facebook / facebook-ios-sdk

Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
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FBConnect login dialog does not login, does not dismiss #95

Closed CarlHostetter-NASA closed 13 years ago

CarlHostetter-NASA commented 13 years ago

Fresh download, opened DemoApp project in Xcode 3.2.4, Mac OS X 10.6.4, open theRunAround project, set kAppId to my application's ID in mainViewController.m

When the (first) login button is clicked, the Facebook login dialog appears. I enter my FB e-mail address and password, click the (dialog's) login button. After a few moments, the password field clears, and nothing else happens. The dialog does not dismiss, and no dialog delegate callbacks are made (per breakpoints in debugger). I've tried this many, many times over past two days, it never succeeds.

TimSullivan commented 13 years ago

+1. I am also having this issue in my iOS 3.2 app on both the sim and the device. My co-worker is able to login, I am not, nor are any others we've tested. Even if I generate my own AppID, he can login with it, I cannot. Very strange. I've found a number of questions, but no answers yet:

http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=78853 http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?pid=281604#p281604 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4004141/ios-and-facebook-graph-api-inconsistent-authorize-issues

picmax commented 13 years ago

I am seeing the same problem! We really need someone from FB to help here.

tasveer commented 13 years ago

I'm seeing the same issues, its reached a dead end for me.

jamesroscoe commented 13 years ago

Same problem here. This makes testing awfully difficult. Any insight would be appreciated.

krisajenkins commented 13 years ago

Plus 1.

dstnbrkr commented 13 years ago


kabucey commented 13 years ago

One of my beta testers reported this problem as well. If he enters his password wrong he gets the invalid password error, but if he enters it right it just goes right back to the login page and there is no error message.

floerkem commented 13 years ago

I have also had several people complain about this problem in our app. I had one of the users who reported the issue try it in the iphone simulator with the RunAround demo and the problem occurred there too. As kabucey mentioned, the login dialog shows the correct error message when the user enters a wrong password. The problem occurs when the user enters the correct password.

johne commented 13 years ago

same thing here... my users are finding that if they change their password in facebook (the regular acct) then they can connect using facebook connect.

not sure that helps track down the issue... at least it gives us all something to suggest to users as a work-around (though, it is a very very nasty work-around).

johne commented 13 years ago

so now, i'm wondering if there is something cached about the credentials on the facebook servers which changing the password seems to recover or recreate.

has anyone found this happening in any other client side libraries... those people with accounts in this situation, have you tried other clients library (java or something)? that would eliminate or implicate this library as the problem.

tasveer commented 13 years ago

I tried the changing the password approach, but no luck. I also cleaned up the cache and cookies from my application, but the problem seems to persists. I also tried to have two of my friends login for the first time and in both situations, the same problem persists.

Is any one from Facebook looking at this issue or are we on our own?

floerkem commented 13 years ago

interesting. After I saw John's post, I had one of our app users who had the login problem previously change his password and after the password change at facebook.com, he was able to sign-in.

johne commented 13 years ago

yes... that leads me to think it is something on the server side and something that one might see in any other client library... so far no one has been able to confirm or deny that they see the issue in other client libraries?

Dukeman330 commented 13 years ago

I'm noticing something similar. If it helps the devs at all, here is my exact experience. Specifically, I'm calling it with the following:

fb = [[Facebook alloc] init];
NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@""];
[fb authorize:@"<my_app_id>" permissions:permissions delegate:self];

I've tested the code using 3 accounts. For two of them, everything goes smoothly and I get kicked to my fbDidLogin function. For the third account, the Login dialog pops up, but when I enter the email and password and click Login, the dialog sits there for a bit, then the password disappears. I get no feedback as to what went wrong (no "incorrect password", fbDidNotLogin is not called). I've double and triple checked the email and password, I'm sure they are right (they work fine when logging in through a web browser).

TimSullivan commented 13 years ago

FTR: changing my password solved this problem for me. However, this isn't something that I can tell users to do, really. It sounds now like it's a server side problem, but I'm surprised it's gone on this long.

johne commented 13 years ago

ok... so how do we escalate this to some server-side group or someone that can help? we are in beta right now, so for now we probably can advise our users to change their password, but we certainly can't do that when we release.

netpro2k commented 13 years ago

seeing this issue on several iOS/Android apps for some of my accounts but not others (foursquare, GetGlue, We Rule, Ladida)

CarlHostetter-NASA commented 13 years ago

Original poster here: I now notice that this problem has spread to the previous version of the SDK as well (i.e. facebook-iphone-sdk). Definitely a Facebook server-side problem.

P.S.I hope everyone who has contributed to this thread has "voted" on the issue to get it elevated.

n8gray commented 13 years ago

I've been told by a facebook engineer that they pushed out a fix and I can't repro the problem anymore. If you're still seeing it, please leave a comment on this bug in bugzilla, where a facebook engineer is likely to see it:


netpro2k commented 13 years ago

Still happening for me in GetGlue and Foursquare, testing other apps but I dont expect they will be any different

TimSullivan commented 13 years ago

It appears to be working again. Two accounts that previously didn't work are now working without changing the password.

tasveer commented 13 years ago

If your app is not working, then try deleting it and reinstall. At least this is how it started to work for me again. I wonder what happens for released app, since it would be a pain to ask users to delete and reinstall.

lshepard commented 13 years ago

Sorry for the hassle here folks. We're pushing a fix today for the password-not-being-accepted problem.

mattweight commented 13 years ago

I just created a new fb application today. Pulled down a fresh, new copy of the SDK - same problem. I'm certain I'm adding my appID correctly. Please advise.

tommytsai commented 13 years ago

The problem was fixed earlier this month, but now I'm seeing the same issue again. Slight difference from last time -- before, when you enter the wrong password, the "incorrect login/password combination" error message showed up, and when the correct password is entered, the form simply reloads with the fields cleared. Now, regardless of whether the password is correctly entered, the page just reloads with the fields cleared, with no error message. Just like last time, this seems to be a problem only on certain accounts.

StefanDamm commented 13 years ago

Noticed the same problem as the previous poster. Don't know when it started but it must happened this weekend. This morning (GMT+1) login stopped working in the simulator and on the device (development and production(!!!!) builds).

We are loosing customers every hour when instead the facebook connect login should instead help us get more customers. Please fix this.

lshepard commented 13 years ago

StefanDamm, tommytsai - can you give the username of a sample account that this is happening for?

lshepard commented 13 years ago

Also, are you using the up-to-date SDK, or an older version?

StefanDamm commented 13 years ago

Ishepard please check your messages I have sent you the usernames we tried. Also we tried this from Austria using wifi.

lshepard commented 13 years ago

Thanks StefanDamm. We are still actively investigating this.

tommytsai commented 13 years ago

Looks like this is not an account-dependent issue, but rather, the "Go" button on the iPhone keyboard doesn't work, while the Login button on the FB Connect overlay itself does.

lshepard commented 13 years ago

Yep - we have a fix and are pushing this afternoon.

StefanDamm commented 13 years ago

Thank you very much Ishepard, the fix worked for us.

zeusbaba commented 13 years ago

does this fix also applies to android-sdk? I'm still having similar problems using facebook-android-sdk

lshepard commented 13 years ago

wareninja: yes. can you file an issue in the android sdk?

zeusbaba commented 13 years ago

already done -> https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk/issues/issue/125 meanwhile, I found a workaround attached to the ticket.

thanks for your help fellows :)