facebook / grocery-delivery

The Grocery Delivery utility for managing cookbook uploads to distributed Chef backends.
Apache License 2.0
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Install Instructions for Chef Automate #65

Closed nottooshort closed 1 year ago

nottooshort commented 1 year ago

The days of chef server are gone.

Chef Automate bundles Infra and /opt/opscode/ is no longer part of the installation.

Version: 2
  CLI Build: 20221006204445
  Server Build: 4.3.0

I tried looking through the new DIR's and found that chef automate \ infra is now installed under /hab/*

For the life of me, i cannot find a relative directory or /embedded/ to install GD. Hoping there's something I don't know and that GD is supported on the latest version.

The closes thing i found was...

root@chef:/hab/pkgs/core/ruby27/2.7.5/20220312100031/bin# ls
bundle  bundler  erb  gem  irb  racc  racc2y  rake  rdoc  ri  ruby  update_rubygems  y2racc
nottooshort commented 1 year ago

Guess this can be ignored unless GD does something the following SHELL script + crontab can't do.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Variables

# Git Pull
function git_pull() {
  (cd $GIT_DIR && git pull)

# Knife Upload
function knife_upload() {
  (cd $GIT_DIR && knife upload . --chef-repo-path ./)

jaymzh commented 1 year ago

Chef server is not gone...

Yes, automate uses Habitat packages under the hood, but chef-infra-server is still optionally distributed as an omnibus package.