facebook / facebook-php-business-sdk

PHP SDK for Meta Marketing API
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Call to undefined method FacebookAds\Object\Page::getLeadGenForms() #455

Closed Naoow closed 5 years ago

Naoow commented 6 years ago

Tried to test the code from this page to get the lead forms https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/guides/lead-ads/retrieving

`use FacebookAds\Object\Page;

$page = new Page(); $leadgen_forms = $page->getLeadgenForms();`

Got error: Call to undefined method FacebookAds\Object\Page::getLeadGenForms()

I guess the function getLeadGenForms() is not working anymore?


giorrrgio commented 6 years ago

The getLeadgenForms method is missing, and I think it should be there. It was removed in https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-business-sdk/commit/9cd1670f90986b11e20f2f014b62cc4e164b7131

ekawalec commented 5 years ago

Any changes?? Method getLeadgenForms() is still missing :((

gean94 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have this error when delete a form: { "error": { "message": "(#3) Subject must be on whitelist", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 3, "fbtrace_id": "Cz1RSz6cy8T" } } Why? and, How do I solve it?

khaledelmahdi commented 5 years ago

Any update about this?

jingping2015 commented 5 years ago

This undefined method problem should be fix in our next release.

vicdus commented 5 years ago

Already in most recent release https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-business-sdk/blob/master/src/FacebookAds/Object/Page.php#L3237