facebook / facebook-sdk-for-unity

The facebook sdk for unity.
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Facebook SDK in Unity Package Manager #430

Open MartinGonzalez opened 4 years ago

MartinGonzalez commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to deliver facebook sdk through UPM. We all know the benefits of that. Is there any plan to do that?

vicobill commented 4 years ago

I agree! Now the .unitypackage is not so good for Unity2019.

MartinGonzalez commented 4 years ago

Please, give visibility to this issue

wagenheimer commented 4 years ago

It should first be made compatible with Unity 2019.4 that on Current Version still is not (Cannot finish an iOS build with it). And then added to Package Manager would be a must have!

MartinGonzalez commented 4 years ago

@wagenheimer Agree!, we are also facing that too, but if it was a package already, the only thing you should do when they fix is to only update the version instead of reimporting again the unitypackage that may lead to bugs/configuration errors

MartinGonzalez commented 4 years ago

@wagenheimer Is there an issue with that info you shared?

wagenheimer commented 4 years ago

@MartinGonzalez Yes, here is it. https://github.com/facebook/facebook-sdk-for-unity/issues/450

ycarofm commented 3 years ago

Package manager, yes! It would be an amazing addition

tozpeak commented 3 years ago

It would be great to have facebook plugin in UPM.

albertogr91 commented 3 years ago

I think it is essential to start deprecating .unitypackages in favor of UPM packages

ErnSur commented 3 years ago

I would love to have UPM support.

Vitordex commented 3 years ago

it would be great to have this in UPM, to reduce repo size and segregate dependencies from actual code.

pistoleta commented 3 years ago


KolesnikovProduction commented 3 years ago


DavidZobrist commented 3 years ago


realluhui commented 3 years ago


MartinGonzalez commented 3 years ago

It would be great to have some visibility from the team, if this is in the roadmap or something...

HanzaRu commented 3 years ago

Surely would be good, there are alternatives but still would be better to have a official repo https://github.com/oae/unity-package-facebook-sdk

newatlanta19006 commented 3 years ago

Adding support for this would be greatly appreciated. All the other major plugins have migrated to Unity Package Manager. Please consider prioritizing this!

sreenaths commented 3 years ago


lazycoder71 commented 3 years ago


VasylRomanets-MoonActive commented 3 years ago


Thaina commented 3 years ago

When this issue will be fixed

Razenpok commented 3 years ago


danielebanovaz commented 3 years ago


HitCache commented 3 years ago

Not to hijack the issue thread but for @VasylRomanets-MoonActive and others who may not know yet, Google is going backwards now for some reason. See thread: https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/1028 and https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/1030

This is obviously not the way forward and I agree Facebook and others should work on switching to UPM asap instead of the .unitypackage insanity.

Edit: Turns out Unity is the one at fault here, not sure if it will impact FB bringing the sdk to UPM but Unity has made things annoying to say the least, see thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/updates-to-our-terms-of-service-and-new-package-guidelines.999940/

pshtif commented 3 years ago

@HitCache yep indeed I've got calls with both Google and Unity now and there is nothing Google can do to avoid infringing upon the new Unity guidelines. However I hope Unity will revert back, I've let them know this is not the way to go and I am sure not the only one that voiced his opinion on this issue. And indeed these new guidelines would basically block Facebook SDK as well.

PS: For now we are basically taking Google tarballs and publishing them to our own UPM registry which we then link in Unity package manager as this doesn't break the new guidelines. 🤦

Eugen1344 commented 3 years ago

At least publish it as tarball. Would be much simpler to intergrate it in our projects

HitCache commented 3 years ago

Or release a git repo please like proposed as a workaround for Google here: https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/1052

Eugen1344 commented 3 years ago

Okay, so for anyone interested: i have created the tarball myself. And it is working perfectly. Just extract facebook SDK unitypackage in unity, Then collect all created folders and drop them (with all meta files) somewhere in on your drive outside of unity project (let's say you drop them in FacebookSDK folder). Then put package.json file in your FacebookSDK folder with text:

{ "name": "com.facebook", "version": "9.2.0", "displayName": "Facebook SDK", "keywords": [ "Facebook", "SDK" ], "author": { "name": "Facebook", "url": "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/downloads/" }, "description": "Facebook SDK (custom created package by Eugen)", "unity": "2017.1", "dependencies": { "com.google.external-dependency-manager": "1.2.165" } }

This is the package definition file. Then, to pack it in tarball, open any unity project, any script, and call UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.Pack("C:/FacebookSDK", "C:/FacebookSDK"); This will create your tarball package that you can later import in your project by inserting the following line in manifest.json:

"com.facebook": "file:../Assets/Packages/com.facebook.tgz",

(Notice this path is relative)

TimGameDev commented 2 years ago

Soooo, is there a chance to have UPM version for latest version?

wagenheimer commented 2 years ago

Is this asset dead? Tons of Bugs, the last release is almost 1 year old! =(

CodeMasterYi commented 1 year ago

Soooo, is there a chance to have UPM version for latest version? Unity Scoped Registry via npmjs or openupm or Meta ones?

CodeMasterYi commented 1 year ago

Two years gone!

josealvarez97 commented 1 year ago

Adding Facebook SDK via .unitypackage and Firebase packages via tarballs is a real headache, a lot of conflicts between dependencies.

imurashka commented 1 year ago

Hello! Any news about this request?

CodeMasterYi commented 1 year ago

Hello! Any news about this request?

@imurashka Almost 3 years.

MartinGonzalez commented 1 year ago

Clearly they don't think in Unity developers, perhaps we will have to find another way of doing this

CodeMasterYi commented 1 year ago

Clearly they don't think in Unity developers, perhaps we will have to find another way of doing this

@MartinGonzalez Maybe, Elon should take charge of Meta!

MartinGonzalez commented 1 year ago

Clearly they don't think in Unity developers, perhaps we will have to find another way of doing this

@MartinGonzalez Maybe, Elon should take charge of Meta!

And replace the picture with SHIBA xD

ErnSur commented 4 months ago

Meta is utilizing UPM for their XR packages. Relevant Blog Post Can we expect a similar move for FB SDK in the near future?

NvHulst commented 2 months ago

From a company perspective, can we get Facebook trough UPM? Would save a lot of time when updating several games integrating the SDK. Thanks in advance!