facebook / infer

A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
MIT License
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"Uncaught Internal Error" somebody help me pleazzz #1765

Open wahahahahah opened 1 year ago

wahahahahah commented 1 year ago

use command "infer capture -- mvn -f ./specify/pom.xml clean compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true -B -U -q -X" infer version is: v0.15.0 java version is: Java version: 1.8.0_40, vendor: Oracle Corporation maven version is: Maven 3.5.3 and here is the log Capturing in maven mode... Uncaught Internal Error: (Sys_error pom.xml: No such file or directory") Error backtrace: Raised by primitive operation at file "pervasives.ml", line 389, characters 28-54 Called from file "src/in_channel.ml" (inlined), line 17, characters 2-35 Called from file "integration/Maven.ml", line 119, characters 11-36 Called from file "integration/Maven.ml", line 146, characters 2-49 Called from file "integration/Maven.ml", line 162, characters 4-39 Called from file "infer.ml", line 20, characters 2-36 Called from file "infer.ml", line 130, characters 8-54

Run the command again with --keep-going to try and ignore this error.