facebook / jsx

The JSX specification is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript.
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Proposal: allow "nameless" elements to represent plain objects #70

Closed rchanou closed 7 years ago

rchanou commented 7 years ago


const sharedProps = <
  style={{ background: 'red', color: 'white' }}

const buttonElement = <button 

const anotherButtonElement = <button 

The main purpose for allowing this would be to ease refactoring. If you wish to pull out props into an object, currently you have to change prop={value} to prop: value, for all of them. The syntax above allows simple cut-and-paste.

Making JSX more like JS would accomplish the same goal, but this seems less drastic.

Edit: OK, so this might be problematic because spaces are currently allowed between < and the tag name. I just never noticed because I never write it that way. Regardless, some sort of JSX object declaration syntax would be nice.

rchanou commented 7 years ago

Never mind, I came up with a better proposal.