facebook / prophet

Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
MIT License
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20% performance regression in 1.1.2/1.1.3 #2358

Open nicolaerosia opened 1 year ago

nicolaerosia commented 1 year ago


I believe there is a performance regression between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

Simple reproducer

import statistics
import timeit

import pandas as pd
import prophet

# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/facebook/prophet/main/examples/example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv
#df_in = pd.read_csv("./example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv")
df_in = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/facebook/prophet/main/examples/example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv")

def run_prophet_speedtest(periods=30, include_history=False, holiday=True):
    m = prophet.Prophet(mcmc_samples=0, uncertainty_samples=1000)
    if holiday:

    # Python
    future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=periods, include_history=include_history)
    forecast = m.predict(future)
    return m, forecast

t = timeit.Timer(lambda: run_prophet_speedtest())

ret = t.repeat(repeat=10, number=6)
mean = statistics.mean(ret)
median = statistics.median(ret)
std = statistics.stdev(ret)

print(f"results: {ret}")
print(f"mean: {mean}, median: {median}, std: {std}")

try with:

pip install prophet==1.1.1
pip install prophet==1.1.2

I have also my own build on which I have cherry picked some commits, and I get a speed increase compared to 1.1.1, with this commit: https://github.com/facebook/prophet/commit/07167512883f2035c8f3b2dada2a64f2cf698bdf

I still need to bisect, but I suspect it's either the fourier related commits or this warm start, https://github.com/facebook/prophet/commit/eb71d0117b7154e2b584e11fd2b7ea7aa13a2128 . Any ideas?

tcuongd commented 1 year ago

Thanks heaps! Is it possible to time each of the fit and predict steps separately to identify the slow part?

The warm starts code path should only be run when init is passed, which it wasn't in your example.

nicolaerosia commented 1 year ago


it's even worse, here is a quick snippet you can try. Testing on Python 3.9 because 1.1.1 was not supporting 3.11.

rm -rf venv-1
python3.9 -m venv venv-1
source venv-1/bin/activate

pip install prophet==1.1.1 holidays==0.24
pip freeze -> venv-1-pip-freeze.txt

python3 prophet_benchmark.py


fit only
results: [2.6406618790006178, 2.5883878200002073, 2.618681915000707, 2.597276200000124, 2.590181763998771, 2.6008756900009757, 2.6040572540005087, 2.608617838999635, 2.789804326999729, 2.65691634399991]
mean: 2.6295461032001186, median: 2.6063375465000718, std: 0.060431768532746344
fit + predict
results: [2.714795433999825, 2.850421868999547, 2.638496886000212, 2.6244312430007994, 2.631157390000226, 2.6112251470003685, 2.6814545750003163, 2.980850472000384, 2.610891910000646, 2.7252798459994665]
mean: 2.706900477200179, median: 2.659975730500264, std: 0.12123589033861379
rm -rf venv-3
python3.9 -m venv venv-3
source venv-3/bin/activate
pip install prophet==1.1.3

pip freeze -> venv-3-pip-freeze.txt

python3 prophet_benchmark.py


only fit
results: [3.2665141450015653, 3.206068987001345, 3.2111546550004277, 3.2630801260002045, 3.067265342999235, 3.2855859010014683, 3.109610724999584, 3.112001972998769, 3.364600740000242, 3.5069349340010376]
mean: 3.239281752900388, median: 3.237117390500316, std: 0.13135773814410753
fit + predict
results: [3.0524819580004987, 3.670144108000386, 3.2175543370012747, 3.236598290000984, 3.2881391849987267, 3.197264123000423, 3.1189955129993905, 3.273076322000634, 3.317247042001327, 3.2037827340009244]
mean: 3.257528361200457, median: 3.2270763135011293, std: 0.16492037667999565

Test script

import statistics
import timeit

import pandas as pd
import prophet

# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/facebook/prophet/main/examples/example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv
# df_in = pd.read_csv("./example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv")
df_in = pd.read_csv(

def run_prophet_speedtest_only_fit(periods=30, include_history=False, holiday=True):
    m = prophet.Prophet(mcmc_samples=0, uncertainty_samples=1000)
    if holiday:

    # Python
    future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=periods, include_history=include_history)
    forecast = m.predict(future)
    return m, forecast

def run_prophet_speedtest(periods=30, include_history=False, holiday=True):
    m = prophet.Prophet(mcmc_samples=0, uncertainty_samples=1000)
    if holiday:

    # Python
    future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=periods, include_history=include_history)
    forecast = m.predict(future)
    return m, forecast

t = timeit.Timer(lambda: run_prophet_speedtest_only_fit())

ret = t.repeat(repeat=10, number=6)
mean = statistics.mean(ret)
median = statistics.median(ret)
std = statistics.stdev(ret)

print("only fit")
print(f"results: {ret}")
print(f"mean: {mean}, median: {median}, std: {std}")

t = timeit.Timer(lambda: run_prophet_speedtest())

ret = t.repeat(repeat=10, number=6)
mean = statistics.mean(ret)
median = statistics.median(ret)
std = statistics.stdev(ret)

print("fit + predict")
print(f"results: {ret}")
print(f"mean: {mean}, median: {median}, std: {std}")
nicolaerosia commented 1 year ago

@tcuongd hang on, seems to be fixed in 1.1.4, redoing my tests

tcuongd commented 1 year ago

Oh interesting. What platform are you on btw?