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Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
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components plots is inconsistent with df_pred on monthly seasonality #1923

Open thisisreallife opened 3 years ago

thisisreallife commented 3 years ago


I perform seasonal-trend decomposation on timeseries. In my scenario, I cared about 3 different components, which are trend/weekly(7 days)/monthly(30.5 days as prophet doc suggests) components.

After we decompose each component, we may want to get the volume between and within each component. For example, we may want to compare weekly and monthly seasonality to tell which one is more important. For a particular seasonality component, take weekyly seasonality as example, we may need to know the strength of each weekday.

In prophet, we can draw decomposation with plot_components method. I want to get the data points in each component subplot so that I can know estimated volume of each weekday/day of month. image

I make a synthetic dataset to reproduce my findings. The ground truth of monthly seasonality is linear, but the predicted value is confusing.

import pandas as pd
from prophet import Prophet

###### data genaration
ds = pd.date_range(start = '2020-05-01', end = '2021-05-01', freq = 'D')
synthetic_data = pd.DataFrame({'ds':ds})
# linear trend
synthetic_data['trend'] = synthetic_data.index*0.05 + 1
# weekly seasonality
synthetic_data['weekly'] = 10*np.sin(synthetic_data.ds.dt.weekday/7*2*np.pi)
# monthly seasonality
synthetic_data['monthly'] = 1*synthetic_data.ds.dt.day
# add noise to get additive ts
synthetic_data['y'] = synthetic_data['trend'] + synthetic_data['weekly'] + synthetic_data['monthly'] + np.random.normal(0,5)

###### model fitting and components plot
m = Prophet(seasonality_mode='additive',
#             changepoint_prior_scale = 0.005,
#             holidays_prior_scale= 20,
#             yearly_seasonality= 1,
            weekly_seasonality= 1,
            daily_seasonality= 0
m.add_seasonality('monthly', period= 30.5,fourier_order = 5)
future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods= 0, freq = 'd')
df_pred = m.predict(future) 
fig = m.plot_components(df_pred)
plt.suptitle('components plots is inconsistent with df_pred on monthly seasonality',y= 1.02,fontsize = 20)

My attempt

I have no idea of getting data points in each component plot, so I tried to calculate them based on df_pred = m.predict(future).

It may work fine with built-in weekly seasonality

I think I can get data points of weekly seasonality componet using this code:

# 6 for Sunday, 0 for Monday. This weekly predicted result is consistent with components plot.

ds 0 0.150872 1 7.748597 2 9.511470 3 4.112012 4 -4.383875 5 -9.578614 6 -7.560462 Name: weekly, dtype: float64

If we compare the code output and weekly component plot, we can find they are consistent.

Does not work with self-define monthly seasonality

Then I calculate monthly seasonality from df_pred too.

# I think 1 is for first day, 31 for lastday. This monthly predicted result is nonconsistent with components plot.

ds 1 -3.567997 2 -10.775579 3 -13.482367 4 -12.816576 5 -10.644709 6 -8.886286 7 -8.210471 8 -7.986831 9 -7.286549 10 -5.873002 11 -4.305186 12 -3.227050 13 -2.673673 14 -2.097752 15 -1.015542 16 0.460024 17 1.766795 18 2.539023 19 3.032579 20 3.850227 21 5.250232 22 6.802167 23 7.821215 24 8.174247 25 8.571022 26 9.883497 27 12.022506 28 13.481589 29 12.635564 30 7.903723 31 1.138457 Name: monthly, dtype: float64

However, I find inconsistent result on monthly seasonality:

  1. The monthly seasonality in synthetic data is 1*synthetic_data.ds.dt.day, which is simple linear relationship. In components plot, the monthly seasonality is not linear.
  2. The monthly seasonality differs from my calculation on df_pred.monthly image

Summary of my question

  1. Did I do something wrong during model fitting? e.g. declare a wrong monthly seasonality (m.add_seasonality('monthly', period= 30.5,fourier_order = 5)). So that I get a wrong monthly component plot.
  2. How to get data points in component plot? Did I do right on weekly component and what's wrong with self-define monthly component? From source code, I know m.plot_components treat built-in weekly seasonality and self-define monthly seasonality differently.
thisisreallife commented 3 years ago

like #338 suggests, maybe I should tried increase the fourier_order parameter or set a holiday date range.

thisisreallife commented 3 years ago

I tried to increase the fourier_order to 15-30 but it does not help... Set a holidy/window is unrealistic in my true business scenario.