facebook / facebook-php-business-sdk

PHP SDK for Meta Marketing API
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Incorrect PHPDoc types #605

Open stefanfisk opened 1 week ago

stefanfisk commented 1 week ago

This causes PHPStan to generate errors like "Parameter #1 $user_data of method FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event::setUserData() expects FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\UserData, FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\UserData given.PHPStan".

According to https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-business-sdk/issues/new I should raise this issue at https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/. According to https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/ I should raise the issue in the Developer Community Forum. The form to post a new question just errors out with the message error performing query.

This does very much feel like screaming into the void...

stefanfisk commented 1 week ago

Just realized that someone opened #551 for this over two years ago...

stefanfisk commented 1 week ago

And that #545 was opened three years ago...