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A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
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Support java classnames with $$ #3

Closed zsiegel closed 9 years ago

zsiegel commented 9 years ago

Many annotation libraries generate class names with $$ in them. It would be great if that could be supported. Currently Infer spits out the following...

Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("Error : com.company.project.android.activity.TestActivity$$ViewInjector$1 is not a valid name for a class")
ubuntudroid commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that would be much appreciated - one example of a popular library using this class name scheme during automatic code generation is Dagger which is indeed widely used. Can't use infer until this issue is solved. :crying_cat_face:

theblang commented 9 years ago


Exact same problem here. The Infer output says you can add abortOnError false to lintOptions, but I would rather this just not cause an error in the first place.

@zsiegel Which library is doing it for you? I personally am not using Dagger, but perhaps Butterknife?

zsiegel commented 9 years ago

Yea butter knife caused this problem for me personally.

sblackshear commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report! This is due to a problem in the javalib library we use to parse Java bytecode. We are working on getting it fixed upstream.

seanabraham commented 9 years ago

+1, looking forward to the fix for this!

winterDroid commented 9 years ago


ghost commented 9 years ago


VoidBreakTek commented 9 years ago

+1 for Butterknife, would also love to use Dagger and I believe the Dagger2 generated classes have similar naming to Butterknife so potentially same issue here. Possibly a way to exclude generated classes?

jeremydubreil commented 9 years ago

Yes, we will just skip the classes with the name containing $$ for now, while we are trying to fix the library used to parse the bytecode.

Folyd commented 9 years ago

I met the same problem when i used ButterKnife library in my project. Look forward the new feature!:)

oshamahue commented 9 years ago

Here is my log.

Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("Error : com.packagename.HomeActivity$$InjectAdapter is not a valid name for a class")
[ERROR] Failure during frontend, original command was
[u'inferJ', u'-g', u'-a', 'capture', u'javac', '-source', '1.7', '-target', '1.7', '-d'{bunch project jars}]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/infer", line 142, in <module>
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/infer", line 119, in main
    capture_exitcode = imported_module.gen_instance(args, cmd).capture()
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/../lib/capture/gradle.py", line 42, in capture
    return util.run_commands(cmds)
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/../lib/capture/util.py", line 34, in run_commands
    if not cmd.start():
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/inferlib.py", line 632, in start
    if self.capture() == os.EX_OK:
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/inferlib.py", line 400, in capture
    return self.run_infer_frontend()
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/inferlib.py", line 391, in run_infer_frontend
  File "/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/inferlib.py", line 318, in run_command
    raise e
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '[u'/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/InferJava', u'-results_dir', u'/Users/user/GitHub/Android-app/infer-out', u'-verbose_out', '/var/folders/68/4pkjv9fd743040h3dmj98kbm0000gn/T/javac_KjBTQT.out', u'-models', u'/Library/infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin/../lib/java/models.jar', u'-no-static_final']' returned non-zero exit status 2
jeremydubreil commented 9 years ago

@oshamahue: did you use the Infer binaries or did you compiled Infer from sources ?

oshamahue commented 9 years ago

@jeremydubreil I used the binaries. I added infer-osx-v0.1.0/infer/infer/bin as a path and used it from there.

richterrene commented 9 years ago

+1 ... a fix for Butterknife (and Dagger, if there's a problem as well) would be highly appreciated :dancer: :)

sblackshear commented 9 years ago

This issue has been sidestepped by 4526ada822d01728c4ac0ac30fd2f9a2aa115c0f, which stops Infer from crashing when it encounters $$ classnames (though it won't analyze these classes; we are working on that). However, you have to build Infer from source for this to work; we haven't released new binaries with the fix yet.

Macarse commented 9 years ago

@sblackshear can you release a new version with this fix? Do you have planned release schedules?

dulmarod commented 9 years ago

Hi, we made a new release today that contains the fix. You could try it out. We are planning to do releases regularly.

dmorehouse commented 9 years ago

Any idea when the upstream fix in javelib will get done? For those of us using Dagger, not analyzing the Dagger injected classes basically means that very little in our Android projects get analyzed. All our "services" / "business logic" classes are injected.

plowman commented 9 years ago

Hey @dmorehouse, As dulmarod mentioned above, they pushed a new build which fixes this issue. Download the latest binaries and try again.

theblang commented 9 years ago

@plowman The fix right now is just sidestepping the $$ classes and not analyzing them.

jvillard commented 9 years ago

This problem should be fixed soon and will likely make it to the next release of Infer in the next few days. Stay tuned!

plowman commented 9 years ago

Aha, that makes more sense. Thanks @mattblang.

jvillard commented 9 years ago

This has been fixed in the latest release.