I followed the documentation and implemented limited login. but imageURL(forMode: , size: ) returns the following error and does not provide valid image url even though loginTracking is .limited
Looking at Profile+ImageURL's implementation, I see that it uses an "access token", but when login tracking is .limited, the method cannot be used because the access token is nil. Therefore, I cannot get a large profile image on limited login.
is this intended behavior?
is this limitation because profile images should not be used on limited login?
should I just use the imageURL to get the profile image for limited login?
The documentation used a property called Profile.current?.linkURL, but that property returns null even if there is actually a registered profile when limited login
If this is an error, I was wondering if it could be fixed soon.
Or if not, I'd like to know if there is a completely different approach.
Code samples & details
public func imageURL(forMode pictureMode: PictureMode, size: CGSize) -> URL? {
Self.getImageURL(profileID: userID, pictureMode: pictureMode, size: size)
static func getImageURL(
profileID: String,
pictureMode: PictureMode,
size: CGSize
) -> URL? {
guard let dependencies = try? Self.getDependencies() else { return nil }
var queryItems: [ImageURL.QueryItemName: String] = [
.pictureMode: ImageURL.PictureMode(mode: pictureMode).rawValue,
.width: String(Int(size.width)),
.height: String(Int(size.height)),
if let token = dependencies.accessTokenProvider.current { /// This is where the lack of a token becomes an issue.
queryItems[.accessToken] = token.tokenString
} else if let token = dependencies.settings.clientToken {
queryItems[.accessToken] = token
} else {
As of Graph API v8.0, profile images may not be retrieved without a token. This can be the current access \
token from logging in with Facebook or it can be set via the plist or in code. Providing neither will cause \
this call to return a silhouette image.
let stringlyKeyedItems = queryItems.reduce(into: [String: String]()) { values, item in
values[item.key.rawValue] = item.value
var hostPrefix = ImageURL.hostPrefix
if _DomainHandler.sharedInstance().isDomainHandlingEnabled() {
let domainConfig = _DomainConfigurationManager.sharedInstance().cachedDomainConfiguration()
if let domainHandlingHostPrefix =
domainConfig.domainInfo?["default_config"]?["default_alternative_domain_prefix"] as? String {
hostPrefix = domainHandlingHostPrefix
} else {
hostPrefix = ImageURL.defaultDomainHandlingHostPrefix
return try? dependencies.urlHoster.facebookURL(
hostPrefix: hostPrefix,
path: "\(profileID)/\(ImageURL.path)",
queryParameters: stringlyKeyedItems
Checklist before submitting a feature request
I want to get a large profile image using imageURL(forMode: , size: ) at loginTracking is
(using limited login)Expected results
I want to get a large profile image using imageURL(forMode: , size: ), even when loginTracking is
.I followed the documentation and implemented limited login. but imageURL(forMode: , size: ) returns the following error and does not provide valid image url even though loginTracking is .limited
Looking at Profile+ImageURL's implementation, I see that it uses an "access token", but when login tracking is .limited, the method cannot be used because the access token is nil. Therefore, I cannot get a large profile image on limited login.
, but that property returns null even if there is actually a registered profile when limited loginIf this is an error, I was wondering if it could be fixed soon. Or if not, I'd like to know if there is a completely different approach.
Code samples & details