facebook / jsx

The JSX specification is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript.
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How can we insert elements dynamically #75

Closed NE-SmallTown closed 7 years ago

NE-SmallTown commented 7 years ago

For example:

? <div className="a">

: <div className="a">


    <input className="ccc" />

At now,the <div className="a"><span>aaaa</span></div> part is repetitive,but I can't write something like:

<div className="a">

    {props.providedElement || 

       <input className="ccc" />    

This will cause syntax error,but we can't wrap the element like:

<div className="a">

    {props.providedElement || 

           <input className="ccc" />    

because it will break the construction of html,maybe we need to do some extra work to fix it or it just can't be fixed.

Maybe we can do this:

<div className="a">

    {props.providedElement || 
         <input className="ccc" />

But it is a little difficult to read and maintenance.So,I want to ask is there any good way to solve this?

syranide commented 7 years ago
<div className="a">

    {props.providedElement || 
         <input className="ccc" />

Copied from you, that is how you do it for now, or using https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/create-fragment.html (functionally the same, but React-specific for now). Fragments will probably get their own syntax in the no to distant future which should much more natural (discussed in various places https://github.com/facebook/jsx/issues/65#issuecomment-253445276).

NE-SmallTown commented 7 years ago

Yup,seems like JSX can't solve this in syntax level at least now,I will use createFragment instead for now,thanks for your advice.