facebook / facebook-ios-sdk

Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
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Facebook::authorize call for user with permissions request fails #384

Closed wrlee closed 10 years ago

wrlee commented 12 years ago

In calling authorize (without a Facebook app installed) causes the login prompt to appear in Safari or popup dialog. Logging in with a user that needs to authorize additional permissions causes an invalid page to appear with the heading, "Page Not Found" and pink subtitle, "The page you requested was not found." The user is now stuck. Even restarting the app and trying to authorize will go directly to this 404 page due to cookies and other settings being saved (I assume). The app has to be DELETED so that subsequent access will then yield the login dialog. Valid logins with sufficient permissions work as expected.

During debugging, I found the initial URL request to be (app id replaces "[app_id]") for the login screen: https://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?type=user_agent&display=touch&redirect_uri=fb[app_id]%3A%2F%2Fauthorize&sdk=2&scope=user_location%2Cuser_relationships%2Cemail%2Cpublish_stream%2Coffline_access&client_id=[app_id]

The following URL is being sought by the login attempt (I assume by the URL that the user has insufficient permissions): http://www.facebook.com/dialog/permissions.request?_path=permissions.request&app_id=[appid]&redirct_uri=fb[appid]%3A%3F%3Fauthorize&sdk=2&display=touch&type=user_agent&fbocnnect=1&perms=user_location%2Cuser_relationships%2Cemail%2Cpublish_stream%2Coffline_access&sso=iphone-safari&from_login=1

This is a serious problem! New users can no longer add the app via an iOS device.

By the way, the developer.facebook.com documentation pages that describe SSO for iOS area all broken since I've been checking, over the past week.

hhazen commented 12 years ago

I'll be out of the office until 9/27. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Lorien Gremore at lgremore@popcap.com.

Otherwise, please give me a call on my cell: 678-644-8313. Happy summer!

spolu commented 12 years ago

Additionally since the last update of the Facebook iOS app, when calling authorize with an account that already authorized the app but has no local token (deinstall / reinstall as an example), the authorization screen stalls and fail to call back the app. The big new "log in" button has no effect other than reloading the screen.

Is this a known issue?


spolu commented 12 years ago

fixed now...

jamesgpearce commented 10 years ago

This issue was raised against a previous version of the Facebook SDK for iOS.

In 2012, the SDK had a significant rewrite and relaunch, and we are closing issues and pull requests that predate that v3.0 release.

If you are still experiencing this issue, please raise a new issue with repro steps in the supported SDK (currently v3.10). For more information, please see our iOS developer center at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/

Many thanks for using the Facebook Platform, and your support of this project.