Title:Raise PrefixAllocator Iface Exception so Retries Occur
During TG Puma startup the PrefixAllocator module assigns lo an IP address. It makes a call the Netlink thread. If the call fails because the Netlink thread isn't ready, PrefixAllocator will not attempt to retry the call. Raise the timeout exception so that PrefixAllocator retries
Pull Request Template
Title:Raise PrefixAllocator Iface Exception so Retries Occur
During TG Puma startup the PrefixAllocator module assigns
an IP address. It makes a call the Netlink thread. If the call fails because the Netlink thread isn't ready, PrefixAllocator will not attempt to retry the call. Raise the timeout exception so that PrefixAllocator retriesTest Plan:
Run on TG dry-run network