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A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
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Crash in yaml_parse_file #4891

Closed wakeless closed 4 years ago

wakeless commented 9 years ago

This file makes extensive use of & and <<: * functions of merging files and I've removed all of them from the file and it doesn't crash. I haven't actually been able to figure out exactly what it is that does make it crash though.

Host: vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64
ProcessID: 5907
ThreadID: 7f43683ff700
ThreadPID: 5910
Name: /usr/bin/hhvm
Type: Aborted
Runtime: hhvm
Version: heads/master-0-gdea705820b6d8972147993f1dafe53d67093e19f
DebuggerCount: 0

Assertion Failure: /tmp/tmp.BLsI13WY1G/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/php-src/Zend/zend_hash.cpp:298: void _zend_hash_merge(HashTable*, HashTable*, copy_ctor_func_t, void*, uint, int): assertion `source->isProxyArray()' failed.
URL: /admin/event/1278/users
Server: asn.localhost
Server_SERVER_NAME: test.asnevents.localhost
ThreadType: Web Request

#0  ?? at hhvm:0
#1  gsignal at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:0
#2  abort at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:0
#3  HPHP::assert_fail(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) at hhvm:0
#4  _zend_hash_merge at hhvm:0
#5  ?? at hhvm:0
#6  ?? at hhvm:0
#7  ?? at hhvm:0
#8  ?? at hhvm:0
#9  ?? at hhvm:0
#10 ?? at hhvm:0
#11 ?? at hhvm:0
#12 php_yaml_read_partial at hhvm:0
#13 zif_yaml_parse_file(int, HPHP::RefData*, HPHP::RefData**, HPHP::RefData*, int, void***) at hhvm:0
#14 HPHP::zend_wrap_func(HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#15 HPHP::jit::x64::BackEnd::enterTCHelper(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#16 HPHP::jit::MCGenerator::enterTC(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#17 ?? at hhvm:0
#18 HPHP::ExecutionContext::invokeFunc(HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::Func const*, HPHP::Variant const&, HPHP::ObjectData*, HPHP::Class*, HPHP::VarEnv*, HPHP::StringData*, HPHP::ExecutionContext::InvokeFlags) at hhvm:0
#19 HPHP::vm_call_user_func(HPHP::Variant const&, HPHP::Variant const&, bool) at hhvm:0
#20 HPHP::f_call_user_func_array(HPHP::Variant const&, HPHP::Array const&) at hhvm:0
#21 void HPHP::Native::callFunc<false, false>(HPHP::Func const*, void*, HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::TypedValue&) at hhvm:0
#22 HPHP::TypedValue* HPHP::Native::functionWrapper<false, false>(HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#23 HPHP::jit::x64::BackEnd::enterTCHelper(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#24 HPHP::jit::MCGenerator::enterTC(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at hhvm:0
#25 ?? at hhvm:0
#26 HPHP::ExecutionContext::invokeFunc(HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::Func const*, HPHP::Variant const&, HPHP::ObjectData*, HPHP::Class*, HPHP::VarEnv*, HPHP::StringData*, HPHP::ExecutionContext::InvokeFlags) at hhvm:0
#27 HPHP::ExecutionContext::invokeUnit(HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::Unit const*) at hhvm:0
#28 ?? at hhvm:0
#29 HPHP::include_impl_invoke(HPHP::String const&, bool, char const*) at hhvm:0
#30 HPHP::hphp_invoke(HPHP::ExecutionContext*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool, HPHP::Array const&, HPHP::VRefParamValue const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, bool, bool, bool) at hhvm:0
#31 HPHP::HttpRequestHandler::executePHPRequest(HPHP::Transport*, HPHP::RequestURI&, HPHP::SourceRootInfo&, bool) at hhvm:0
#32 HPHP::HttpRequestHandler::handleRequest(HPHP::Transport*) at hhvm:0
#33 HPHP::ServerWorker<std::shared_ptr<HPHP::FastCGIJob>, HPHP::FastCGITransportTraits>::doJobImpl(std::shared_ptr<HPHP::FastCGIJob>, bool) at hhvm:0
#34 HPHP::ServerWorker<std::shared_ptr<HPHP::FastCGIJob>, HPHP::FastCGITransportTraits>::doJob(std::shared_ptr<HPHP::FastCGIJob>) at hhvm:0
#35 HPHP::JobQueueWorker<std::shared_ptr<HPHP::FastCGIJob>, HPHP::Server*, true, false, HPHP::JobQueueDropVMStack>::start() at hhvm:0
#36 HPHP::AsyncFuncImpl::ThreadFunc(void*) at hhvm:0
#37 HPHP::start_routine_wrapper(void*) at hhvm:0
#38 start_thread at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0:0
#39 clone at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:0

PHP Stacktrace:

#0  yaml_parse_file(config/locales/en.yml) called at [/vagrant/currinda/lib/I18n/lib/backend/base.php:234]
paulbiss commented 9 years ago

It would be a lot easier to debug this if you have a yaml file you can share that consistently repros this problem.

wakeless commented 9 years ago
  payment_pending: &payment_pending
    payment_title: Payment
    payment_add: Make Payment
    payment_total: "Total:"
    payment_owed: "You are owed:"
    payment_outstanding: "Outstanding:"
    credit_card_pending: Your credit card payment is pending and will be processed within 3 business days.
    payment_pending: Your payment is pending and will be processed when received.

    from: From
    to: To
    title: "Financial Report &mdash; %{entity_name}"
    report_title: "Reconciliation Report &mdash; %{entity_name}"
    financial_report_title: "Financial Report &mdash; %{entity_name} &mdash; %{from} - %{to}"
    gst_explanation: "This report is generated with the <strong>%{accounting_type}</strong> accounting method "
    report_generated_at: "at <strong>%{to}</strong>" 
    report_generated_until: "until <strong>%{to}</strong>" 
    report_generated_between: "between <strong>%{from}</strong> and <strong>%{to}</strong>" 
    between_title: "Financial Report &mdash; %{entity_name} &mdash; %{from} - %{to}"
    reconciliation_banner_title: Reconcilation Report
    reconciliation_title: "Reconciliation Report &mdash; %{event_name}"
    total_amount: Total amount to reconcile
    financial_total_amount: Total transactions
    total_outstanding: Total amount outstanding
    num_financial_members: Number of financial members

      profile: "Register your profile"
      managed_user: "Register a Profile under your Management"
      nametag: Confirm your nametag
      memberships: 'Select organisation memberships'
      items: 'Select your registration type'
      addons: 'Select add-ons'
      extras: 'Supplementary details'
      confirmation: 'Registration confirmation'
      accommodation: 'Choose your accommodation'
      payment: 'Payment details'
      summary: "Managed Registration - %{name}"
        payment: "Group registration payment"
          all_delegates: "All Delegates"
          unchecked: "Unchecked Delegates"
          unregistered: "Unregistered Delegates with Abstracts"
          cancelled: "Cancelled Delegates"
          notes: "Delegates with Notes"
          incomplete: "Incomplete registrations"
          not_printed: "Unprinted registrations"
          group: "Group registrations"
          letter: "Delegates starting with the letter '%{letter}'"
          manager: "Group Managers"

    invoice: "Invoice (.pdf)"
    full_invoice: "Full Invoice (.pdf)"
    html_invoice: "Invoice (.html)"
    html_full_invoice: "Full Invoice (.html)"
    certificate: "Certificate of Attendance (.pdf)"
    badge: "Name Badge (.pdf)"
    registration_summary: "Registration Summary (.pdf)"
    visa_letter: "Visa Letter (.pdf)"
    group_invoice: "Group Invoice (.pdf)"
    html_group_invoice: "Group Invoice (.html)"

    dashboard: "Dashboard"
    profile: "Profile"
    events: "Events"
    organisations: "Organisations"
    committees: "Committees"
    sponsorships: "Sponsorships"
    immigration: "Immigration"
    review: "Review"
    convenor: "Convenor"
    manage: "Groups"
    setup: "Setup"
    misc_settings: "Misc settings"
    financial_reports: "Financial Reports"
    locations: "Locations"
    accommodation: "Accommodation"
    communication: "Communication"
    users: "Users"
    admins_roles: "Admins & Roles"
    reports: "Reports"
    program: "Program"
    delegates: "Delegates"
    finance: "Finance"
    onsite: "Onsite"
    committee: "Committee"
    sponsors_trade: "Sponsors & Trade"
    app: "App"
    communications: "Communications"
    members: "Members"
    sponsors: "Sponsors"
    search_abstracts: "Abstracts/Search"
    sessions: "Sessions"
    outputs: "Outputs"
    create_new_event: "Create New Event"
    review: "Review Abstracts"
    convenor: "Manage Abstracts"
    cpd: "CPD"
      society: "Return to Society"
      societies: "Return to Society List"
      event: "Return to Event"
      events: "Return to Event List"

  # mixins
  errors: &errors
    deletion_exception: "Can't delete %{deleted_object} if %{relationship} has any members."
    deletion_exception_attached: "Can't delete this %{parent}. A/An %{deleted_object} attached to it cannot be removed. An %{relationship} attached to the %{deleted_object} has members."

  table_names: &table_names
    abstrakt: abstract
    abstraktauthor: author
    abstraktauthoraffiliation: author affiliation
    abstraktcategory: category
    abstraktcitation: citation
    abstrakteventtype: abstract event type
    abstraktextra: abstract extra
    abstraktextraanswer: abstract extra answer
    abstraktextralink: abstract extra link
    abstraktextraoption: abstract extra option
    abstractimage: abstract image
    abstraktpreference: preference
    abstraktreview: review
    abstraktsociety: society
    abstrakttype: abstract type
    userabstraktextrainfo: user abstract extra info
    eventorganisation: event organisation
    eventextra: extra
    eventextraanswer: extra answer

  field_edit: &field_edit
    field_edit_help: Select different fields
    field_edit_include: Fields to include in table

  accommodation_table: &accommodation_table
    zero_charge_prepaid: "Will prepay accommodation?"

  table: &table
    <<: *accommodation_table
    no_items_msg: No items in this list.
    favourite_msg: This item has been marked as a favourite.
    footer_no_item_found: There are no items in this list.
    footer_one_item_found: There is 1 item in this list.
    footer_many_items_found: There are %{count} items in this list.
    footer_query_not_executed: "The query has not been processed. You can make an 'empty' search to find all results."
    footer_click_to_add: Click to add new %{item_name}.
    no_users_found: No users or delegates found with those search criteria. <a href='%{link}'>Add a new user</a>.
    id: ID
    drag_icon: ""

    num_reviews: "Number of Reviews"

    abstrakt_number: "Abstract #"

        category_name: "Stream/Track"
        type_name: "Type"
        location_name: "Location"
        remaining_slots_string: "Assigned"

    <<: *errors

  dashboard_extras: &dashboard_extras
    extras_your_answers: "Your Answers:"
    extras_change_answers: Change your answers
    extras_answer_questions: Answer questions

    organisation_invoice_due_text: "**Payment now due**"
    invoice_due_text: "Fees payable prior to commencement of conference to ensure admission, unless by prior arrangement.
      **Accommodation Deposit**
      **payable 45 days prior to arrival date**"

      no_sharing: No sharing
      share_partner: Sharing partner
      sharing_with: Sharing with
      partner_registered: Sharing partner has registered.
      partner_not_registered: Sharing partner has not registered.

  base: &base
    <<: *errors
    <<: *table
    <<: *table_names
    search: Search
    gst: "GST"
    return_to_admin: "Return to Dashboard"
    return_to_dashboard: "Return to Dashboard"
    abstracts: Abstracts
    yes_answer: "Yes"
    no_answer: "No"
    yes: "Yes"
    no: "No"
    delegate: Delegate
    delegates: Delegates
    accommodation: Accommodation
    transactions: Transactions
    transaction: Transaction
    organisation: Organisation
    organisations: Organisations
    registration: Registration
    registrations: Registrations
    discount: Discount
    discounts: Discounts
    payment: Payment
    payments: Payments
    memberships: Memberships
    membership: Membership
    surcharges: Surcharges
    check_attr: "%{attr}?"
    has_attr: "Has %{attr}"
    export: Export
    query: Query
    invoice: Invoice
    invoice_num: "Invoice #"
    transaction_id: "Trans #"
    membership_num: "Membership #"
    name_title: Title
    first_name: First Name
    last_name: Last Name
    email: Email
    country: Country
    save: Save
    student: Student
    trade: Trade
    cancel: Cancel
    remove: Remove
    title: Title
    submit: "Submit"
    venue: Venue
    venues: Venues
    download: Download
    download_pdf: "<i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i>Download"
    download_html: "<i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i>Download"
    date: Date
    dates: Dates
    position: Position
    suburb: Suburb
    suburb_town: Suburb/Town
    second_field: "%{field}"
    second_address_field: "Second %{field}"
    address: Address
    phone_number: Contact Number
    state: State
    contact: Contact
    department: Department
    postcode: Postcode
    phone: Phone
    mobile: Mobile/Cell
    town_suburb: "Town/Suburb"
    fax: Fax
    save_continue: Save and Continue
    continue: Continue
    go: Go
    disabled: Disabled
    enabled: Enabled
    event: Event
    events: Events
    location: Location
    password: Password
    confirm: Confirm %{confirm_type}
    alt: Alternative %{attr}
    value: Value
    ellipsis: "%{entity}..."
    previous: Previous
    next: Next
    proceed: Proceed
    manage_profiles: Group Management
    notifications: Notifications
    reset: Reset
    upload: Upload
    addons: Add-ons
    addon: Add-on
    return_dashboard: Return to dashboard
    cpd_event: CPD Event
    cpd_category: CPD Category
    expiry_date: Expiry Date
    added_by: Added by

  admin_help_text: &admin_help_text
    date_help: "Select date from calendar or input with format dd/mm/yyyy"
    time_help: "Please specify time in 24 hour format"
    url_help: "Please ensure the url begins with http://"
    options_help: 'Separate answers with commas eg one,two,three'

  cc_fee_help: &cc_fee_help
    cc_fee_help: "These values should be percentage without the % mark, eg. 1.8 = 1.8%"

  general: &general
    <<: *base
    name: Name
    continue_payment: "Continue to payment &raquo;"
    events_title: Events
    organisations_title: Organisations
    abstract_title: Abstract Title
    download: Download %{download_item}
    nametag: Nametag

  admin_general: &admin_general
    <<: *base
    <<: *admin_help_text
    name: Name
    contact_name: Contact Name
    short_name: Short Name
    long_name: Long Name
    attendees: Delegate Types
    attendee_type: Delegate Types
    sponsors: Sponsors
    active: Active
    checked: Checked
    unchecked: Unchecked
    addon: Add-on
    addons: Add-ons
    reconciliation: Reconciliation
    extras: Extras
    outstanding: Outstanding
    summary: Summary
    complete: Complete
    attended: Attended
    count: Count
    owing: "Owing"
    search: Search 
    date_added: Date added
    date_modified: Date modified
    notes: Notes
    html_output: HTML Output
    export_to_excel: Export to Excel
    process_report: Process Report
    qty: Qty
    qty_taken: Qty Taken
    qty_available: Qty Available
    admin: Admin
    user: User
    submitted: Submitted
    add: Add
    action: Action
    actions: Actions
    member: Member
    invited: Invited or Complimentary (Only available through registration URL)
    trade: Trade (Only available through registration URL)
    private_rego_url_help: Distribute this URL to delegates to register with this URL
    types: Regos
    cancelled: Cancelled
    quantity: Quantity
    cost: Cost
    admin_only: Admin only
    disable: Disable
    delete: Delete
    sort: Sort
    website: Website
    start_time: Start time
    end_time: End time
    none: None
    create_new: Create new...
    sponsorship: Sponsorship
    comments: Comments
    item: Item
    element_id: "%{element} ID"
    type: Type
    category_name: Category Name
    category: Category
    description: Description
    amount: Amount
    room_name: Room name
    region: Region
    create: Create
    sub_account: Sub account
    gst: GST
    tax_free: "%{tax} free"
    tax_amount: "%{tax} amount (%)"
    abn: ABN
    membership_type: Membership type
    financial_status: Financial status
    expiry_date: Expiry date
    joining_date: Joining date
    user_organisation: User organisation
    not_specified: Not specified
    immigration: Immigration
    view_expires: "(status: %{status} expires %{date})"
    generate: Generate
    commission: Commission
    run_of_house: Run of House
    download_report: Download Report
    update: Update
    make_admin_only: "Make item admin only?"
    make_admin_readable: "Make admin only answer readable by users?"

    tax_free: "%{tax} free"
    tax_amount: "%{tax} amount (%)"

  add_edit_title: &add_edit_title
    add_new_title: Add new %{title}
    edit_current_title: Edit %{title}

  report_extra_answer: &report_extra_answer
    with_specific_answer: "With specific answer?"
    all: All  

  payment: &payment
    current: Current
    outstanding: Outstanding
    not_renewing: Not renewing
    amount: Amount
    transaction_type: Transaction type
    type: Type
    date: Date
    description: Description
    processed: Processed
    processed_date: Processed date
    processed_between: Processed between
    completed: Completed
    group_transaction: Group transaction
    account: Account
    discount_item: Discount item
    discount: Discount
    discounts: Discounts
    group_transactions: Group Transactions
    credit_card_num: "Credit card #"
    card_number: Card number
    card_name: Cardholder's name
    expiry: Expiry
    approve: Approve
    decline: Decline
    eft_date: EFT Date
    bank: Bank
    bsb: BSB
    drawer: Drawer
    invalid_transaction: Invalid Transaction
    invalid_transaction_msg: "One or more of the transactions attached to this %{item_type} is invalid. This is due to changes to the items selected. To repair the transaction click the link and select the necessary transactions."
      not_allowed_credit_card_type: "You cannot use this credit card type to make payments for this event. Please refer to the provided list of allowed credit card types."
      not_allowed_credit_card_type: "You cannot use this credit card type to make payments for this organisation. Please refer to the provided list of allowed credit card types."
      not_allowed_credit_card_type: "You cannot use this credit card type to make payments for sponsorships of this event. Please refer to the provided list of allowed credit card types."

    <<: *payment_pending
    abstracts: &all_abstracts
      head_society: "Society: %{society_name}"
      head_category: "Category: %{category_name}"
      head_preference: "Presentation preference:"
      head_extra: "Extra information:"
        summary: Summary
        search: Search
        incomplete: Incomplete
        unregistered: Unregistered
        removed: Removed
        conflicted: Conflicted
        unallocated: Unallocated
        reviewed: Reviewed
        reviewers: Reviewers
        reviews: Reviews
      title: Abstracts
      new: Submit New
      submission_closed: Abstract submissions are now closed.
      submission_open: "Abstract submissions are now <strong>open</strong>."
      edit: Edit
      view: "View/Edit"
      view_edit: "View/Edit"
      view_edit_upload: "View/Edit/Upload"
      finish_submission: Finish Submission
      removed: Your abstract entitled '%{abstract_title}' has been <strong>%{abstract_decision}</strong>
      accepted_decision: Your abstract entitled '%{abstract_title}' has been accepted as a <strong>%{abstract_decision}</strong>
      session: Your abstract entitled '%{abstract_title}' has been accepted into the <strong>%{abstract_decision}</strong> session <em>%{session_name}</em> at <strong>%{session_start_time}</strong>
      submitted: Your abstract entitled '%{abstract_title}' has been <strong>submitted</strong> at %{abstract_submission_time}
      incomplete: <p>You have an <strong>incomplete</strong> abstract from %{abstract_submission_time}.</p>
      not_submitted: <p>You <strong>have not yet submitted</strong> an abstract.</p>
      named_authors: "You have been named as an author for the following abstracts submitted by other users:"
      terms_title: Submit Abstract
      terms_committee_msg: Message from committee 
      terms_help: Please fill out the following form to submit your abstract.
      terms_and_conditions: Please acknowledge that your abstract will only be accepted into the final program if you have a valid registration.
      terms_publish: If accepted, do you consent for your abstract to be published by the conference committee?
      terms_society: Which committee should review your abstract?
      terms_society_forced: The committee that will be reviewing your abstract is <em>%{society_name}</em>
      types_closed_msg: All submission types of abstracts for this event have closed for your society.
      types_closed_contact: Please contact <a href=mailto:%{admin_email}>%{admin_name}</a> for this event if you have further enquires.
      types_closed_return_event: Return to event
      type_presentation_preference: "What sort of presentation would you like to present? (You can select any number of preferences)."
      type_category: 'Select a category that best suits your abstract'
      type_keywords: Please provide keywords/phrases to assist categorisation of your abstract. These should be <strong>separated by commas</strong>. 
      type_keywords_help: "Maximum 5 keywords/phrases."
      extras_title: Abstract Extra Information
      extras_help: Please answer the following questions to continue your abstract submission
      title_title: Add a title to the abstract
      title_label: Title 
      title_save: "Save Title »"
      authors_title: Add abstract authors and organisations
      authors_help: Build up the author list of the abstract below. Drag the <img width='16' height='16' src='%{drag_image_path}' /> icon to reorder authors. Drag each author's organisations to reorder them.
      authors_orgs_help: <em>Organisations that are in the dropdown box and not selected will not be displayed. In the case of a mistake, recreate a new entry with the correct details and deselect the old.</em>
      authors_email: Email
      authors_firstname: First Name
      authors_initial: Initial
      authors_lastname: Last Name
      authors_presenting: Presenting?
      authors_organisations: Organisations
      authors_save: "Save Authors and proceed &raquo"
      authors_add: Add Another Author
      authors_add_title: Add an author organisation
      authors_edit_title: Edit an existing author organisation
      authors_edit_orgs: Edit Organisations
      authors_org_title: Organisation management
      authors_org_return: Return to Authors
      authors_org_name: Organisation Name
      authors_org_add: "Add Organisation"
      authors_org_save: "Save Organisation"

      authors_email_info: "<p>You have the option to add author's emails.</p><p>We will attempt to match the email submitted with a user in the Currinda database.</p><p>The presenting author must have an email submitted.</p>"
      authors_locked_info: "<p>This authors data has been synced with a user in the Currinda database using the Email provided.</p><p>If this data is not correct, please remove this author and add a new one.</p>"
      content_title: Add content to the abstract

      content_editor_help: "Please note: The word limit for this abstract is %{word_limit} words. <br /> Word count includes numbers and disclosures."
      content_reference_add: Add new reference
      content_reference_help: Add the name and details of the reference here 
      content_reference_insert: Insert this Reference
      content_reference_add_btn: "Add Reference"
      content_reference_add_new: "Add New Reference &raquo;"
      content_save: "Save Content, References and proceed &raquo"
      content_save_no_references: "Save Content and proceed &raquo"

        submission_error: "The following errors in this abstract submission were found:"
        info: This is a preview of your abstract's appearance in the handbook.
        note: Please ensure that the information below is correct and is displayed correctly.
        non_submitting_info: "<p>This is a preview of this abstract's appearance in the handbook.</p>"
        non_submitting_note: "<p>Please ensure that the information below is correct and is displayed correctly.</p><p>If any information is not correct or you don't think you should be an author for this abstract, please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a>.</p>"
        close: Close View
        finalise: Finalise submission and return to Dashboard

      complete_abstract_heading: "%{event_name} - Abstract #%{abstract_id}"
      paper_upload_label: "Upload Paper:"
      paper_upload_help: "The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 2Mb."
      paper_external_label: "Add external link to full paper:"
      paper_external_help: Please ensure this starts with https:// or http://
      return_dashboard: Return to Dashboard
      description: "Your bio and photo will be used in the conference program and attached to any abstracts which you have accepted. Please ensure it is up to date."
      edit: Edit Bio &amp; Photo
    short_name: Short name
    long_name: Long name
    keywords: Keywords
    active: Active
    hidden: Hidden
    abn: ABN
    primary_venue: Primary venue
    secretariat: Secretariat
    secretariat_help: "This admin <em>signs</em> the Visa letters and is used as the official <em>secretariat</em> throughout this event."
    primary_admin: Primary admin
    secondary_admin: Secondary admin
    currency: Currency
    disable_payment_skip: Disable the skipping of payments
    title: Accommodation

    no_addons_selected: No add-ons selected.
    selected_addons: "You have selected the following add-ons:"
    selected_extras: "You have answered the following extra questions:"
    accomm_room_type: You have selected a <strong>%{room_type}</strong>
    accomm_cost: "%{currency_type}%{cost}"
    accomm_stay: "staying between <strong>%{first_night}</strong> and <strong>%{last_night}</strong>"
    accomm_prepay: "paying for <strong>%{num_prepaid} %{night_plural}</strong> in advance."
    accomm_details_title: "Details:"
    accomm_advance_payment: "Advance Payment:"
    accomm_total_payment: "Total Payment:"
    accomm_none_needed: You have selected <strong>no accommodation</strong>.
    accomm_none_selected: You <strong>have not yet selected</strong> any accommodation.
      sharing_partner_indicate: "%{partner_name} has indicated you will be sharing accommodation with them."
      sharing_admin_contact: "If this is not correct please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a>."
      <<: *payment_pending
      register_delegate_info: "To register one of your managed users for this event, select them from the drop down list below. To register a user that you do not manage, enter their email below."
      current_delegates_info: "The following users have registrations for this event that you manage."
      invoice_info: "To download a group invoice for this event, click the button below."
      payment_info: "To make payments for the registrations of the delegates that you manage, click the button below."
      manager_registration_info: "You are currently <b>managing one or more delegates</b> for this event."
      no_registration_info: "You currently <b>do not have a registration</b> for this event. If you wish to attend you can complete a registration here."
      your_registration_info: "You currently have a registration for this event."
      finalise_group: "Finalise your group"
      finalise_group_info: "<p>If you have registered all the delegates you are wanting to manager and added the registration items (if any) you desire for yourself, please finalise your group to allow payment.</p><p class='alert alert-info'>After finalising you will be able to add more delegates if you wish however you will not be able to edit your own registration.</p>"
      allocate_funds: "Use the input boxes below, you can allocate different amounts of funds to each delegate under your management."

      <<: *base
      event_banner_title: "%{event_name} Members"
      event_date_added: Registered

      title: Payment
      add: Make Payment
      total: "Total:"
      owed: "You are owed:"
      outstanding: "Outstanding:"
      title: Invoice/Receipt
      download: Download Invoice
      group: Group Invoice
      no_charge: An invoice is not applicable as there is currently no charge.
      emailed: Your invoice has been emailed to you with your confirmation email.
      title: "Documents"
      passport_details: Fill in passport details to create a passport letter.
      visa_letter: Download a visa letter to help with your visa application. 
      certificate_attendence: Certificate of Attendance 
      title: Sponsorship
      current_sponsor: <a class='btn btn-primary section-button' href='%{sponsorship_link}'>Manage your sponsorship</a><p>You are sponsoring this event.</p>
      purchase_sponsorship: If are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact <a href='mailto:%{primary_admin_email}'>%{primary_admin_name}</a> to enquire.

    review_abstracts: You can review abstracts that have been submitted for this event.
    convenor_manage_reviews: You can manage reviews of abstracts that have been submitted for this event. <a class='btn btn-primary' href='%{convenor_link}'>Manage Reviews</a>

      download_latest_submitter_draft: Accept Review & Download Latest Submitter Draft
      index_banner_title: Review Abstracts
      index_title: Select an event to review abstracts
      index_name: 'Name'
      index_num_abstracts: Abstracts 
      index_poster_end: 'Close Date'
      event_title: Abstracts for %{event_name}
      event_reviews_title: Reviews
      event_num_reviewed: "Number Reviewed:"
      event_num_abstained: "Number Abstained:"
      event_num_unreviewed: "Number Unreviewed:"
      event_table_comments: Your Comments
      event_your_reviews: Your reviews
      event_your_reviews_marked: Reviews you have marked for revisit
      favourite: Mark this abstract so you can quickly find and edit your score/comments later
      submit: "Submit %{stage_name}"
      conflict: Abstain / Conflict of Interest
      skip: Skip until next login
      report_errors: Report Errors
      reviewed_table_number: Abstract Number
      reviewed_table_title: Title
      reviewed_table_score: Score
      reviewed_table_comments: Comments
      reviewed_title: Reviewed Abstracts
      reviewed_info: The following is a list of the abstracts that you have reviewed.
      reviewed_none: You have not reviewed any abstracts for this event.
      reviewed_back: Back
      edit_review_title: "Edit review: %{abstract_title}"
      search_title: "Search for: '%{search}'"

    this_certifies: This is to certify that
    attended: "Attended: %{event_name}"
    presented: "Presented the %{decision}: %{title}"
    certificate_of_attendance: Certificate of Attendance

    message_body: "<p>Dear %{delegate_name},</p><p>Thank you for registering as a delegate for %{name}. This event will be held from %{dates} at %{full_location}</p><p>Your registration and payment has been received and successfully processed.</p><p>We look forward to seeing you in %{short_location}.</p>"
    abstracts: "We have received the following abstract submissions"
    use: "Please use this letter to assist you in obtaining your Visa for travel."
    regards: "Kind regards,"
    secretariat: "Conference Secretariat"
    email: "Email: %{email}"
    phone: "Phone: %{phone}"
    fax: "Fax: %{fax}"
    dept_immigration: "For Department of Immigration use"
    name_on_passport: Name on Passport
    nationality_on_passport: Nationality on Passport
    passport_number: Passport Number
    dob_on_passport: Date of Birth on Passport
    country_on_passport: Country on Passport

  extra: &extra
    <<: *add_edit_title
    question: Question
    answer: Answer
    answer_type: Answer Type
    answer_list: Answer List
    answers: Answers
    answers_help: 'Separate answers with commas eg. "Morning only,Afternoon only,All day" to apply limits place a : and the limit after the answer.'
    answer_length: Answer length
    answer_length_help: 'If you have selected the Answer Type "Score" this field specifies the maximum score that can be assigned. If any other Answer Type is selected, assigning a length of 0 indicates no fixed length'
    mandatory: Mandatory
    length: Length

  accommodation: &accommodation
    hotel: Hotel
    arrival: Arrival
    departure: Departure
    prepaid: Prepaid
    sharing: Sharing
    share_partner: "Share partner"
    price_per_night: "Price/Night"
    first_night: First night
    departure_day: Departure day
    payment: Payment
    blocked: Blocked
    bookings: Bookings
    booked: Booked
    booked_out: Booked out 
    room: Room
    distance_venue: Distance to venue
    cost_night: Cost per night
    externally_managed: Externally managed
  abstrakt: &abstrakt 
    review: Review
    reviews: Reviews
    society: Society
    category: Category
    decision: Decision
    preference: Preference
    session: Session 
    abstract_title: Abstract Title
    abstract_id: Abstract ID
    allow_abstracts: Allow Abstracts
    avg_review: "Avg. Review"
    avg_review_score: "Avg. review score"
    review_count: Number of Reviews
    num_reviews: Number of Reviews
    complete: Complete 
    content: Content
    presenting_author: Presenting Author
    disclosure: Disclosure
    has_reviews: Has reviews
    removed: Removed
    unregistered: Unregistered
    conflicted: Conflicted
    add_abstract: Add abstract
    export_email_title: Your report is being emailed to you
    export_email_body: Your abstract report has been emailed to you. It should arrive in the next 10 minutes.

  session: &session
    schedule: Schedule
    authors: Authors

  attendee_table: &attendee_table
    registration_checked: Registration checked
    accommodation_checked: Accommodation checked
    accommodation_not_checked: Accommodation not checked
    notes_attached: Notes attached
    alternate_invoice_help: This allows you to address the invoice to an alternate organisation or person.
    attended: Attended
    no_users_msg: No users or delegates found with those search criteria. <a href='%{link}'>Add a new user</a>.
    no_registration_item: No registration item selected

  sponsorship_categories: &sponsorship_categories
    event_sponsorship: Event Sponsorship
    exhibitor: Exhibitor
    advertising: Advertising

  communication: &communication
    to: To
    from: From
    subject: Subject
    content: Content
    sent: Sent
    sent_from: Sent from 
    comms_return: Return to Communications 

    owed: Owed
    outstanding: Outstanding

  tabs: &tabs
    tabs_overview: Overview
    tabs_abstracts: Abstracts
    tabs_reviewers: Reviewers
    tabs_reviews: Reviews
    tabs_sessions: Sessions
    tabs_search: "Search"
    report: "Report"
    blocking_report: "Blocking Report"
    credit: Process Credit Cards
    processed_credit: Processed Credit Cards
    debit: Process Direct Debit
    cheques: Deposit Cheques
    cash: Process Cash
    refunds: Process Refunds
    transfers: Process Transfers
    eftpos: Process EFTPOS
    tabs_program_output: Program Output
    tabs_session_style: Session Style
    tabs_sessions: Sessions
    tabs_details: My details
    tabs_nametag: My nametag
    tabs_password: My password
    tabs_manager: Manager
    tabs_current: My Sponsorships
    tabs_find: Sponsor an event
    tabs_profiles: Profiles
    tabs_events: Events
    tabs_general: General
    tabs_general_details: General details
    tabs_meta: Other
    meta: Other
    tabs_image: Image
    tabs_orgs: Orgs
    tabs_attendees: Attendees
    tabs_items: Regos
    tabs_itemcosts: Rego price
    tabs_addoncosts: Add-on costs
    tabs_abstracts: Abstracts
    tabs_general: General
    tabs_societies: Societies
    tabs_types: Presenter Preference
    tabs_categories: Categories
    tabs_extras: Extras
    tabs_reviewers: Reviewers
    tabs_venue: Venue
    tabs_groups: Groups
    tabs_invited: Invited
    tabs_check_in: Check-in
    tabs_partners: Partners
    tabs_overview: Overview
    sponsors: Sponsors & Trade
    tabs_sponsorship_ledgers: Sponsorship Ledgers
    tabs_sponsorships: Sponsorships
    tabs_items: Items
    admin_extras: Admin Extras
    tabs_reconciliation: Reconciliation
    tabs_unchecked: Unchecked
    tabs_view: View
    tabs_invoice: Invoice
    tabs_group_invoice: Group invoice
    tabs_name_tag: Name tag
    tabs_details: Details
    tabs_orgs: Orgs
    tabs_rego: Rego
    tabs_addons: Add-ons
    accomm: Accomm
    tabs_payments: Payments
    tabs_abstracts: Abstracts
    tabs_takeover: Takeover
    tabs_comms: Comms
    tabs_communication: Communication
    communications: Communication
    tabs_sponsorship_extras: Sponsorship Extras
    tabs_poll_questions: "Poll Questions"
    tabs_menuitems: "Menu Items"
    tabs_pending: Pending
    tabs_locations: Locations
    tabs_venues: Venues
    tabs_venue_rooms: Venue Rooms
    tabs_hotels: Hotels
    tabs_room_types: Room types
    tabs_add_new_hotel: Add new hotel
    tabs_edit_hotel_rooms: Edit hotel rooms
    tabs_managed: Managed
    tabs_not_managed: Not managed
    tabs_expiring: Expiring
    tabs_expired: Expired
    tabs_not_renewing: Not renewing
    tabs_membership_types: Membership types
    tabs_logo: Logo
    tabs_transactions: Transaction
    tabs_view_users: View users
    tabs_edit: Edit
    tabs_search_results: Search results
    tabs_active_admins: Active admins
    tabs_archived_admins: Archived admins
    tabs_add_admin: Add admin
    tabs_update_my_password: Update my password
    tabs_view_admin: View admin
    tabs_edit_admin: Edit admin
    tabs_currencies: Currencies
    tabs_site_content: Site content
    tabs_abstract_types_decision: Abstract types/decision
    find_an_event: Find an Event
    register_another_delegate: Group Management
    my_events: "My events"
    past_events: "Past events"
    event_details: "Event details"
    group_managers: Group Managers
    documents: "Docs"
    send_email: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'></i>"
    cpd_members: CPD Members
    cpd_breakdown: CPD Breakdown
    add_new_org: Add new organisation

      mobile_pages: Manage custom pages in the Smartphone App
      preferences: Adjust settings in the Smartphone App
      poll_questions: Create Poll Questions for use in the Smartphone App
      menu_items: Create custom links to be added to the Smartphone App

  email_task: &email_task
    email_task_other_attachment_info: "This must be a file in PDF format and have a file size under 150kB."

  organisation_generate_transaction_task: &org_gen_task
    custom_normal_expiry_help: <p>By selecting a date from the drop-down list below you will be forcing the new invoices for these members to have the selected expiry date.</p>
    custom_anniversary_expiry_help: <p>By selecting a date from the date-picker field below you will be forcing the new invoices for these members to have the selected expiry date.</p>
    next_expiry_period: Next expiry period

  batch: &batch 
    <<: *email_task

  tasks: &tasks
    task_merge_users: merge users
    task_spam_user: spam user
    empty_help: None of the items that you have selected can have this task applied to them.
    abstraktemailpresenter_help: "Only presenting authors that are attached to abstracts that have been completed can be emailed."
    abstraktemailpresenter_empty_help: "Only presenting authors that are attached to <strong>completed abstracts</strong> can be emailed. You can search for completed abstracts using the abstract search form."

  event_banner: &event_banner
    event_presented_by: Presented by %{hosts} and managed by %{long_company}.
    event_hosted_by: Hosted by %{hosts} and managed by %{long_company}.
  register_organisations: &register_organisations
    continue_member: "Continue as a Member"
    continue_non_member: "Continue as a Non-Member"
    organisations_title: 'Member organisations'
    organisations_current: "Our records indicate that you are a member of these organisations:"
    organisations_expired: "<strong>%{org_name}</strong> (expired %{expiry_date})"
    organisations_expiring: "<strong>%{org_name}</strong> (expires %{expiry_date})"
    organisations_renew: "Renew Now"
    organisations_members_plural: Are you a member of any of the following?
    organisations_members_single: Are you a member of the following?
    organisations_help: This information is used to offer you the correct registration. If you are <strong>not a member</strong>, please click <strong>continue</strong> to select your non-member registration.
  register_items: &register_items
    items_already_registered: "This delegate has a current registration with a different profile."
    item_sold_out: This item is sold out.
  register_extras: &register_extras 
    no_details: There are no supplementary details required.
    admin_only: This option can only be altered by the event administrator.
    dietary_requirements_label: "Do you have any special dietary requirements?" 
    special_requirements_label: "Do you have any special requirements (ie. wheelchair)?"
    default_questions_help: "These questions are attached to your <em>Currinda</em> profile. Any change to these answers will change them for all events registered using this profile."
  register_addons: &register_addons
    addons_another_rego_type: 'Add-ons from another registration type'
    addons_select_title: Select Add-ons
    addons_none_rego: There are no add-on items applicable to your registration.
  register_payment: &register_payment
    outstanding_title: "Payment - total outstanding: %{outstanding}"
    transaction_id: "Trans. ID"
    pending_complete: Pending and completed payments
    details: Payment Details
    submitted: Submitted
    processed: Processed
    amount: Amount
    added_by: Added by
    pending_processing: Pending processing
    cheque_payment: Pay by cheque
    cheque_msg: "Please send cheques to (you have been sent an invoice by email):"
    credit_card_payment: Pay by credit or debit card
    credit_card_msg: "Please enter your credit card details in the following secure form"
    credit_card_type: "Card type:"
    credit_card_name: "Cardholder's name:"
    credit_card_num: "Card number:"
    credit_card_expiry: "Card expiry:"
    credit_card_expiry_format: MM/YYYY
    direct_debit_payment: Pay by direct debit
    direct_debit_msg: Please include invoice number and name as EFT reference when making payment.<BR>
    group_payment: Pay with group
    group_msg: Please contact %{long_company} if you wish to pay group invoice via credit card.<BR>
    admin_cash_payment: Take cash payment
    admin_cash_msg: Cash payments will be processed when cash is deposited into bank account.
    admin_refund: Make refund
    admin_refund_msg: "<P>Please check payment type, prior to entering refund.&nbsp; Ensure refund amount is entered as a&nbsp;<STRONG><U>NEGATIVE</U></STRONG> value.</P><P>Mastercard/Visa refunds will only be processed back to original credit card.</P><P>If refund via EFT or cheque is required, please email details to <A href='mailto:%{accounts_email}'>%{accounts_email}</A>.<BR></P>"
    admin_transfer: Transfer funds
    admin_transfer_msg: Please ensure you process a transfer for&nbsp;each delegate.&nbsp; Remember to enter&nbsp;a negative value for the delegate who made the payment.<BR>
    admin_eftpos_payment: Take EFTPOS payment
    admin_eftpos_msg: <STRONG><U>IMPORTANT:</U></STRONG> Please write the invoice number on the&nbsp;EFTPOS receipt.<BR>
    amount_to_pay: "Amount to pay:"
    no_valid_invoice: Processing payments is not available as there is no valid invoice generated.
    send_copy_to: "Send an additional invoice to this email address"
    send_copy_to_help: "You can send a copy of the processed invoice to an email address. This is used to notify your accounts department or send a copy to an alternate email address."
  register_accomm: &register_accomm

  abstract_head: &abstract_head

  # abstract controllers

  bio_controller: &bio_controller
    bio_title: User Information
    bio_no_photo: There is currently no uploaded photo.
    bio_current_photo: "The current uploaded photo:"
    headshot: "Photo"

  manager_controller: &manager_controller
    manager_name: Your group manager is %{manager_name}. 
    manager_none: You don't currently have a group manager selected.
    manager_remove: Remove manager
    manager_email: Manager's email
    manager_help: After assigning a manager, an email will be sent to both your manager and yourself as a record of the changes made.

  report_controller: &report_controller
    <<: *admin_general
    <<: *payment
    report_title: Transactions
    upper_bound_error: "Must set an upper bound."
    lower_bound_error: "Must set an lower bound."
    generate_name: "%{short_name}-Transactions"

  finance_controller: &finance_controller
    <<: *payment
    <<: *tabs
      reconciliation: Reconc.
      transactions: Trans.
    transactions_title: "%{name} - Transactions"
    pending_title: Process transaction
    bank_name: "%{bank_name}"
    bank_deposit_slip: Bank Deposit Slip
    decline_msg: Are you sure you wish to decline this transaction?
    raised_by: Raised by
    payment_notes: Payment Notes?
    total_amount: Total Amount
    account_num: Account Number
    acc_num: "%{num}"
    paid_in_by: Paid in by
    account_name: Account Name
    acc_name: "%{name} - <strong>%{subaccount}</strong>"
    bsb_number: BSB Number 
    bsb_num: "%{bsb}"
    company_address: "%{address}"
    cash_amount: $%{amount}
    branch: Branch
    coin: Coin 
    finance_search: "Search..."    
    search_title: "Event Transactions"    
    search_rego_number: "Rego #"
    search_membership_table: "Membership transactions"
    pending_title: Pending transactions

    credit_card_processed: "Credit cards processed"
    credit_card_processed_between: "Credit cards processed between %{from} and %{to}"
    generated_on: Generated on %{date}

    rec_title: Sponsorship Reconciliation Report &mdash; %{event_name}
    rec_total_amount_reconcile: Total amount to reconcile
    rec_total_amount_outstanding: Total amount outstanding

  committee_controller: &committee_controller
    index_title: "Committee - %{title}"
    index_search_msg: Search for an existing user to add as committee member
    financial_committee: Financial Committee

  bad_debt_fragment: &bad_debt_fragment
    view_bad_debt_msg: "This user has <strong>bad debt</strong>. They are unable to be registered for events and have very limited functionality."

  sponsorship_types_fragment: &sponsorship_types_fragment
    items_admin_msg: This option can only be altered by the event administrator.
    items_admin_email: Please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_email}</a> for more information.

  find_fragment: &find_fragment
    find_title: Find an upcoming event
    find_host: "Host:"
    find_keywords: "Keywords:"  
    find_list_of_events_within_users_organisations: "Your Associations' Upcoming Events"
    find_list_of_events_other: Other Upcoming Events 

  session_allocation: &session_allocation

    <<: *general
    <<: *admin_general
    <<: *abstrakt
    presenter: Presenter
    index_top_title: "Sessions"
    index_title: Add abstract presentation sessions to this event
    index_date_help: "Select date from calender or input with format dd/mm/yyyy"
    index_time_help: "Enter start time in 24 hour format."
    index_slots: "Abstracts Allocated"
    index_slots_help: "Enter the number of abstracts that will be presented in this session."
    index_first_num: Specify First Abstract Number
    index_first_num_help: "If left blank, abstracts will be numbered depending on the order of the session."
    index_abstract_type: "Abstract type included in this session"
    index_session_style: Session Style
    index_location: Location
    index_location_help: "To add more locations, add venue rooms to a venue from the locations section and then add that venue to this event from the above tab."
    index_chairperson: Chairperson

    comments: "Session Description"
    index_sponsor_logo: Sponsor Logo
    index_secondary_chairperson: Secondary chairperson
    index_secondary_roletitle: Secondary role title
    index_default_duration: "Default presentation duration for abstracts"
    index_default_questions: "Default question time duration for abstracts"

    index_finalise: Finalise
    index_reset_confirm: Are you sure you want to reset the abstract numbers?
    index_finalise_title: Finalise All Sessions
    index_finalise_msg: By selecting this option, abstracts will have an abstract number assigned based on the session they are currently allocated to. This action cannot be undone and should only be made when all sessions are finalised.
    category: Stream/Track
    society: Committee
    index_table_assigned: Assigned Abstracts
    index_table_first_num: First Number
    index_task_email_chair: "email chairs"
    index_task_email_submitter: "email submitters"
    index_task_reset_order: "reset session order"

    schedule_title: "%{session_name} &mdash; Schedule"
    schedule_table_duration: Duration
    schedule_table_questions: Questions
    schedule_add_to_session: "%{add_link} another abstract to this session."
    schedule_session_full: This session is full. Edit the number of slots available to assign more abstracts.
    schedule_unavailable: "<p>This session is currently unable to have abstracts assigned to it.</p><p>If you require that abstracts are assigned to it please edit the 'type' of the session.</p>"
    schedule_return: "Return to Sessions"
    add_abstract_title: Add abstracts to %{session_link}
    add_abstract_table_society: Society
    add_abstract_table_category: Category
    add_abstract_table_avg_score: Average Review
    add_abstract_task_add: Add
    add_abstract_return: Return to Session

  session_chairs: &session_chairs
    chairs: "Chairs: %{chair_one} &amp; %{chair_two}"
    chair: "Chair: %{chair_one}"

  base_menu: &base_menu
    menu_events: Events 
  admin_menu: &admin_menu
    <<: *base_menu
    menu_financial: Financial Reports
    menu_locations: Locations
    menu_accommodation: Accommodation
    menu_organisations: Organisations
    menu_communications: Communications
    menu_users: Users
    menu_admins: Admins
    menu_reports: Reports
  user_menu: &user_menu
    <<: *base_menu
      dashboard: Dashboard
      profile: Profile
      societies: Societies
      committees: Committees
      manage: Group Management
      sponsorship: Sponsorships
      immigration: Immigration
      review: Review Abstracts

 # handlers

    invoice_title: "Tax Invoice"
    statement_title: "Statement / Receipt"

    invoice_number: "Invoice #"
    member_number: "Member #"

    pay_credit_card: "Pay by credit card:"
    pay_credit_card_location: "Browse to <a href='%{login_url}'>%{login_url}</a>"

    issue_cheque: "Please issue cheque to: "
    issue_cheque_location: "%{company_name}"
    mail_to: "and mail to: %{billing_address}"
    eft_details: "For EFT details please phone %{accounts_phone_number} or email %{accounts_email_address}"
    remit_via_eft: "or Remit via EFT to:"
    fax_remittance: "Please fax remittance to %{account_fax_number} or email to <a href='mailto:%{account_email_address}'>%{account_email_address}</a>"
    membership_enquiries: "For all enquires in relation to membership, please contact %{company_name}"

    account_name: "Account Name: %{account_name}"
    bank: "Bank: %{bank}"
    branch: "Branch: %{branch}"
    bsb: "BSB: %{bsb}"
    iban_account_number: "IBAN / Account Number: %{account_number}"
    swiftcode: "Swiftcode: %{swiftcode}"
    reference: "Reference: Please quote %{invoice_number} and name '%{delegate_name}' with all payments."

    contact_details: "P: %{phone_number}  F: %{fax_number}  E: %{email_address}"

    basic_fees_payable_1: "Fees payable prior to commencement of conference to"
    basic_fees_payable_2: "ensure admission, unless by prior arrangement."

    accommodation_deposit_1: "**Accommodation Deposit**"
    accommodation_deposit_2: "**payable 45 days prior to arrival date**"

    sponsorship_fees_payable_1: "** Full Payment is required within 14 days from the date the invoice is received.  **"
    sponsorship_fees_payable_2: ""

    organisation_fees_payable: "** Payment now due **"

    pending_credit_card: Credit Card Payment Pending
    pending_credit_card_desc: Your credit card payment has been authorised and is awaiting approval of your registration. This takes 1-3 business days and you will be notified via email when it has been processed.

    totals_title: Invoice Totals
    totals_title: Receipt Totals

      update_registration: "Confirming update of your registration for %{event_short_name}"
      confirm_registration: "Registration confirmation: %{event_short_name}"

    <<: *admin_general
    <<: *abstrakt
    abstract_number: "Abstract #"

 # map to controllers

      bio: Bio
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *general
    <<: *tabs
    <<: *bio_controller
    <<: *manager_controller
    nametag_msg: If you'd like to change the <b>name</b> part of your name tag, please enter the changes here and press refresh to see your updated nametag.
    password_title: Change password
    password_update: Update password

  login: &login_details
    <<: *event_banner
    <<: *general
    managed_event: "Login for this event or any %{short_company} managed event/society."
    duplicate_error: "If you have not received this email please email <a href='mailto:%{company_email}'>%{long_company} staff</a> to have this problem resolved."
    login: Login

    index_duplicate_email: "If you have not received this email please email <a href='mailto:%{company_email}'>%{long_company} staff</a> to have this problem resolved."
    problems_email: "If you have any problems please email <a href='mailto:%{company_email}'>%{long_company} staff</a> to have it problem resolved."
    index_duplicate_title: Duplicate member
    index_duplicate_email_msg: An email has been sent to your original email address. Please login with this email address and your original password or you can <a href='%{forgotten_link}'>reset your password</a>.
    index_duplicate_msg: Please login with your original email address and password or you can <a href='%{forgotten_link}'>reset your password</a>.

    index_register_org: Become a member of this society
    index_register_event: Register for this event
    index_register_event_abstracts: Register for this event
    index_register_standard: Create a new Currinda Profile
    index_register_btn: Begin here
    event_abstracts_only: Submit an abstract
    event_abstracts_only_details: Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to submit an abstract.
    returning_event_abstracts_only: Submit an abstract with your Currinda profile
    returning_event_abstracts_details: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to submit an abstract for this event. 

    index_details_standard: Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to access <strong>%{short_company}</strong> managed events and societies.
    index_details_no_associations: Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to access <strong>%{short_company}</strong> managed events.
    index_details_event_abstracts: "Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to register for this event or submit an abstract."
    index_details_event: "Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to register for this event."
    index_details_org: "Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to become a member of this organisation"

    index_returning_standard: Login to your Currinda profile
    index_returning_event: Register with an existing Currinda profile
    index_returning_event_abstracts: Register with your Currinda profile
    index_returning_org: "View your membership details"

    index_returning_details_standard: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile and edit your details for any <strong>%{short_company}</strong> managed event or society.
    index_returning_details_event: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to register for this event or edit your registration. 

    currinda_profile_description: You may have a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile if you have registered for an event using Currinda before, or are a member of an association managed using Currinda.

    index_returning_details_event_abstracts: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to register or submit an abstract to this event.
    index_returning_details_org: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to view/edit your membership with <strong>%{org_name}</strong>.

    forgotten_password: Forgotten password?
    index_register_multiple: "Group Registration"
    index_group_manager_help: "If you are managing the participation of someone other than yourself or more than one person, create a group registration. This will allow you to create multiple user profiles and manage their registrations."
    index_new_register_help: "Once you have entered your details you will not have to enter your personal details again for any event or society managed by Currinda software. You can return to this page to manage or update your details at any time."
    index_login_event_link_help: "If you have an %{long_company} profile, log in below to continue your event registration. If not, please register as a new member below."

    resetpassword_info: "To reset the password for your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile please enter and confirm your new password below."
    resetpassword_title: Reset password
    forgotten_msg: To reset your password, please enter your email below
    forgotten_reset: Reset password
    forgotten_return_login: Return to login

    archived_error: 'This account is currently inactive. See below for options.'
    archived_merged_error: 'This account has been merged with an account with the following address: %{email} and is currently inactive. See below for options.'

    <<: *general
    <<: *event_banner
    <<: *register_items
    <<: *register_accomm
    <<: *register_payment
    <<: *register_addons
    <<: *register_extras
    confirm_with_org: "Confirm your %{long_company} profile"
    confirm_managed_user: "Confirm your Managed User's profile"
    event_agree_terms: <p>This component will allow you to register for the conference <b>%{long_company}</b>. By clicking here to register and agreeing to all terms and conditions you will be registered to attend the selected event.&nbsp;&nbsp;Once this registration is completed it is considered confirmed.</p>
    nametag_msg: "If you'd like to change the <b>name</b> part of your name tag, please enter the changes here and press refresh to see your updated nametag."
    nametag_label: 'Nametag:'
    <<: *user_menu
    events_title: "Your Upcoming & Outstanding Events"
    registration_title: "Registration:" 
    manager_registration_title: Manager Registration
    manager_registration_message: "You are currently managing %{num_managees_attending} delegate(s) attending this conference."
    manager_registration_no_items: "You are currently not attending the conference yourself. If you would like to, press the '<em>Manage your Registration</em>' button to register."
    registration_incomplete_title: Registration incomplete
    registration_incomplete_message: "This registration is currently incomplete, please complete all required steps to confirm your registration." 
    registration_outstanding: "%{outstanding_amount} outstanding"
    abstracts_title: "Abstracts:" 
    related_events: Related Events
    related_events_desc: Using your association memberships and previously attended events, there is a selection of other events that you may be interested in attending.
    registration_no_current: You are not currently registered for any upcoming events. If you would like to register for an event please click the button below.
    registration_find: Find an event
    org_title: "%{long_company} Dashboard"
    societies_title: Your Societies
    societies_expiring: <strong>%{membership_type}</strong> - expires (%{expiry_date})
    societies_outstanding: "Amount outstanding: %{outstanding_amount}"
    societies_new: If you would like to join another society, please click the button below.
    societies_current_title: Societies
    societies_find: Find a Society
    archived_options_merged_title: This profile has been marked as merged 
    archived_merged_email: "<p>A Currinda administrator has merged this <strong>Currinda profile</strong> with another account with the email <strong>%{merged_email}</strong>.</p>"
    archived_no_merged_email: "<p>A Currinda administrator has marked this <strong>Currinda profile</strong> as archived.</p><p>This usually occurs because they have merged this account with another account that they considered to be owned by the same user.</p>"
    archived_change_another_account: Log in with another account
    archived_change_specific_account: Log in as %{email}
    archived_activate_account: Activate this account
    welcome: Welcome to %{long_company} online dashboard. This is the central dashboard for accessing any %{long_company} managed conferences or societies.
    not_society_member_join: You are not currently a member of any %{long_company} managed societies. If you would like to become a member please click the button below.
    manage_your_registration: Manage your Registration
    manage_your_membership: Manage your Membership
    manage_your_group: Manage your Group

  reviewers: &reviewers_controller
    reviewers_filter_help: "You can filter by societies or by categories, not a mixture of both."
    reviewers_banner_title: "Abstract Reviewers"
    reviewers_non_starting_banner_title: "Non starting Reviewers"
    reviewers_form_num: "Number of Reviews"
    reviewers_form_greater: "Average &gt;"
    reviewers_form_less: "Average &lt;"
    reviewers_table_avg: Average Score
    reviewers_table_num: Number of Reviews
    reviews_banner_title: "Abstract Reviews"
    reviews_form_user: "Reviewer"
    reviews_form_greater: "%{score_name} &gt;="
    reviews_form_less: "%{score_name} &lt;="
    reviews_table_user: 'Reviewer'
    reviews_table_score: 'Score'
    reviews_table_comments: 'Comments'
    reviews_title: "Reviews by: %{full_name}"

    <<: *general
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *abstract_head
    <<: *tabs
    <<: *reviewers_controller
    index_title: Choose an event below to manage its abstracts
    index_convenor_rel: "%{event_name} (through %{through_sentence})"
    overview_num_reviews: "Number of Reviews:"
    overview_avg_reviews: "Average Reviews per Abstract:"
    overview_avg_score: "Average Score:"
    overview_unreviewed: "Number of Unreviewed Abstracts:"
    overview_non_starting: "Non Starting Reviewers:"

    abstracts_table_authors: Authors
    abstracts_table_society: Society
    abstracts_table_category: Category
    abstracts_table_decision: Decision
    abstracts_table_avg_score: Avg Score
    abstracts_table_num_reviews: "# reviews"
    abstracts_table_raw_score: Review scores
    abstract_banner_title: Abstracts
    abstract_title: Abstract Title
    abstract_form_session: 'Add this abstract to a session:'
    abstract_table_user: "Reviewer"
    abstract_table_score: "Score"
    abstract_table_comments: "Comments"

        abstrakt_number: "Abstract #"
      <<: *user_menu
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *session_allocation

    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *event_banner
    <<: *register_accomm
    <<: *payment_pending
    <<: *find_fragment
    event_dashboard: This is your event dashboard. Here you can complete all sections of your event participation in whichever order you like.
    completed_registration: <p>Your registration for this event is <strong>complete</strong>. You can edit any extra information <a id='edit-extra-information' href=%{extra_link}>here</a>.</p><p>If you require changes made to your actual registration please contact <a href="mailto:%{primary_admin_email}">%{primary_admin_name}</a>.</p>
    registration_details: Registration Details
    no_registration: <p>You currently do not have a <b>registration</b> for this event.</p>
    complete_registration: <p>You still must <a href="%{completion_link}">complete your registration</a>.</p>
    confirm_registration: <p>You still must <a href="%{confirmation_link}">confirm your registration</a>.</p>
    summary_registration: You can get a <strong>summary</strong> of your registration <a href="%{summary_link}">here</a>.
    sold_out_registration: 'Unfortunately registrations for this event are now <strong>closed</strong>. If you would like to be added to a wait-list please contact <a href="mailto:%{primary_admin_email}">%{primary_admin_name}</a>.'
    closed_registration: <p>Unfortunately registrations for this event are now <strong>closed</strong>. If you would like to be added to a wait-list or be considered for a late registration, please contact <a href="mailto:%{primary_admin_email}">%{primary_admin_name}</a>.</p>
    registration_not_open: <p>Unfortunately, registrations for this event have <strong>not yet opened</strong>.</p>
    registration_not_open_until: "Registrations for this event will open on the %{open_date}"
    current_memberships: "You are currently recorded as being a member of the following societies or organisations:"
    add_membership: Click through to <a id='add_organisation' href='%{add_org_link}'>add an additional organisation</a>.
    cannot_edit_addons: With the event now closed your add-ons can not be modified. If you require changes please contact <a href="mailto:%{primary_admin_email}">%{primary_admin_name}</a>.
    complete_registration_before_addons: You <strong>must complete your registration before selecting add-ons</strong>. 
    complete_registration_before_accommodation: You <strong>must complete your registration before selecting accommodation</strong>.
    cannot_edit_accommodation: With the event now closed your accommodation can not be modified. If you require changes please contact <a href="mailto:%{primary_admin_email}">%{primary_admin_name}</a>.
    event_registration_title: "Registration"
    event_summary_title: "Summary:"
    event_not_registered: 'You <strong>have not yet registered</strong> for this event.'
    event_membership_title: 'Memberships'
    event_membership_and_expiry: <strong>%{org_name}</strong> - %{membership_type} (expires %{expiry_date}) 
    event_addons_title: Add-ons
    event_extras_title: Extras 
    event_review_title: Abstract Review
    event_documents_title: Documents
    event_convenor_review_title: Manage Reviews
    event_manager_registration_message: "If you would like to attend this conference you will need to select a registration type for your registration."
    abstracts_title: Abstracts
    find_an_event: "Upcoming Events"
    find_related_desc: Browse the list of upcoming events that you might be interested in. This list is composed of events hosted by associations you are a member of, or related to events you have attended.
    find_all_events_desc: "Browse the list of upcoming events that are managed by %{company_name}."

    register: &register
        info: <h3>Registration confirmed</h3><p>Your registration for this event has been successfully saved and will be complete on receipt of payment (if applicable). An email with your details has been sent to all email addresses attached to your Currinda profile.</p>
      related_events_desc: "The following events are related to %{event_name}. You can register for them by clicking 'Register Now'."

  organisation_tabs: &organisation_tabs
      reconciliation: Reconciliation
      members: Members
      outstanding: Outstanding
      unchecked: Unchecked
      expiring: Expiring
      expired: Expired
      not_renewing: Not Renewing
      view: View
      transactions: Transactions
      statement: Download Statement
      user_details: User details
      membership: Membership
      discounts: Discounts
      payment: Payment
      take_over: Take over
      extras: Extras
      managed: Managed
      not_managed: Not Managed
      add_new_org: Add new organisation

    manage_membership: Manage your Membership
    society_none: You are not currently a member of any %{company_long_name} managed societies. If you would like to join one, <a href='%{find_org_link}'>click here</a>.

    <<: *general
    <<: *register_extras
    <<: *register_payment
    <<: *event_banner
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *dashboard_extras
    renewing_link: "Confirm Membership and Renew »"
      membership: "<h3>Membership confirmation</h3><p>Your membership for %{long_company} has been successfully saved and will be complete on receipt of payment (if applicable). An email with your details has been sent to all email addresses attached to your profile.</p>"
      preapproval: "<h3>Membership application confirmation</h3><p>Your application for %{long_company} has been successfully saved and is pending application approval. An email with your details has been sent to all email addresses attached to your profile.</p>"

    owed_message: "You are currently owed money from this organisation. Please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a> to organise a refund."
      title: "Select a membership type"

    org_dashboard: This is your society dashboard. Here you can complete all sections of your society participation in whichever order you like.
    join_type: "Select a membership type:"
    select_chapter: "Select an organisation chapter:"
    membership_awaiting_payment: Your membership is awaiting payment.
    membership_expiring: Your membership is expiring soon. <a href="%{renew_link}">Renew now</a>.
    membership_expired: Your membership has expired. <a href="%{renew_link}">Renew now</a>.
    membership_current: Your membership is current.
    membership_non_member:  <p>You are not currently a member of this organisation. <a href="%{join_link}">Join now</a>.</p>
    membership_cancelled: You have indicated you do not wish to renew your membership. If you would like to renew please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a>.
    membership_invoice: Invoice
    membership_download_invoice: <a class="btn btn-primary" href='%{invoice_link}' style="float:right;">Download Invoice</a><p>Your invoice is available for download.</p>
    membership_download_past_invoices: You may download any of your past invoices.
    membership_select_invoice: Download your invoice
    membership_statement: Statement
    membership_statement_download: You may download a statement of all transactions at any time.
    extras_title: "Extra membership questions"
    extras_answers: You have answered the following membership questions.
    extras_unanswered: There are unanswered membership questions.
    extras_your_answers: "Your Answers:"
    extras_change_answers: Change your answers
    extras_answer_questions: Answer questions
    locations_add_location: You currently have not set any locations for this membership.
    locations_edit_location: Update the details of any of your current locations or add a new location.
    payment_title: "Submit your payment details"
    payment_outstanding: There is <strong>$%{outstanding}</strong> outstanding.
    payment_change_details_btn: Change your payment details
    payment_add_btn: Add another payment
    payment_pay_now: Pay Now
    payment_received_and_processing: Your payment details have been received and will be processed within <strong>2 working days</strong>. <a href="%{payment_link}" class="btn btn-primary">Change your payment details</a>
    payment_membership_preappoval_pending: <p>Your membership is <strong>currently pending approval</strong> from %{long_organisation}. Once this is complete you will be able to make payments towards outstanding membership items.</p>
    payment_pending: <p>A payment of <strong>$%{payment_amount}</strong> is currently pending</p>
    payment_insert_details: <p>Please insert your payment details.</p>

    cpd_points_info: "<p>You have accrued <b>%{points}</b> points over the last 12 months.</p><p>You can view and add extra points here.</p>"
    manage_your_cpd_points: "Manage your CPD Points"

      index_title: "Events Attended - %{organisation_name}"
        dashboard: "Dashboard"
        links: "Events Attended"
      membership_location_name_info: "The name of your membership location will be able to be searched."

    cpdassessment: &cpd_user_controller
      cpd_points_info: "Below is the breakdown of where your current points have come from. If you would like to add more points to your profile, click the 'Add Points' button below."
      cpd_points: "%{points} CPD Points"
      new_cpd_points_info: "Select an Event that you have completed to claim the points for that event. If you have completed an event that is not in the list, choose the 'Create New Event' option to add that event"

    <<: *general
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *event_banner
    <<: *payment_pending
    <<: *register_extras
    <<: *register_payment
    <<: *tabs
    <<: *sponsorship_types_fragment
    <<: *sponsorship_categories
    <<: *find_fragment
    <<: *dashboard_extras
    details_title: Sponsorship Details
    details_msg: These details will be used in materials used throughout the event. Please ensure they are correct and up to date.
    consists: "Your sponsorship currently consists of:"
    title: "My Sponsorships"
    event_prospectus_title: Prospectus
    event_prospectus_download: You can download the prospectus for this event <a href="%{prospectus_link}">here</a>.
    event_prospectus_none: There is currently no prospectus for this event.
    event_details_title: Details
    event_details_complete: All necessary company details have been entered.
    event_details_incomplete: "There is still company information required for your sponsorship. Please take the time to upload the necessary details."
    event_sponsorship_title: Sponsorship
    event_sponsorship_pending: "Your sponsorship is currently pending approval by %{company_name}."
    event_sponsorship_change: Change Sponsorship
    event_sponsorship_choose: "<p>Click here to select your desired sponsorship.</p><a class='btn btn-primary' href='%{choose_link}'>Choose Sponsorship</a>"
    quote_title: Sponsorship Quote
    quote_download: Download Quote
    quote_msg: Here is a quote for the sponsorship items you have selected.
    invoice_title: Invoice/Receipt
    invoice_download: Download Invoice
    invoice_msg: Your invoice has been emailed to you with your confirmation email.
    event_details_purchase_num: "Purchase Number"
    event_details_prospectus: "Prospectus"
    event_details_profile: "Company Profile"
    extras_title: 'Sponsorship Extras'
    confirmation_title: Sponsorship Confirmation
    confirmation_msg: Thank-you for sponsoring %{event_name}, please confirm that the items below are as you desire.
    confirmation_total: Total Cost

    find_all_events_desc: "Browse the following list of events that are available to sponsor:"
    <<: *login_details
    index_details_standard: Create a <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to sponsor this event.
    index_returning_details_standard: Login to your <strong>Currinda</strong> profile to sponsor this event.

    <<: *event_banner
    jail_title: Unresolved issues with registration
    jail_msg: There are still unresolved issues with an earlier registration you have made using the online dashboard. Until that is resolved you are unable to access the system.

    title: "Login Issue"
    generic_msg: "There is an issue logging into your <strong>Currinda</strong> account within %{company_name}, please contact <a href='mailto:%{contact_email}'>%{contact_email}</a> to resolve these issues"
    bad_debt_msg: "There are outstanding debts on your <strong>Currinda</strong> account within %{company_name}, please contact <a href='mailto:%{contact_email}'>%{contact_email}</a> to resolve these issues"

    <<: *general
    <<: *payment
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *all_abstracts
      <<: *base
      organisation_title: "%{org_name} Members"

    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *general
    index_dates: Dates
    event_nationality: Nationality On Passport
    event_passport_num: Passport Number
    event_passport_dob: DOB on Passport
    event_passport_country: Country on Passport
    event_registration_country: Country on Registration

    <<: *general
    <<: *payment 
    <<: *user_menu
    <<: *tabs
    <<: *register_payment
    profiles_banner_title: "Managed Users"
    profiles_title: Profiles I manage
    profiles_register_for: Register for
    profiles_manager: (Manager profile)
    profiles_register_new: or register a new user for
    profiles_manage_msg: Selecting your 'manager profile' and registering for an event will allow you to create new profile when you register.
    events_banner_title: "Managed Events"
    events_register_another: Group Management
    events_manager_no_users: This manager has no users.
    events_manager_no_regos: There are no registrations assigned to this manager's users.
    event_dashboard_title: "Group Management"
    find_title: Find an event
    find_heading: Find an upcoming event
    find_register_user_event: Choose a user and an event to create a registration for.
    payment_details_info: Payment details for group payment

      outstanding_title: "Group Payment - total outstanding: %{outstanding}"

    association_search: "Association Search"

      exhibitors: Exhibitor Map
      sponsors: Sponsors
      trade: Trade
      schedule: Schedule
      update: Update

      <<: *general
      title: Login
      msg: To access your <strong>personal details</strong>, <strong>event notifications</strong>, <strong>favourite abstracts</strong>, <strong>recorded notes</strong> and other features please provide your <strong>Currinda</strong> login details below.
      forgotten: Forgot my password
        incomplete_title: Your registration for %{event_name} is not complete
        incomplete_msg: Please complete your registration using the %{company_name} system.
        unpaid_title: Your registration for %{event_name} has not been completely paid for
        unpaid_msg: Please pay for your registration using the %{company_name} system.
        details: Details
        details_title: Your details for %{event_name}
        title: Registration
        addons_title: Add-ons
        accomm_title: Accommodation
        edit_msg: To edit your registration details please use the %{company_name} system.
        edit_btn: Go to %{company_name}
        msg: To be found by the delegate search and to be contactable by other delegates you must allow it below.

      favourites: Favourited Sessions/Abstracts
      conference_glance: Conference at a Glance
      favourite_abstract: Favourite this abstract
      whats_on_now: "What's on now?"
      author_contribute: "Abstracts this author is a contributor to:"
        authors_contribute: Authors contributing to this abstract.
        page_removed: This page has been removed.
        not_in_event: This abstract is not part of this event.
        no_session: This abstract is not assigned a session.
        add_favourite: Add this abstract to favourites
        add_notes: Add notes for this abstract
        download_full_paper: Download full paper
          list_title: Abstracts being presented at %{event_name}
          list_title: Authors presenting at %{event_name}
        find_abstracts: Find Abstracts
        find_authors: Find Presenting Authors
      output_session_sponsor_type: Session sponsored by 
      output_session_sponsor_no_type: This conference acknowledges the sponsorship of

        current_poll_questions: "Current poll questions"
        sponsored_by: "Sponsored by:"
            title: Poll Question
            asked_date: asked on %{date}
            next: "Next Question: %{Question}"
            msg: There are currently no poll questions for this event
            return: Return to Session
            refresh: Check for more questions

      <<: *general
      <<: *session_chairs
      <<: *abstract_head
        enter: Enter

      index_schedule_glance: Schedule at a Glance
      index_my_schedule: My Schedule
      index_my_registration: My Registration
      index_email_notes: Email Notes
      index_download_notes: Download Notes
      session_poll_results: Poll Results
      author_error: This author is not part of this program.
      author_contribute: 'This author has contributed to the following abstracts in this event'
      menu_logout: Logout
      personal_schedule_msg: To add sessions and abstracts to your schedule, login and then find an abstract which you would like to add and touch the star.
        info: "The provided token is invalid. Please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a> to request a new token."
        output_session_sponsor_type: Session sponsored by 
        output_session_sponsor_no_type: This conference acknowledges the sponsorship of
          title: All Sessions
          help: Swipe left or right to view the schedule for more rooms.
          full: Full Schedule
          all: All
          morning: Morning
          afternoon: Afternoon
          evening: Evening
          personal: My Schedule
      question_title: Poll Question
      question_asked_date: asked on %{date}
      question_next: "Next Question: %{Question}"
      no_questions_msg: There are currently no poll questions for this event
      no_questions_return: Return to Session
      no_questions_refresh: Check for more questions
      contact_this_delegate: "Contact this delegate"

      <<: *general
      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *tabs
      index_title: Current and upcoming events
      outstanding_unpaid_delegates: "Unpaid delegates"
      team_events_managed: "Events managed by: %{team_name}"
          active_users: Active users
          archived_users: Archived users
          spam_users: Spam users
          immigration_users: Immigration users
          bio: Bio
          manager: Manager
          communication: Communication
          takeover: Takeover
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *abstrakt
        <<: *register_organisations
        <<: *register_items
        <<: *register_addons
        <<: *register_accomm
        <<: *register_extras
        <<: *register_payment
        <<: *add_edit_title
        <<: *payment
        <<: *communication
        <<: *attendee_table
        <<: *bad_debt_fragment
        title: 'Event Delegates'

        delegate_table_checked: Registration checked
        index_no_attendees_title: Attendees have been hidden due to the size of this event.
        index_no_attendees_msg: Use the letters, 'all' button or search to browse delegates.

        invoice_title: No registration.
        invoice_msg: This user has no registration and there is no invoice available for download.

        search_title: "Search for: %{search}"

          risky: Risky user
          checked: Registration checked
          notes: Registration notes
          accomm_checked: Accommodation checked
          accomm_notes: Accommodation notes
          payment_notes: Payment notes
          purchase_order: Purchase order
          alternate_invoice: Alternate invoice
          alternate_invoice_help: This allows you to address the invoice to an alternate organisation or person.
              risky: Risky group
              checked: Check group registrations
              notes: Group notes
              accomm_checked: Manager accommodation checked
              accomm_notes: Manager accommodation notes
              payment_notes: Group payment notes
              purchase_order: Purchase order
              alternate_invoice: Alternate invoice
              alternate_invoice_help: This allows you to address the invoice to an alternate organisation or person.

        view_details_title: Personal details
        view_manager_title: Group Manager
        view_financials_title: Financials
        view_owed: 'You are owed:'
        view_outstanding: 'Outstanding:'
        view_no_addons: No add-ons
        view_first_night_deposit: (First night deposit)
        view_no_accommodation: No accommodation 
        view_documents: Documents
        view_not_registered_title: Not Registered
        view_register_user_msg: To register this user for this conference, you must <a href="%{link}">edit their registration</a>.
        view_unmanaged: Unmanaged
        details_banner_title: "Edit Details : %{name}"
        memberships_title: "Organisations : %{name}"
        edit_rego_title: "Modify registration : %{name}"
        edit_addons_title: "Modify add-ons : %{name}"
        accomm_title: "Modify accommodation : %{name}"
        abstracts_title: "Modify abstracts : %{name}"
        abstract_deleted_flash: "Abstract #%{abstract_num} has been deleted."
        abstract_exists_flash: "That abstract already exists within the database. Check <a href='%{link}'>%{name}</a>."
        abstract_form_cancel: Are you sure you would like to cancel this form?
        abstract_remove_from_user: Are you sure you want to remove this abstract from this user?
        extras_title: "Modify extras : %{name}"
        payment_title: "Modify payments : %{name}"
        comms_title: "Communications - %{title}"
        accommodation_name: "%{name}"
        accommodation_name_with_value: "%{name} - %{value}"
        batch_registration_complete_msg: "Please ensure that the selected registrations below are all completed as incomplete registrations cannot be checked."
          attach_group_info: "To add another registration to this user's group, select it from the list below."
          detach_manager: "Detach delegate from this Manager"
          manager_link_info: "This registration is currently being managed by <a class='group-manager-link' href='%{manager_link}'>%{manager_name}</a>."

          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *tabs
          letters_all: ALL
          index_title: "Invited Speakers"
        headshot: Photo
          message: "Click below to generate a basic template for your current event. You can add new pages and edit any page after it has been generated."
      index_title: 'Event Management'
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *accommodation
        <<: *report_controller
        <<: *extra
        <<: *abstrakt
          attendees: Attendees
          incomplete: Incomplete attendees
          unchecked: Unchecked attendees
          cancelled: Cancelled attendees
          abstracts_submitted: Abstract submitted
          accommodation_nights: Accommodation nights
          event_urls: Event URLs
          event_summary: Event summary
            attendees: "The total number of delegates that have completed registrations for this event."
            unchecked: "The total number of delegates with registrations that have not been checked by an administrator."
            incomplete: "The total number of delegates that have started but NOT completed registrations for this event."
            cancelled: "The total number of delegates that have had their registration set to Cancelled."
            abstracts_submitted: "The total number of abstracts submitted for this event."
            accommodation_nights: "The total number of nights assigned to all users for this event."
          title: "Event reports - Transactions"

        title: 'Event reports'
        search_title: Rego search
        index_registration_link: Registration link
        index_mobile_site: Mobile site
        index_program_site: Program site
        index_unchecked_attendees: Unchecked attendees
        index_attendees: Attendees
        index_attendees_incomplete: Attendees (incomplete)
        index_attendees_cancelled: Attendees (cancelled)
        index_abstracts_submitted: Abstracts submitted
          delegates_export_filename: Delegates
          delegates_title: Delegates report
          delegates_form_attendeetypes: Attendee types
          delegates_form_printed: Printed        
          delegates_form_in_group: Part of a group  
          delegates_table_payment_notes: Payment Notes
          invert_report: Invert the results of this report
          group_manager_filter: Group managers only
        organisations_title: Organisations report
        organisations_export_filename: "%{short_name}-extras"
        addons_title: Add-ons Report
        addons_export_filename: "%{short_name}-Add-ons"
        abstracts_title: "Event abstracts report"
        abstracts_filter_form: "Filter abstracts by unregistered users"
          <<: *admin_general
          extras_title: Extras Report
          extras_export_filename: "%{short_name}-extras"
          extras_form_answer_search: Answer search
          <<: *admin_general
          accommodation_title: Accommodation report
          blocking_title: Accommodation blocking report
          accommodation_form_added_after: Added after
          accommodation_form_modified_after: Modified after
          accommodation_one_night: One Night
          accommodation_all_nights: All Nights
          accommodation_not_complete: Not complete
          accommodation_blocking_report: Blocking Report
          accommodation_room_type: Room Type
          accommodation_blocked: Blocked
          accommodation_booked: Booked
          accommodation_available: Available
          pending_accommodation_for_hotel: "Pending accommodation for %{hotel_name}"

      edit_extras_controller: &edit_extras_controller
        extras_attach_help: If this extra is attached to an organisation, it cannot be attached to an add-on or a registration
        extras_linked_addon: Linked Add-on
        extras_linked_registration: Linked Registration
        extras_linked_organisation: Linked Organisation 
        extras_existing_image: Existing image
        extras_upload_image: Upload Image
          attendees: "Delegates"
          types: "Regos"
          item_costs: "Rego Costs"
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *table
        <<: *extra
        <<: *accommodation
        <<: *abstrakt
        <<: *edit_extras_controller
        <<: *add_edit_title
        title: 'Edit event'
        search_title: Rego search

        image_current_banner: Current banner
        image_current_square: Current square
        image_current_badge: Badge Banner
        image_current_iphone: iPhone Icon
        image_current_mobile: Mobile Splash Image
        image_banner_info: This image will be used for the public website banner and badges.
        image_upload: Upload new image
        image_new_banner: "New banner (2480:320px)"
        image_new_square: "New Square (1:1)"
        image_new_badge: "New Badge banner (5:3)"
        image_new_iphone: New iPhone icon (square .png)
        image_new_mobile: "New Mobile Splash image (1:1 .png)"

        organisations_title: Edit Organisations
        organisations_new_org: New organisation

        attendees_section_title: attendee profile
        qty_available: Quantity Available

        items_title: Edit registration types 
        items_section_title: registration type
        items_info: These registration types will form a component of the booking process. Select Cancelled if this is an inactive registration type, such as a cancellation charge. This will only be available to admins.
        items_description_notes: Description/notes

        itemcosts_edit_title: Edit registration price
        itemcosts_new_title: Registration prices
        itemcosts_earlybird_title: Earlybird items
        itemcosts_regular_title: Regular items
        itemcosts_cancelled_title: Cancelled items
        itemcosts_disabled_title: Disabled items

        use_american_express: "Allow people to pay for this event with American Express?"

          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *cc_fee_help

          allow_registrations: "Will this event be taking Registrations?"
          allow_registrations_help: "Only uncheck this option if you will never be using this event to process registrations, eg: if you are only using the abstract features."

          event_details: "Edit Details &mdash; %{event_name}"
          require_checked_mobile_login: "Require checked mobile login"
          require_checked_mobile_login_help: "If this is checked, delegates will be required to have a Checked Registration and login to use the Smartphone App for this event."
          index_form_event_website: Event website
          index_form_website_help: Ensure there is a http:// at the beginning
          index_form_active_help: Yes (select only when ready for registrations)
          index_form_hidden_help: This will hide the event from the public's view. (Registrations will still work).
          index_form_primary_venue_help: Begin typing the venue you require and select from the dropdown or <a href='/admin/locations/venues' class='add-new'>add a new venue</a>.
          index_form_hosting_org: Use hosting organisation membership list?
          index_form_admin_team: Admin team
          index_form_visa: Enable Visa Letter/Application
          index_form_general_title: General Registration Details
          index_form_num_rego: "Maximum # of registrations"
          index_form_financial_title: Financial details
          index_form_payment_options: Payment options details
          index_form_subaccount: Sub-account
          index_form_subaccount_help: This forms the first part of the invoice number eg. "EV1-1001" and will optionally added onto the end of the bank account name eg. "My Bank Account Name - EV1"
          index_form_dates_title: Dates  
          index_form_dates_help: All dates are inclusive of the shown date. ie. Registrations closed is "30/6/2010" then I will be able to purchase them up to and including 30/6/2010.
          index_form_event_starts: Event starts
          index_form_event_ends: Event ends
          index_form_earlybird_close: Earlybird period closes
          index_form_addons_locked: Add-ons locked
          index_form_accomm_title: Accommodation
          index_form_manage_accom: Manage accomodation
          index_form_accomm_closes: Accommodation closes
          index_form_accomm_closes_info: After this date there are no accommodation bookings allowed.
          index_form_accomm_locked: Accommodation locked
          index_form_accomm_locked_info: After this date there are no modifications to existing bookings allowed.
          index_form_accomm_url: Accommodation URL
          index_form_sponsorship_title: Sponsorship
          index_form_prospectus: Prospectus
          index_form_bank_account_help: You can also add a <a class='add-new' href='/admin/settings/bankaccounts'>new bank account</a>.
          index_form_extras_title: Extras
          index_form_extra_msg: Select the required questions below to enable that question in the extras section of the registration process.
          index_ask_dietary_requirements: Dietary requirements?
          index_ask_special_requirements: Special requirements?
          index_ask_details_published: Details published?

          invoicename_help: "This appears as the billing company on invoices."

          hide_banner: Banner replaces details
          hide_title: Hide the event title in banner
          nametag_page: Hide the nametag page during the registration process
          user_required_details: Extra required details
          user_not_required_details: Details that aren't required.
          banner_hosting_style: Hosting style for banner
          student_is_pensioner: Student is retired as well
          accomm_shared_assist: Should we offer to help find accommodation partners
          no_rego_item_msg: No registration item msg
          title_order: Where should the banner information be place related to the banner?
          personal_cert_of_attendance_msg: Personal message for the certificate of attendance for this event.
          earlybird_warning_text_help: This text is displayed in brackets after any earlybird items. Leave it blank for no brackets.
          extra_required_fields_help: Select any number of these fields to force delegates to fill in that field.
          hosting_style_help: Sets the text that will describe the hosting organisation.
            payment_option_subheading: "Allow delegates to pay with"

          index_title: Event Timeframes
          add_title: Add a new timeframe
          edit_title: Edit timeframe

          save: Save
          cancel: Cancel
          group_warning: "Please be aware this will overwrite any existing prices or disabled states."

        addons_description_notes: Description/notes
        addons_allow_qty: "Allow quantities &gt; 1"

          default_cost: "Default Cost"
          default_cost_help: "This cost will be set as the initial cost for this add-on across attendee types. This is a once off and isn't saved for future updating."
          addons_partner_msg: (There must be an attached extra for the partner's name.)
          new_logo: New Logo
          print: Print
          print_name: Print name
          print_description_notes: Print Description/notes
          partner_registration: Partner registration
          existing_logo: Existing Logo
          order: Order
          disabled_title: Disabled add-ons

          add_new_page: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-file'></i> Pages"

            add_new_page: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-file'></i> Pages"

        addoncosts_edit_title: Edit add-on cost
        addoncosts_addon_title: Add-on costs

          index_title: Add-on costs
          edit_title: Edit add-on cost

        addoncosts_diabled_addon_costs: Disabled add-on costs

        accommodation_disabled_title: Accommodation disabled
        accommodation_disabled_msg: Accommodation has been disabled for this event. To enable select 'Manage Accommodation' from the 'general' tab.
        accommodation_section_title: room type

        accommodation_occupants: Occupants
        accommodation_days_allocated: Days Allocated
        accommodation_table_disabled_title: Disabled accommodation
          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *accommodation
          accommodation_room_msg: Type the name of your desired accommodation room and select from the drop-down.
          accommodation_hotel_url: Hotel Management URL
          accommodation_number_available: Number available
          accommodation_commission: "Commission %"
          edit_title: "Edit Accommodation: %{accomm_name}" 

            edit_title: "Accommodation Allocation for: <br />%{booking_date} - %{accomm_name}"
          accommallocation_booking_date: Booking Date
          accommallocation_allocation: Allocation

        abstracts_title: Link to old system abstracts form
        abstracts_msg: Please include the link a user would visit to submit an abstract.
        abstracts_invite_only: Abstracts are invite only
        abstracts_linked_event_id: Linked Event ID
        abstracts_linked_event_help: Eg. EVUD47R2QNMN
        item_order_updated: The order of the extras has been changed successfully.
        error_updating_item_order: There was an error changing the order of the extras.

        title: Abstracts
          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *abstrakt
          <<: *reviewers_controller
          <<: *tabs

          abstract_number: "Abstract #"
          title: Abstracts
          index_title: "Overview of the abstracts submitted for %{event_name}"
          index_abstracts_submitted: Abstracts submitted
          index_abstracts_complete: Abstracts complete
          index_abstracts_incomplete: Abstracts incomplete
          index_reviews_submitted: Reviews submitted
          index_reviews_abstained: Reviews abstained
          index_users_reviewing: Users reviewing
          search_first_name: User First Name
          search_last_name: User Last Name
          search_email: User Email
          search_user_organisation: User Organisation
          search_abstract_number: "#"
          search_export_filename: "%{event_short} Abstract"
          search_avg_review_score: Avg. Review Score
          search_modify_fields: Modify Fields
          reviews_title: "Abstract Reviews"
            <<: *admin_general
            <<: *reviewers_controller
          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *abstrakt
          <<: *edit_extras_controller
          <<: *extra
          <<: *tabs
          title: Edit Abstract
          general_title: Edit general abstract information
          general_abstract_admin: Abstract Admin
          general_abstract_max_review: Set limit for number of reviews by each reviewer?
          general_abstract_max_review_help: "If left blank, no limit will be set."
          general_reviewer_comments: Allow reviewer comments?
          general_reviewer_search: Enable search for reviewers in this event?
          general_word_limit: Word Limit
          general_submit_images: Submit Images
          general_introduction_text: Introduction Text
          general_society_text: Society Selection Text
          general_submission_heading: Abstract Submission
          general_submission_text: Submission Text
          general_submission_ends: Abstract submission ends
          general_submission_ends_help: "Submission cut-offs are also controlled in the <a href='%{link}'>Types</a> section."
          general_editing_ends: Abstract editing ends
          general_conflicts: Require conflicts of interest to be declared for each abstract?
          conflict_text: Text to be used for conflict question
          general_allow_abstracts: Would you like to allow abstracts for this event?
          societies_title: Abstract Committees
          societies_banner_title: Add revieweing committees to this event
          societies_blind_review: Blind Review
          types_title: "Abstract submission types"
          types_banner_title: Create submission preference types for abstracts submitted for this event
          types_presenter_preference: Presenter preference type
          types_form_assignable: "Should abstracts be submittable to this preference type?"
          types_form_alias: "This name will be used instead of the type name you selected."
          types_alias: "Preference Alias"  
          categories_title: Abstract Categories
          categories_banner_title: Add categories to describe and group abstracts
          categories_no_societies_msg: "There are currently no abstract committees. Please create one and return."
          reviewers_title: "Abstract Reviewers"
          reviewers_banner_title: Add users to the reviewer list for this event's abstracts
          reviewers_convenor: "Convenor for:"
          reviewers_reviewer: "Reviewer for:"
          reviewers_search: Search for existing user
          reviewers_search_help: "Type user's first name, last name or email and select from the drop down menu."
          reviewer_for: "Reviewer for: %{stage}"
          venue_banner_title: Additional Venues
          venue_add: Add Venue
          item_order_updated: The order of the extras has been changed successfully.
          error_updating_item_order: There was an error changing the order of the extras.

          organisation_help: "You can also <a class='add-new' href='/admin/organisations/edit/add'>add a new association</a>."

            <<: *extra
            types_assignable_help: If not, this will be a session-type only.
            types_assignable: Assignable
            types_cutoff: "Submission Cutoff Date"
            types_cutoff_help: "Select date from calender or input with format dd-mm-yyyy"
            removed_help: "This is will be a 'removed' type, ie. rejected or withdrawn"
            societies_max_reviews: "Max number of reviews per abstract:"
            societies_table_max_reviews: "# reviews req."
            societies_allow_paper_upload_label: "Allow full papers to be uploaded for abstracts?"
            societies_allow_paper_upload_help: "Selecting this will allow <strong>completed abstracts</strong> that have been <strong>assigned a type</strong> the ability to have a PDF copy of their paper uploaded and attached to it. Administrators will also be able to do this as well as add a link to the paper if it is being hosted externally."
            societies_table_allow_paper_upload: "Can upload paper?"

          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *session
          <<: *tabs
          index_title: 'Abstract Program'
          index_banner_title: Choose the section of the program you would like to download
          index_full_program: Full Program
          output_session_sponsor_type: Session sponsored by 
          output_session_sponsor_no_type: This conference acknowledges the sponsorship of
          sessionstyle_title: Session Style
          sessionstyle_banner_title: Add a new session style
              abstrakt_number: "Abstract #"
            <<: *tabs
            <<: *session_allocation
            new_title: "Create a new session"
            edit_title: "Edit session: %{session}"
            session_style: "Sesssion Style"
            abstrakt_event_type: "Presentation type"
            first_abstrakt_number: "# of first abstract in session"
            default_abstrakt_questions: "Default Question Time"
            default_abstrakt_duration: "Default Presentation Duration"
            abstrakt_society: "Society"
            abstrakt_category: "Category"

          program_output_not_available: Program Output is Not Available
          program_output_not_available_desc: The program output relies on abstracts being allocated to sessions. This event currently doesn't have any abstracts allocated. You can use the Search reports to export the output to a HTML Output.

          <<: *all_abstracts

      discounts_fragment: &discounts_fragment
        discounts_title: "Discounts : %{name}"
        discount_banner_title: Discounts
        edit_discount_title: Edit Discounts
        discount_sponsored: This transaction currently represents this user being sponsored by another user.
        discount_sponsoring: This transaction currently represents this user sponsoring another user.
        discount_select_user: Select user
        discount_invoice_expiry: Invoice expiry date
        discount_transactions_msg: Transactions must be made on a membership before discounts can be created

        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *finance_controller
        <<: *table
          refund_description: Reference/Description
        title: 'Financial reports'
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *tabs
        index_title: Onsite dashboard
        index_delegates_expected: Delegates expected
        index_delegates_attended: Delegates attended
        partners_help: "This table is generated from add-ons with 'Partner Registration' checked."

        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *committee_controller

          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *tabs
          <<: *extra
          <<: *finance_controller
          <<: *sponsorship_categories
          title: "Event Sponsorship Reports"
          index_registration_link: Registration link
          index_event_link: "%{link}%{event_id}"
          index_sponsors: Sponsors
          index_sponsors_filter: Sponsors (%{filter})
          complete: Complete
          incomplete: Incomplete
          items_title: "Event Sponsorship Reports - %{filter}"
          sponsorship_ledger_total_invoiced: Total Invoiced
          sponsorship_ledger_total_paid: Total Paid
          sponsorship_ledger_total_outstanding: Total Outstanding
          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *tabs
          <<: *extra
          <<: *sponsorship_categories
          items_allow_qty: "Allow multiple purchases?"
          items_attached_extras: "Attached extras"
          items_mobile_display: "Information to display on Smartphone app"
          items_mobile_logo: "Logo, company information and a link to the company's website"
          items_mobile_information: "Company information and a link to the company's website"
          items_mobile_link: "Link to the company's website"
            description_help: "This description will appear on the invoice of a sponsor who selects it. Please keep the amount of words used down to a minumum to ensure the invoice displays correctly."
          edit_has_attached_extras: 'Has attached extras?'
          sponsorship_payment_terms_help: "This will be added to all invoices."

          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *tabs
          <<: *sponsorship_types_fragment
          <<: *discounts_fragment
          <<: *sponsorship_categories
          <<: *register_extras
          <<: *register_payment
          <<: *payment
          <<: *communication
          <<: *attendee_table
            logo_note: "If this sponsorship is linked to an session of this event, when displayed in the smartphone app the dimensions of this image will be reduced proportionally if necessary to ensure the height is 45px. Please adjust the image if it appears disproportionate."

          title: 'Sponsoring Organisations'
          index_sponsorship_checked: Sponsorship Checked
          view_details_section: Personal details
          view_financials_section: Financials
          view_check_sponsorship: Check Sponsorship  
          sponsorshipsummary_purchase_order: Purchase order
          sponsorshipsummary_current_logo: Current Sponsor's Logo
          sponsorshipitems_total: Total
          sponsorshipitems_payments: Payments
          sponsorshipitems_owed: You are owed
          sponsorshipitems_outstanding: Outstanding
          invoice_no_registration: No Registration
          invoice_no_registration_info: This user has no registration and there is no invoice available for download.
          invoice_no_items: No invoice items
          invoice_no_items_info: This user has not selected any sponsorship items so no invoice is available for download.
          search_for: Search for
          editdetails_title: "Edit Details : %{org}"
          editdetails_purchase_order: Purchase order
          editdetails_sponsors_logo: "Sponsor's logo"
          deletesponsor_error_msg: "The sponsorship could not be deleted: %{msg}"
          itemextras_title: "View extras : %{org}"
          itemextras_banner_title: Extra Information
          itemextras_msg: Please select from the following to complete your sponsorship
          payments_title: "View payments : %{org}"
          discounts_title: "Discounts : %{sponsorship_name}"
          communications_title: "Communications - %{title}"
          <<: *admin_general
          <<: *table
          <<: *finance_controller
          title: "Event Sponsorship Payments"
          <<: *tabs
          name: Item text
          save: Save
          url_help: Please ensure this starts with https:// or http://
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *tabs
        <<: *extra
        questions_title: 'Manage poll questions'
        questions_no_poll: Polling questions are only available in events that have sessions.
        questions_add_sessions: "%{link} to add sessions to this event."
        questions_session_name: Session name
        questions_link: Link
        questions_option_names: Option names
        notifications_title: Event Notifications
        notifications_heading: Create a notification for this event.
        notifications_title_help: "Title is not required."
        notifications_content_help: "The content of notifications should be kept concise (one or two sentences), as it will be displayed on a mobile device that will have limited screen space."
        notifications_viewed_by: "Who should be able to view this notification?"
        notifications_attached: "Should this notification should be attached to something?"
        notifications_attach_session: 'Yes, to a Session'
        notifications_attach_abstrakt: 'Yes, to an Abstract'
        notifications_attach_url: 'Yes, to an external URL'
        notifications_organisations_label: "Members of this organisation will see this notification"
        notification_event_item_label: "Delegates who selected this event item will see this notification"
        notification_activation_date_help: "This date is when the notification will be first shown to appropriate users."
        notification_expiry_date_help: "This date is when the notification will be not be shown to users who haven't seen it previously."

      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *table
      <<: *finance_controller
      title: 'Financial reports'  

      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *table
      <<: *add_edit_title
      index_state_or_area: State or area
      index_hotels: Hotels
      venues_contact: Contact
      venues_add_as_accommodation: Add as accommodation
      number_of_events: "# Events"
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *add_edit_title
      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *table
      occupants: Occupants
      title: Accommodation
      hotels_map_url: Map URL
      hotels_star_rating: Star rating
      hotels_green_rating: Green rating
      hotels_included_gst_rate: Included GST rating
      hotels_company_commission: "%{company} commission"
      hotels_full_payment_only: Full payment only
      hotelroom_room_type: Room type
      <<: *organisation_tabs
      <<: *admin_general
      title: 'Organisations'
      organisations_alternate_contact: Alternative contact
      import_custom_help: If a custom import tool has been setup by Currinda for this database, select it below, otherwise select 'None'.
          title: "CPD Reports"
          num_selections: "Number of selections: %{num_selections}"
          avg_threshold: "Average Threshold: <span class='badge %{badge_class}'>%{avg_threshold}%</span>"
          points_required: "Points Required: <span class='badge badge-info'>%{points_required} points</span>"
          membership_type_title: "Membership Type - %{type_name}"
          organisation_addon_title: "Organisation Addon - %{addon_name}"
            <<: *admin_general
            <<: *extra
        membership_type: "Membership Type - %{type_name}:"
        addon: "Addon - %{addon_name}:"
            <<: *cpd_user_controller
            title: "%{name} - CPD"
            breakdown_msg: "CPD Point breakdown as of %{date}"
        member_cnt: Members
        outstanding_cnt: Outstanding
        <<: *cpd_user_controller
        <<: *org_gen_task
        <<: *organisation_tabs
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *register_payment
        <<: *register_extras
        <<: *payment_pending
        <<: *discounts_fragment
        <<: *payment
        <<: *batch
        index_title: "%{org} Members"
        index_num: "#"
        index_membership_type: Membership Type
        index_expiry_date: Expiry date
        index_member_list_help: This table shows only financial members who are not submembers. To show all submembers as well click the 'Full Member List' tab above.
        search_title: "Membership search: %{search_term}"
        newuser_title: "New user"
        cancelled_title: "Not Renewing : %{org}"
        view_membership_section: Membership
        view_membership_type_none: None (Inconsistent database)
        view_expires: Expires
        view_expired: Expired
        view_membership_awaiting: Your membership is awaiting payment.
        view_membership_expiring: "Your membership is expiring soon. <a href='%{link}'>Renew now</a>."
        view_membership_expired: "Your membership has expired. <a href='%{link}'>Renew now</a>."
        view_membership_current: Your membership is current.
        view_extra_section: Extras
        view_your_answers: Your Answers
        view_financial_position_section: Financial Position
        view_payments: Payments
        view_title: "View Membership : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        user_title: "User Details : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        membership_title: "Membership Details : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        membership_modify_section: Modify Membership
        membership_new_section: Create a new Membership
        membership_joining_date: Joining date
        membership_not_renewing: Not renewing?
        membership_notes: Notes
        membership_reset_and_email: Reset password and email this user
        membership_email_user: Email this user
        membership_msg: This will be implemented as a group email in the near future.
        payment_title: "Payments : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        discount_title: "Discounts : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        extras_title: "Extra membership questions"
        admin_extras_title: "Admin only membership questions"
        deletemembership_error: "Membership could not be deleted: %{msg}"
        transactions_title: "Payments : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        transactions_new_section: Add a new transaction
        transactions_generate_invoice: Generate Invoice
        statement_title: "Statement : %{org} : %{user_name}"
        history_title: "Membership History - %{membership_name}"
        members_table_footer: " You can also <a href='%{link}'>add a new user</a>."
        assign_child_member_label: "Parent member"
        assign_child_member_info: "Choose a member who will become the corporate parent of the selected memberships."
        assign_membership_type_info: "Choose a membership type to assign to all the selected memberships."
          expiry_date_help: "A membership's expiry date is set automatically after the member's payments are processed. If you would like to manually set an expiry date, select one below."
          check_membership_help: "You must <strong>check</strong> this membership before you can set an expiry date. You can check a membership from the <a href='%{view_link}'>membership view</a> page."
          no_expiry_date: "No expiry date"
          checked: "Checked"
          title: "CPD Points : %{member_name}"
          title: "Submembers : %{organisation_name} : %{member_name}"
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *tabs
        <<: *extra
        <<: *edit_extras_controller
        <<: *cc_fee_help
        new_title: "Add new organisation"
        edit_org_title: Edit organisation
        edit_title: "Edit %{org}"      
        edit_postal_address: Postal address
        edit_company_managed_membership_list: "%{company} managed membership list"        
        edit_subscription_ends_in: Subscriptions end in
        edit_derive: "Derive expiry date from joining date"
        edit_derive_info: "Selecting this option will cause each membership's expiry date to be set based on the day they join, rather than a constant date for all members."
        membership_requires_preapproval: Memberships require preapproval?
        membership_preapproval_info: When a membership requires preapproval, an administrator must check the membership before the member can make payment's for their selected membership items and addons.
        membershiptypes_title: "%{org} Membership Types"
        membershiptypes_cost: "Cost ($)"
        membershiptypes_admin_only_msg: Use this for admin-only membership types.
        membershiptypes_gst_exempt: GST Exempt
        membershiptypes_gst_exempt_msg: This is for membershiptypes which are GST exempt (ie. international memberships).
        membershiptypes_student_only: Student only
        membershiptypes_renewing_only: Renewing only
        membershiptypes_renewing_msg: This is for membership types that are only available for renewing members

          <<: *admin_general
          searchable: Searchable
          searchable_info: "A membership with this type will be searchable via 'Association search'"

          title: Financial details
          subaccount: Sub-account
          subaccount_help: This forms the first part of the invoice number eg. "ORG1-1001" and will optionally added onto the end of the bank account name eg. "My Bank Account Name - ORG1"
          bank_account: Bank account
          payment_gateway: Payment gateway
          bank_account_help: You can also add a <a class='add-new' href='/admin/settings/bankaccounts'>new bank account</a>.
          index_form_payment_options: Payment options details

        addoncosts_edit_title: Edit add-on cost
        addoncosts_add-on_title: Add-on costs
        extras_title: "Edit extras"
        image_title: Upload new image
        image_msg: This image will be used for the public website banner.
        image_existing_logo: Existing logo        
        image_new_square_logo: New logo (<em>square</em>)
        item_order_updated: "Order of extras has been updated successfully."
        error_updating_item_order: "There was an error updating your extra order."
        use_primary_admin_email_help: "The contact details will be used for all member email correspondence."
        alternate_payment_link_help: "Please ensure you use the full domain and it contains a http://"
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *tabs
        <<: *table
        <<: *finance_controller
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *report_extra_answer
        <<: *report_controller
        index_title: "Summary : %{org}"
        registration_link: Registration link
        rego_link: "%{link}"
        current_members: Current members
        expiring_members: Expiring members
        expired_members: Expired members
        corporate_members: Corporate members
        submember_members: Submembers
        membership_types_financial: Membership Types (financial)
        association_search_link: Association Search link
        members_title: "Members : %{org}"
        outstanding_title: "Outstanding : %{org}"
        outstanding_expires: Expires
        outstanding_joining_date: Joining date
        outstanding_not_renewing: Not renewing
        extras_title: Extras
        addons_export_filename: "%{short_name}-Add-ons"
          title: "Membership Addons Report"
          addon_count_help: "Find members that have selected at least this many addons"
        <<: *tabs
        <<: *admin_general
        <<: *committee_controller

          searchable: Searchable
          searchable_info: "A membership with this addon selected will be searchable via 'Association search'"

          add_new_page: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-file'></i> Pages"

            add_new_page: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-file'></i> Pages"
            warning: "Please be aware this will overwrite any existing prices or disabled states."
            alter: "Alter all costs for %{entity_name}"

      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *communication
      subject_contains: Subject contains
      start_date: Start date
      end_date: End date
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *tasks
      <<: *bio_controller
      <<: *manager_controller
      <<: *communication
      <<: *sponsorship_categories
      <<: *bad_debt_fragment
      spam_title: "Spam Users"
      archived_title: "Archived users"
      immigration_msg: To add new users use the search box in the top right.
      index_search_title: "Search all users"
      view_personal_details: Personal details
      view_registration: Registration
      view_addons: Add-ons
      view_no_addons: No add-ons
      view_accommodation: Accommodation
      view_no_accommodation: No accommodation
      view_memberships: Memberships
      view_managed: Managed
      view_unmanaged: Unmanaged
      view_sponsorship_for: "Sponsorship for %{org_name} in %{event_name}"
      view_sponsorship_items: Sponsorship Items
      view_sponsorship_extras: Sponsorship Extras
      edit_email_exists: 'Your email address already exists in the system. Please choose a different email address, or return to <a href="%{link}">the login screen</a> to login using this account.'
      bio_title: "User Information"
        <<: *tabs
        <<: *admin_general
        index_add_bad_debt: Add a bad debt status to user
        edit_edit_bad_debt: Edit details of bad debt user
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *admin_general 
      index_title: 'Active admins'
      archived_title: 'Archived admins'
      search_title: 'Search results: %{search_terms}'
      addsig_signature: Signature
      addsig_current: Current signature
      edit_password_msg: "Admin saved, but email could not be sent. Admin's temporary password is %{password}."
      edit_saved_no_email_msg: "Admin saved, but email could not be sent."
      add_title: 'Add admin'
      password_title: Change password for %{user_name}
      password_update: Update password
      <<: *tabs
      <<: *table
      <<: *communication
      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *add_edit_title      
      <<: *abstrakt      
      settings_title: 'Miscellaneous settings'
      index_display: Display
      email_edit_section: Edit template
      email_section: Email templates
      content_edit_section: Edit content
      content_section: Site content
      content_area: Area
      abstracttype_help: "This is for 'withdrawn' or 'rejected' types"
        name_help: "This name is only used for display purposes."
        login_placeholder: "ABC1234"
        bsb_placeholder: "xxx-xxx"
        item_created: "Your bank account has been added successfully."
        item_updated: "Your bank account has been updated successfully."

      <<: *admin_general
      <<: *accommodation      
      reports_total_cost: Total cost

    description_help: "Links in here will be converted into clickable links for users."
    default_help: "This will be preselected. Ensure you use the same format as in the options."

      label: "Pay by credit or debit card through Paypal"
      label: Pay by credit or debit card
      label: Pay by credit or debit card
      label: Pay by credit or debit card
      label: Pay by credit or debit card

    total_amount_payable: "Total Amount Payable"
    prepayment_amount_owing: "Prepaid Amount Owing"
    num_nights_prepaid: "# nights prepaid"
    total_cost: "Total Cost"
    total_commission: "Total Commission"
    summary_none: No items in summary.

    submembers_help: "Click here to see all the submembers for this membership."

    collection_sorted: "Abstract categories have been sorted."
    item_created: "The abstract category has been created successfully."
    item_update: "The abstract category has been updated successfully."

    item_deleted: The review has been deleted successfully.

    item_deleted: The menu item was deleted successfully.
    error_deleting_item: There was an error deleting the item.
    item_created: The menu item has been created successfully.
    item_updated: The menu item has been updated successfully.

    item_created: "CPD Event created successfully."
    item_deleted: "CPD Event deleted successfully."
    item_failed: "Error creating CPD Event. Please ensure all required fields are filled in."

    item_created: "CPD Category created successfully."
    item_deleted: "CPD Category deleted successfully."

    item_created: "CPD Event Type created successfully."
    item_deleted: "CPD Event Type deleted successfully."

    item_created: "CPD Extra created successfully."
    item_deleted: "CPD Extra deleted successfully."

    item_created: "CPD Assessment created successfully."
    item_updated: "CPD Assessment updated successfully."
    item_deleted: "CPD Assessment deleted successfully."

    item_deleted: "The delegate's addon has been removed."

    item_created: "Saved addon successfully."
    item_updated: "Saved addon successfully."
    item_deleted: "Addon deleted successfully."

    item_created: "Addon page was created successfully."
    item_updated: "Addon page was saved successfully."
    item_deleted: "Addon page was deleted successfully."
    item_created: "Extra was created successfully."
    item_updated: "Extra was saved successfully."
    item_deleted: "Extra was deleted successfully."
    item_failed: "Error creating Extra. Please ensure all required fields are filled in."
    item_created: "The abstract committee has been created successfully."
    item_update: "The abstract committee has been updated successfully."

    item_created: "Submission type has been created successfully."
    item_updated: "Submission type has been updated successfully."
    item_deleted: "Submission type has been deleted successfully."

    item_created: "Mobile Page has been created successfully."
    item_updated: "Mobile Page has been updated successfully."
    item_deleted: "Mobile Page has been deleted successfully."

    item_deleted: "The discount has been deleted successfully."

    item_deleted: "The discount has been deleted successfully."
    item_created: "Web Page has been created successfully."
    item_updated: "Web Page has been updated successfully."
    item_deleted: "Web Page has been deleted successfully."

    item_updated: "Updated organisation addon cost successfully."
    item_updated: "Updated organisation addon costs successfully."

    login: "Login"
    login_desc: "You will then be asked to authorize %{client} for access to your details."
    registration_desc: "This will allow %{client} to get a list of your registration, any add-ons or extras that you may have selected."
    membership_desc: "This will allow %{client} to access your membership details and financial status."

      usersearch_placeholder: Name, email or organisation
      num_reviews_per_abstrakt: "# reviews per abstract"
      num_reviews_per_reviewer: "# reviews per reviewer"
      index_title: "Delegate Types"
      index_help: "These are each type of delegate that will be attending the event. These can be categories like member, non-member, trade, student & committee."
      new_title: Add a delegate type
      title: "Add a new category"
      title: "Add a new extra"
      title: "Add a new event type"
      admin_only: "Admin only?"
      title: "Add a new assessment"
      index_title: "Add CPD Points"
      new_title: "Add new CPD Assessment"
      edit_title: "Edit existing CPD Assessment"
      title: "Add a new event"
      index_title: "Registration Types"
      index_help: "These are the different registration types for the event. These pertain to what the delegate will be entitled to or pertain to. These are generally full registration, day registration or workshop only. These <strong>are not</strong> member, non-member, trade or sponsor."
      new_title: Add a registration type
      new_title: "Add a new registration item"
      edit_title: "Edit registration item"
      new_title: "Add a new addon page"
      edit_title: "Edit addon page"
      new_title: "Add a new sponsorship type"
      new_title: "Edit sponsorship type"
      index_title: "Membership Types"
      new_title: "Add a Membership Type"
      edit_title: "Edit Membership Type"
      index_title: "Abstract Types"
      new_title: "Add an abstract type"
      edit_title: "Edit an abstract type"
      index_title: Event Timeframes
      new_title: Add a new timeframe
      edit_title: Edit timeframe
      index_title: "Committees"
      new_title: "Add an abstract committee"
      edit_title: "Edit an abstract committee"
      index_title: "Submission types"
      new_title: "Add a submission type"
      edit_title: "Edit a submission type"
      edit_title: "%{name}"
      index_title: "Mobile pages"
      new_title: "Add a new mobile page"
      edit_title: "Edit a mobile page"
      index_title: "Organisation chapter"
      new_title: "Add a new organisation chapter"
      edit_title: "Edit an existing organisation chapter"
      index_title: "Current membership addon items"
      new_title: "Add a new membership addon item"
      edit_title: "Edit an existing membership addon item"
      index_title: "Add-on costs"
      edit_title: "Edit add-on cost"
      hidden: "Hidden"
      hidden_help: "This prevents this category from being selected for submission."
      publish_help: "This allows this category to be displayed on the smartphone app."
      index_title: "Streams, Tracks or Categories"
      description: "App Description"
      hidden: "Hidden"
      primary_member_help: "This committee member will sign off all Certificates of Attendence."
      index_title: "Modify discounts"
      index_title: "Sponsorship entitlements"
      edit_title: "Edit sponsorship entitlements"
      admin_help: "Select one or more Entitlements and assign them all to the current Sponsorship."
      location_hint: "Click and drag a box onto the Trade Map above to mark where this booth will be located. Click the box to remove it and draw another."
      index_title: "Links to other events"
      index_help: "This adds links to other related events. These links are shown after a delegate is registered and gives the delegate an opportunity to register for them easily."
      edit_title: "Edit template: %{name}"
      index_title: "Email Templates"
      index_title: "Delegate information"
      index_help: "Add extra  data to display on delegate profile and filter searches in the Smartphone App"
      index_title: "Add new web page"
      edit_title: "Edit web page"
      duplicate: "<i class='fa fa-plus'></i>  Add new %{type}"
      speaker_upload_help: "<strong>Speaker profile image upload help:</strong> Please choose a square image to upload here. <strong class='danger'>Any image that is not square will look out of place.</strong>"
        section_size: "Section size"

        payment_methods_title: Payment options details
        payment_option_subheading: "Allow delegates to pay with"
        use_fixed_cc_surcharge: Use a fixed credit card surcharge?
        fixed_cc_surcharge_help: An amount that will be added to the payment as a surcharge for using a credit card.
        fixed_cc_surcharge: Fixed credit card surcharge amount
          processed_date_label: "Processed between"
      register_manager_profile: "Register your Group Manager Profile"
      correct_profile: Please take the time to ensure that your details on record are correct and up to date.
      potential_duplicate_profile: "We have detected a number of possible duplicates within the Currinda database. Please confirm if you are one of the following:"
      found_duplicate_profile: As there is already an account set up for you within our system we can send an email to that address or you can click below to return to the login screen.
      manager_already_registered_user: "There is already an account set up for that delegate. Please contact <a href='mailto:%{company_email}'>%{long_company}</a> to have yourself assigned as a manager for that account."
      agree_terms_and_privacy: "I agree to the %{long_company} <a href='%{terms_link}' target='_blank'>Terms and Conditions</a> and <a href='%{privacy_link}' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a>."
      agree_privacy: "I agree to the %{long_company} <a href='%{privacy_link}' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a>."
      required_notice: Fields in <span style="color:#890000">red</span> are required.
      not_duplicate_msg: No. None of the above is a duplicate entry.
      login_title: Login details
      manager_login_details: The details supplied here will be used each time you wish to edit the details of someone in your team.
      manager_add_user: Please enter details for a user you are managing the registration for. This information will be their registration details.
      login_details: The email address and password you supply here will be used to login in future, to change your registration details or register for future events.
      manager_email_use: Would you like messages sent to this email address?
      details_title: Personal details
      address_title: Address details
      use_second_address_label: "Use alternate mailing address"
      confirm_profile_msg: Please confirm your profile details are up-to-date before continuing.
      family_name: Family name
      name_tag: Name tag
      department_division: Department/division
      town_suburb: Town/suburb
      work_phone_number: Work phone number
      work_fax_number: Work fax number
      passport_title: Passport Details
      student_or_pensioner: Are you a full-time university student or retired?
      student_only: Are you a full-time university student?
      sponsor_or_exhibitor: Is your organisation a trade sponsor or exhibitor?
      invited_delegate: Is this an invited delegate?
      group_manager_delegate: Is this delegate a group manager?
      extra_email_title: Extra email addresses
      extra_email_address: All emails will be copied to these addresses also.
      add_extra_email: Add another email address
      continue_member: "Continue as a Member"
      continue_non_member: "Continue as a Non-Member"
      title: 'Member organisations'
      current: "Our records indicate that you are a member of these organisations:"
      expired: "<strong>%{org_name}</strong> (expired %{expiry_date})"
      expiring: "<strong>%{org_name}</strong> (expires %{expiry_date})"
      renew: "Renew Now"
      members_plural: Are you a member of any of the following organisations?
      members_single: Are you a member of the following organisation?
      help: This information is used to offer you the correct registration. If you are <strong>not a member</strong>, please click <strong>continue</strong> to select your non-member registration.
      already_registered: "This delegate has a current registration with a different profile."
      sold_out: This item is sold out.
      agree_terms_and_conditions: "I agree to the %{long_company} <a target='_blank' href='%{terms_url}'>terms and conditions</a>."
      another_rego_type: 'Add-ons from another registration type'
      none_rego: "There are no %{page_name} items applicable to your registration."
      no_details: There are no supplementary details required.
      admin_only: This option can only be altered by the event administrator.
      dietary_requirements_label: "Do you have any special dietary requirements?" 
      publish_details_label: "Do you wish to have your details published in the delegate handbook and in the smartphone app? (This includes name, state, organisation and supplementary details marked with <i class='glyphicon glyphicon-phone'></i>)" 
      special_requirements_label: "Do you have any special requirements (ie. wheelchair)?"
      default_questions_help: "These questions are attached to your <em>Currinda</em> profile. Any change to these answers will change them for all events registered using this profile."
      contactable: "Do you wish to allow other delegates to be able to contact you through the smartphone app?" 
       submitter_and_presenter_differ: "Are abstract submitter and presenting author different" 

        allocate_funds: "Use the input boxes below, you can allocate different amounts of funds to each delegate under your management."
      <<: *payment
      outstanding_title: "Payment - total outstanding: %{outstanding}"
      transaction_id: "Trans. ID"
      pending_complete: Pending and completed payments
      details: Payment Details
      submitted: Submitted
      processed: Processed
      amount: Amount
      added_by: Added by
      pending_processing: Pending processing
      pay_by_invoice: Pay by invoice
      pay_by_invoice_msg: "An invoice will be emailed to you."
      cheque_payment: Pay by cheque
      cheque_msg: "Please send cheques to (you have been sent an invoice by email):"
      credit_card_payment: Pay by credit or debit card
      credit_card_msg: "Please enter your credit card details in the following secure form"
      credit_card_type: "Card type:"
      credit_card_name: "Cardholder's name:"
      credit_card_num: "Card number:"
      cvv_help: "Located on the back of your card."
      credit_card_expiry: "Card expiry:"
      credit_card_expiry_format: MM/YYYY
      direct_debit_payment: Pay by direct debit
      direct_debit_msg: Please include invoice number and name as EFT reference when making payment.<BR>
      group_payment: Pay with group
      group_msg: Please contact %{long_company} if you wish to pay group invoice via credit card.<BR>
      admin_cash_payment: Take cash payment
      admin_cash_msg: Cash payments will be processed when cash is deposited into bank account.
      admin_refund: Make refund
      admin_refund_msg: "<P>Please check payment type, prior to entering refund.&nbsp; Ensure refund amount is entered as a&nbsp;<STRONG><U>NEGATIVE</U></STRONG> value.</P><P>Mastercard/Visa refunds will only be processed back to original credit card.</P><P>If refund via EFT or cheque is required, please email details to <A href='mailto:%{accounts_email}'>%{accounts_email}</A>.<BR></P>"
      admin_transfer: Transfer funds
      admin_transfer_msg: Please ensure you process a transfer for&nbsp;each delegate.&nbsp; Remember to enter&nbsp;a negative value for the delegate who made the payment.<BR>
      admin_eftpos_payment: Take EFTPOS payment
      admin_eftpos_msg: <STRONG><U>IMPORTANT:</U></STRONG> Please write the invoice number on the&nbsp;EFTPOS receipt.<BR>
      amount_to_pay: "Amount to pay:"
      no_valid_invoice: Processing payments is not available as there is no valid invoice generated.
      send_copy_to: "Send an additional invoice to this email address"
      send_copy_to_help: "You can send a copy of the processed invoice to an email address. This is used to notify your accounts department or send a copy to an alternate email address."
      disabled_cc: "Credit Card payments are currently unavailable for a short time due to a system upgrade. Please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>{%admin_name}</a> if there are any problems."
      credit_card_continue: "Pay with Credit Card & Continue »"
      other_payment_continue: "Process Payment & Continue »"
      no_payment_continue: "Continue without Payment »"
      skip_payment: "Choose payment method later"
      add_additional_payment: "Save &amp; Add an Additional Payment"
      skip_payment_message: "Please note that payment is required before the conference and in the case of early-bird rates, before the earlybird date."

        multiple_payments_title: Error - Multiple payments processing
        multiple_payments_info: You cannot authorise more than one payment at a time. Please ensure that you <strong>do not refresh the page</strong> after submitting a payment.
      contact_admin: While booking your accommodation, please note that accommodation outside these date ranges may be available. Please contact <a href='mailto:%{primary_admin_email}'>%{primary_admin_name}</a> to enquire.
      distance_venue: 'Distance to venue: '
      stars: 'Stars:'
      green_rating: 'Green Rating:'
      arrival: 'Arrival date:'
      departure: 'Departure date:'
      nights_prepay: "How many nights would you like to pre-pay:"
      prepay_one_night: "You must pre-pay one night:"
      shared: Have you organised to share accommodation?
      shared_msg: If you would like assistance finding a share partner please contact <a href='mailto:%{admin_email}'>%{admin_name}</a>.
      share_person: 'What is the email of the delegate you wish to share with?:'
      unavailable: "Accommodation is not currently available on this date. Email %{admin_email} to enquire about availability on this date."
      share_note: "Please note: If you are sharing then only 1 delegate should book accommodation."
      external_accomm_handle: Accommodation for this event is handled by an external company.
      name: "%{name}"
      name_with_value: "%{name} - %{value}"
      no_accommodation_required: "No accommodation required"
      user_notes_help: "Use this to make any notes to the secretariat regarding your accommodation."
      current_sharing_delegates: Current sharing delegates
      who_are_you_sharing_with: Who are you sharing with?
      sharing_help: "If the user that you are sharing with is attending the conference, please enter their email. Otherwise enter their full name."
      more_info: "More info"
      view_map: "View map"

      total: "Total Transfer - %{amount}"
      user_prepaid: "%{name} - %{accomm_name} - <span class='amount'>%{amount}</span>"
      remaining_text: (This will be the remaining membership)
      removed_text: (This will be the removed membership)
    delete_discount: "Delete discount"

    duplicatesfoundapiexception: "You may already be a member of the Currinda database. Please check below and confirm that you are not."
    duplicateemailapiexception: "This email is already registered to a members of the Currinda database."
    termsnotagreedexception: "You must agree to the terms and conditions below to continue."
    uniquenessexception: "That email address already exists within the ASN Events database."
    apisavefailedexception: "Saving failed. There may be problems with missing fields. Please check below."

    you_have_been_invited: "You have been invited to attend: %{event}"
    register_to_accept: "To accept this invitation you must complete the following information."
      "You have indicated that you won't be attending. Please fill in the following form so we can keep
      track of our invites. Thanks."
    thank_you_for_accepting: "Thank you for accepting the invitation to %{event}"
    not_invited: "You must be invited to attend that event."
    rejected: "Invitation Rejected: %{event}"

    letters_all: ALL
    image: "File must be in <code>.jpg</code> or <code>.png</code> format and must be under 2mb."
    document: "File must be in <code>.pdf</code> format."

      australian_dollar: "$"
      british_pound: "£"
      euro: "€"
    gst: "GST"
    vat: "VAT"
      au: ABN
      au_full: Australian Business Number
      nz: "GST #"
      nz_full: "GST Number"
      uk: "Registered Company Number"
      uk_full: "Registered Company Number"
nikic commented 9 years ago

The relevant part of the YAML file is

register_accomm: &register_accomm
  <<: *register_accomm

Causing an assertion failure:

hhvm: /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/../../runtime/ext_zend_compat/php-src/Zend/zend_operators.h:519: HashTable* HPHP::ZArrVal::getHashTable(): Assertion `ret->isProxyArray()' failed.

# 0  bt_handler at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/crash-reporter.cpp:82
# 1  __GI_raise at /build/buildd/eglibc-2.19/signal/../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56
# 2  __GI_abort at /build/buildd/eglibc-2.19/stdlib/abort.c:91
# 3  __assert_fail_base at /build/buildd/eglibc-2.19/assert/assert.c:92
# 4  __assert_fail at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:0
# 5  HPHP::ZArrVal::getHashTable() at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/../../runtime/ext_zend_compat/php-src/Zend/zend_operators.h:521
# 6  handle_mapping at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/../../runtime/ext_zend_compat/php-src/Zend/zend_operators.h:497
# 7  get_next_element at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/parse.cpp:330
# 8  handle_mapping at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/parse.cpp:421
# 9  get_next_element at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/parse.cpp:330
# 10 handle_document at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/parse.cpp:373
# 11 php_yaml_read_partial at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/parse.cpp:190
# 12 zif_yaml_parse_file(int, HPHP::RefData*, HPHP::RefData**, HPHP::RefData*, int, void***) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/yaml/yaml.cpp:569
# 13 HPHP::zend_wrap_func(HPHP::ActRec*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/hhvm/zend-wrap-func.cpp:101
# 14 HPHP::jit::x64::BackEnd::enterTCHelper(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/jit/back-end-x64.cpp:118
# 15 HPHP::jit::MCGenerator::enterTC(unsigned char*, HPHP::ActRec*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/jit/mc-generator.cpp:1037
# 16 HPHP::jit::MCGenerator::enterTCAfterPrologue(unsigned char*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/jit/mc-generator.h:259
# 17 enterVMAtFunc at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/bytecode.cpp:2003
# 18 enterVM at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/bytecode.cpp:2062
# 19 HPHP::ExecutionContext::invokeFunc(HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::Func const*, HPHP::Variant const&, HPHP::ObjectData*, HPHP::Class*, HPHP::VarEnv*, HPHP::StringData*, HPHP::ExecutionContext::InvokeFlags) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/vm-regs.h:73
# 20 HPHP::ExecutionContext::invokeUnit(HPHP::TypedValue*, HPHP::Unit const*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/vm/bytecode.cpp:2424
# 21 invoke_file_impl at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/builtin-functions.cpp:705
# 22 invoke_file at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/builtin-functions.cpp:716
# 23 HPHP::include_impl_invoke(HPHP::String const&, bool, char const*) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/builtin-functions.cpp:738
# 24 HPHP::hphp_invoke(HPHP::ExecutionContext*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool, HPHP::Array const&, HPHP::VRefParamValue const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, bool, bool, bool) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/program-functions.cpp:1942
# 25 HPHP::hphp_invoke_simple(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/program-functions.cpp:1903
# 26 execute_program_impl at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/program-functions.cpp:1633
# 27 HPHP::execute_program(int, char**) at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/runtime/base/program-functions.cpp:1026
# 28 main at /home/nikic/hhvm/hphp/hhvm/main.cpp:60
# 29 __libc_start_main at /build/buildd/eglibc-2.19/csu/libc-start.c:321
# 30 _start at hphp/hhvm/hhvm:0
lexidor commented 4 years ago

I am going over old issues on this repository, to see which ones apply to the current versions of hhvm.

The yaml extension is no longer supported in hhvm. It depended on a PHP 5 extension compatibility layer, which has been removed.