facebook / jscodeshift

A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
MIT License
9.11k stars 468 forks source link

Last npm release (0.15) is ~6 months old #577

Closed HughCrail closed 8 months ago

HughCrail commented 8 months ago

I would love to use a version of jscodeshift which uses a newer version of babel/parser - as the code base I wish to transform makes use of newer JS features.

I see that the main branch has a dependency on a much newer version of babel - Is it possible to release a new version to npm?

Thank you

Daniel15 commented 8 months ago

Sure, I'll push it this week. I want to see if we can automate pushing development builds too.

Daniel15 commented 8 months ago

0.15.1 has been published. Please allow 20-30 minutes for npm to update their caches.