facebook / facebook-php-business-sdk

PHP SDK for Meta Marketing API
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AdsInsightsFields out of sync with API #481

Closed edbizarro closed 5 years ago

edbizarro commented 5 years ago

The fields in AdsInsightsFields do not reflect the latest API version

1) FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException: (#100) app_store_clicks, deeplink_clicks, newsfeed_avg_position, newsfeed_clicks, newsfeed_impressions, unique_impressions, video_complete_watched_acti
ons, website_clicks are not valid for fields param. please check https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/ads-insights/ for all valid values
jingping2015 commented 5 years ago

Can you provide what the code you get this error.

jingping2015 commented 5 years ago

Since we want to handle bugs more efficiently, we've decided to close issue reporting in Github and move to our dedicated bug reporting channel. If you encounter a bug with Business SDK (PHP), please report the issue at our developer bug reporting channel.