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I hope Static Hermes supported Windows, Linux, and MacOS. #1339

Closed Foxchandaisuki closed 2 months ago

Foxchandaisuki commented 2 months ago

I think Static Hermes is very awesome, and could be a killer function for Flutter.

But for now, it only supports iOS and Android. It would be better for static Hermes to support Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

tmikov commented 2 months ago

Hi, that is inaccurate. Similarly to Hermes, Static Hermes is mostly OS-agnostic and targets all major platforms.

Foxchandaisuki commented 2 months ago

Thx for answer. Could you please answer this question, too?


2024년 3월 11일 (월) 오전 11:49, Tzvetan Mikov @.***>님이 작성:

Hi, that is inaccurate. Similarly to Hermes, Static Hermes is mostly OS-agnostic and targets all major platforms.

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