FBSDKURLSession executeURLRequest:completionHandler:]_block_invoke    
-[FBSDKURLSession updateSessionWithBlock:]  
-[FBSDKURLSession executeURLRequest:completionHandler:] 
-[FBSDKGraphRequestConnection start]    
-[FBSDKServerConfigurationManager loadServerConfigurationWithCompletionBlock:]  
-[FBSDKServerConfigurationManager cachedServerConfiguration]    
-[FBSDKErrorConfigurationProvider errorConfiguration]   
-[FBSDKGraphRequestConnection errorFromResult:request:] 
__65-[FBSDKGraphRequestConnection _completeWithResults:networkError:]_block_invoke  
-[__NSArrayM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:]   
-[FBSDKGraphRequestConnection _completeWithResults:networkError:]   
-[FBSDKGraphRequestConnection completeFBSDKURLSessionWithResponse:data:networkError:]
ThanasethPatrickMongsup commented 9 months ago

{ "batch": "[{\"relative_url\":\"[REDACTED_EXISTING_FB_APP_ID]?fields=app_events_feature_bitmask%2Cname%2Cdefault_share_mode%2Cios_dialog_configs%2Cios_sdk_dialog_flows.os_version%2817.2.1%29%2Cios_sdk_error_categories%2Csupports_implicit_sdk_logging%2Cgdpv4_nux_enabled%2Cgdpv4_nux_content%2Capp_events_session_timeout%2Clogging_token%2Crestrictive_data_filter_params%2Caam_rules%2Csuggested_events_setting%2Cprotected_mode_rules%2Cauto_log_app_events_default%2Cauto_log_app_events_enabled%2Cauto_event_mapping_ios&format=json&include_headers=false&os_version=17.2.1&sdk=ios\",\"method\":\"GET\"},{\"relative_url\":\"[REDACTED_EXISTING_FB_APP_ID]?fields=app_events_feature_bitmask%2Cname%2Cdefault_share_mode%2Cios_dialog_configs%2Cios_sdk_dialog_flows.os_version%2817.2.1%29%2Cios_sdk_error_categories%2Csupports_implicit_sdk_logging%2Cgdpv4_nux_enabled%2Cgdpv4_nux_content%2Capp_events_session_timeout%2Clogging_token%2Crestrictive_data_filter_params%2Caam_rules%2Csuggested_events_setting%2Cprotected_mode_rules%2Cauto_log_app_events_default%2Cauto_log_app_events_enabled%2Cauto_event_mapping_ios&format=json&include_headers=false&os_version=17.2.1&sdk=ios\",\"method\":\"GET\"}]", "batch_app_id": "[REDACTED_EXISTING_FB_APP_ID]" }

cnjsyyb commented 9 months ago

same problem

rromanchuk commented 8 months ago

to zuck: just pull AppEvents completely and start over. S2S CAPI only until then.

to community: FB refuses to document the fingerprinting extinfo , so if you need to build your own sdk, it's something like this.

import Foundation
import CoreTelephony
import UIKit

public struct ExtInfoPayload: Codable {
    public let extinfo: [String]

    public init() {
        let carrierName = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().subscriberCellularProvider?.carrierName ?? ""
        let processorCount = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount
        let totalDiskSpace: Int64 = try! FileManager.default.attributesOfFileSystem(forPath: NSHomeDirectory())[.systemSize] as! Int64
        let availableDiskSpace: Int64 = try! FileManager.default.attributesOfFileSystem(forPath: NSHomeDirectory())[.systemFreeSize] as! Int64
        let bundleId = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? ""
        let shortVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String ?? ""
        let longVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?[kCFBundleVersionKey as String] as? String  ?? ""

        let language = NSLocale.current.identifier
        let timeZoneAbbrev = NSTimeZone.system.abbreviation() ?? ""
        let screenRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
        let scale = String(format: "%.02f", UIScreen.main.scale)
        let timeZoneIdentifier = NSTimeZone.system.identifier

        let machine: String = {
            var systemInfo = utsname()
            return withUnsafePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine.0) { ptr in
                String(cString: ptr)

        self.extinfo = [
Jhood1101 commented 8 months ago

Hi baby

Intouch-Song commented 8 months ago

This issue arose from version 16.3.1. After downgrading to version 16.2.0, the functionality has been restored.

Jerrot commented 7 months ago

Any news on this? Given that the Facebook SDK 16.2.x is not working with Xcode 15.3 (see https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/issues/2353) this is becoming a serious problem now. Even if the Xcode 15.3 problem should be solved soon (which I expect), this issue is still a blocker on top and the only remaining walkaround is to stick with Xcode 15.2 - until Apple requires Xcode 15.3.

antoinepalazzolo commented 7 months ago

It's been nearly two months since this issue was reported, and it appears that no one from the Facebook team has addressed it yet.

scottlemke commented 6 months ago

Was this fixed in 17.0? I would love to update to get the Privacy manifests, but if this is not fixed, I can't update.

TimoWaelischIdealo commented 6 months ago

It looks like it was silently fixed, but I would appreciate confirmation as well.

TimoWaelischIdealo commented 6 months ago

Hi @antoinepalazzolo, as you were the original author of this issue, can you confirm this is working for you as well since 17.0? If so, we/you might close this ticket on our own, I have some... doubts on FB taking care of it.

scottlemke commented 6 months ago

FWIW, in our experience with testing out version 17.0 of the SDK, we have not seen this bug occur again. I would still like to see official confirmation.

antoinepalazzolo commented 6 months ago

The issue with the infinite loop of network requests in version 16.3.1 seems to be mitigated in version 17.0 of the SDK. Previously, the error was caused by the SDK attempting to retry the same request repeatedly when it failed to load the server configuration due to (erroneous ?) additional parameters. The infinit loop was observed in previous versions of the SDK when using an HTTP proxy that map the same error.

In version 17.0, there appears to be improved communication between the SDK and the backend, potentially avoiding this specific error scenario. However, without explicit confirmation that the underlying error handling mechanism has been redesigned to prevent similar issues, we cannot conclusively say the bug has been fixed. It may be beneficial to monitor the behavior in version 17.0 further before deciding to close the issue.