facebook / jsx

The JSX specification is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript.
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RFC: Standardizing `$:` namespace escaping #161

Open iMrDJAi opened 6 months ago

iMrDJAi commented 6 months ago

RFC: Standardizing $: namespace escaping


JSX has proven to be very useful when it's about writing clients for XML-based APIs. It allows constructing XML requests while keeping all the JSX templating features and syntax highlighting. My company uses this approach to communicate with our different hotel/flight suppliers that provide XML API interfaces, which is quite common in the travel industry.

To achieve all of that, we have developed our custom automatic JSX runtime (xml-jsx-runtime) that takes care of transforming the JSX syntax into XML strings.


During the development of our JSX runtime, we have run into some limitations concerning the JSX standard itself:

These issues render JSX unusable in certain scenarios.


Fortunately, a solution was found! Our technique uses a special namespace that helps escaping such forbidden tag/attribute names. We have chosen $: due to the following considerations:

By adopting this, JSX will be able to process Capitalized tag names and reserved attributes by default.


Take a look at these examples from the xml-jsx-runtime README:

/** @jsxImportSource xml-jsx-runtime/runtime */
import { js2xml } from 'xml-js'

const xml = js2xml(
  <room adults={2} $:children={1} />
   * Or
   * <room adults={2} {...{'$:children': 1}} />
   * if you environment doesn't support XML namespaces

/** Output:
 * <room adults="2" children="1"/>
/** @jsxImportSource xml-jsx-runtime/runtime */
import { js2xml } from 'xml-js'

const xml = js2xml(
  <$:Element />

/** Output:
 * <Element />