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Swift already supports macros #4138

Open ikhvorost opened 4 weeks ago

ikhvorost commented 4 weeks ago


iOS Native Modules page contains the following sentence in Exporting Swift section:

Swift doesn't have support for macros, so exposing native modules and their methods to JavaScript inside React Native requires a bit more setup.


But swift already supports macros from the version 5.9 and more over there is ReactBridge swift package (https://github.com/ikhvorost/ReactBridge) that implements all macros for React Native to make pure swift bridges in convenient way. For instance:

@ReactModule(jsName: "Calendar")
class CalendarModule: NSObject, RCTBridgeModule {

  @objc func createEvent(title: String, location: String) {
    print("Create event '\(title)' at '\(location)'")

So that "Swift doesn't have support for macros" phrase is not correct and should be replaced/removed in the page.

Documentation version
