facebook / jscodeshift

A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
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Missing parentheses around LogicalExpression inside of UnaryExpression #420

Open elipsitz opened 3 years ago

elipsitz commented 3 years ago

I believe I've stumbled onto a bug in jscodeshift: I created a transform to convert

(a && b) || c();


if (!(a && b)) {

However, when I wrap the initial LogicalExpression in a ! UnaryExpression, jscodeshift instead outputs:

if (!a && b) {

which has a different meaning due to the missing parentheses.

The issue on AST explorer: https://astexplorer.net/#/gist/4f8d333d868a270bd53098d4f283e8fa/5cb2224e8c7cbc178130c3da2ab6683e4a1064bc

Output of jscodeshift --version:

jscodeshift: 0.11.0
 - babel: 7.13.14
 - babylon: 7.13.13
 - flow: 0.148.0
 - recast: 0.20.4

I don't believe this is an issue with recast, because I wrote some code that does the same thing purely using recast, and it works:

var recast = require("recast");
const b = recast.types.builders;

const code = [
  "(a && b) || c();"

const ast = recast.parse(code);
const expression = ast.program.body[0].expression;
const body = b.blockStatement([b.expressionStatement(expression.right)]);
const cond = b.unaryExpression("!", expression.left);
const ifStatement = b.ifStatement(cond, body, null);
ast.program.body[0] = ifStatement;
const output = recast.print(ast).code;



if (!(a && b)) {
fcsonline commented 2 years ago

Maybe this issue is related:


fcsonline commented 2 years ago

I have the feeling that it is related to recast. Check this out:


And also:


mobily commented 2 years ago

@fcsonline I think what you need is adding node.left.prefix = true


export default function transformer(file, api) {
  const j = api.jscodeshift;
  var program = j(file.source);

    .find(j.ExpressionStatement, {
      expression: {
        type: "LogicalExpression",
    .replaceWith((p) => {
      var node = p.node.expression;
      if (node.operator == "||") {
        node.left.prefix = true
        var expr = j.unaryExpression("!", node.left, true);
        var then = j.blockStatement([j.expressionStatement(node.right)]);
        return j.ifStatement(expr, then, null);
      } else {
        return p;

  return program.toSource();
fcsonline commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the information @mobily !!. Do you have a link to the documentation related to this?

mobily commented 2 years ago

unfortunately, I don't 😢 (I just remember this, because I had a similar case in one of my codemods)

fcsonline commented 2 years ago

I mean, I think this is quite important to be documented because it can break you code without being aware of it. When I saw this thread it was the first time I have seen that a codemod can have unexpected side effects.