facebook / flipper

A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers.
MIT License
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How to Install .tgz file in windows? #5581

Open devtestexam opened 2 months ago

devtestexam commented 2 months ago

I just want to know the steps ,

How to install the tgz flipper file in windows?

kurtisdevv commented 1 month ago

Same issue here, the links on the buttons don't look right to me! Can't find anywhere to download the win version....


Found link on 'way back when machine' seems like they unsupported.... https://github.com/facebook/flipper/releases?page=2

Edit 2:

It's awful, ended up using the experimental debugger features on 0.73 >

npx react-native start --experimental-debugger

Not sure what I'll do with legacy projects but that's a future me problem.

adarshbuopso commented 1 month ago

How are you checking the network logs in experimental debugger ?

kurtisdevv commented 1 month ago

That is a issue but not for the project I'm on at the moment, I test my endpoints using PostMan so at the moment I don't need to query the network logs

FrozenSamurai commented 1 month ago

refer issue #5619