facebook / facebook-ios-sdk

Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
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[Proj] Xcode 8.3 Compatibility #853

Closed adomanico closed 6 years ago

adomanico commented 7 years ago

Xcode 8.3 requires that module map files have unique names. This is preventing compilation of the Facebook SDKs on Xcode 8.3

This simply gives the module map files of each framework unique names and allows all frameworks to be compiled by Xcode 8.3

To help us review the request, please complete the following:

adomanico commented 7 years ago

@mcohnen Can we get this expedited into a release? XCode 8.3 is live to the public at this time

adomanico commented 7 years ago

cc @dzhuowen

adomanico commented 7 years ago

cc @chrisp-fb

adomanico commented 7 years ago

If anyone knows who is in charge of this repo and are active contributors please feel free to mention them

Steven0351 commented 7 years ago

Not sure if this helps, but I was able to get my code to compile by removing the SDK from my podfile, ran pod install, re-added it to my podfile and ran pod install again and it compiles fine.

Andr3y- commented 7 years ago

any estimate when this will get merged?

alak commented 7 years ago

any news ?

mcrollin commented 7 years ago

Any ETA?

Infinity-James commented 7 years ago

Can you just merge this now? It's ridiculous.

naluhh commented 7 years ago


latargere commented 7 years ago

please update it !

nicolasfallourd commented 7 years ago

please 🙏

muukii commented 7 years ago


plailleur commented 7 years ago

Please 🙂

kentokento commented 7 years ago

please 🙇

dominik-hadl commented 7 years ago

Is the entire iOS team at Facebook on holiday? 😅 Just merge this in please, there's many of us depending on this. 😇

poudro commented 7 years ago

Pretty please!

vysotsky commented 7 years ago

Any updates?

overlordnyaldee commented 7 years ago

Hey everyone, we're aware of this and we're been working to move up our release to push a fix.

SDK release v4.21 has been pushed yesterday and the issue with conflicting modulemap files should be fixed now. Is anyone still experiencing this issue with this new release?

alak commented 7 years ago

@overlordnyaldee I'll try today :)

PSTDev commented 7 years ago

@overlordnyaldee facebook-sdk-swift dependent on this SDK still doesn't compile :( facebook/facebook-sdk-swift#142

Is Facebook's swift wrapper for this Facebook iOS SDK dead? And should we use only this Objective-C SDK?

mcfedr commented 7 years ago

I'd say this issue is fixed.

rafcabezas commented 7 years ago

This branch compiles on xcode 8.3.1 via carthage, whereas master doesn't. I still think this PR should be merged in.

rafcabezas commented 7 years ago

This branch/PR also works on xcode 8.3.2

Infinity-James commented 7 years ago

Not working for me. I need to use Xcode 8.3 now too because my devices aren't supported.

This is pretty pathetic at this point.

adomanico commented 7 years ago

@overlordnyaldee 4.22 still does not compile. Can we merge this?

meekay commented 7 years ago

Update after retest. 4.21 succeeds, but 4.22 fails. Looks like there was a regression. Please provide an update.

rafcabezas commented 7 years ago

@overlordnyaldee 4.22 still has the module map issue; please merge this PR in

Infinity-James commented 7 years ago

What Is Wrong With You ?

adomanico commented 6 years ago

4.23 still has the module map issue fyi

ekimia commented 6 years ago

oh facebook.

Infinity-James commented 6 years ago

This is why it sucks to be reliant on anything.

mcfedr commented 6 years ago

Yea, contrary to my previous comment, Its not working. Sticking to 4.21 at the moment.

dzhuowen commented 6 years ago

Hey everyone, Please file a bug to https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/ with error description and sample project. We'll work on this issue once we get a valid repo.

paulocoutinhox commented 6 years ago

We need it.

paulocoutinhox commented 6 years ago

I solved it using:

carthage update --platform iOS

mcfedr commented 6 years ago

Reported this bug as https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1510311509043400/ you can only see it if you login. You might have to be my friend, who knows... There is probably a like button.

mcohnen commented 6 years ago

Really sorry for the delay here. The bug this PR was fixing was already fixed in v4.21: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/commit/89814273b976cee60e225c3d310cc7075f976ad5 We use xcconfig files instead of modifying project files directly.

There is however a different bug introduced later in v4.22 that is making the build fail in Carthage. This will be fixed in v4.25, which we are aiming to release in July 26th. The bug is being tracked here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1510311509043400/

We will include Carthage in our automatic tests to prevent any other breakage in the future.

adomanico commented 6 years ago

Thanks @mcohnen

mcohnen commented 6 years ago

Quick update: v4.25 is out and Carthage should build now fine.

paulocoutinhox commented 6 years ago

I still have problems with v.4.25 and im backing to 4.21 to compile again.


Please also consider filing a radar with Apple, containing the version
of Carthage and any crash report found in Console.app.

Caught signal triggered by the Swift runtime!
Illegal instruction

Unfortunately, this is probably a bug in Swift and not Carthage. If
this is preventing you from doing work, please file an issue and we'll
do our best to work around it:

Please also consider filing a radar with Apple, containing the version
of Carthage and any crash report found in Console.app.

make: *** [carthage-update] Segmentation fault: 11
mcfedr commented 6 years ago

I am also seeing this issue. But inconsistently, I made a new folder, and Cartfile with just github "facebook/facebook-ios-sdk" ~> 4.21 and it once loaded fine, and then later didnt work. In my project with other deps, it hasnt worked at all.

Caught signal triggered by the Swift runtime!
Illegal instruction: 4

Reported this to Facebook as https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/878290185642503/