facebook / react-native

A framework for building native applications using React
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Unable to run AwesomeProject sample app successfully with error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. #24450

Closed jerrychong25 closed 5 years ago

jerrychong25 commented 5 years ago

🐛 Bug Report

To Reproduce

1) Open Getting Started for macOS iOS. 2) Follow all dependencies installation steps 3) Create a new application via command: react-native init AwesomeProject 4) Run AwesomeProject via command:

cd AwesomeProject
react-native run-ios

5) Error occured when running project:

error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your a
pp with Xcode.app, by opening AwesomeProject.xcodeproj

6) Run sample app failed.

Expected Behavior

Run sample app successfully.

Code Example

Run new project named AwesomeProject as mentioned in Getting Started for macOS iOS.


  React Native Environment Info:
      OS: macOS 10.14.4
      CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4980HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
      Memory: 190.08 MB / 16.00 GB
      Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
      Node: 11.14.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
      npm: 6.7.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
      Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman
      iOS SDK:
        Platforms: iOS 12.2, macOS 10.14, tvOS 12.2, watchOS 5.2
      Android SDK:
        API Levels: 27, 28
        Build Tools: 27.0.3, 28.0.3
        System Images: android-23 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, android-25 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, android-27 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, andr
oid-27 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom, android-28 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom
      Android Studio: 3.3 AI-182.5107.16.33.5314842
      Xcode: 10.2/10E125 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
      react: 16.8.3 => 16.8.3 
      react-native: 0.59.4 => 0.59.4 
      react-native-cli: 2.0.1

Debug Log

macusers-MacBook:AwesomeProject HighSierra$ react-native run-ios
info Found Xcode project AwesomeProject.xcodeproj
info Launching iPhone X (iOS 12.2)...
info Building using "xcodebuild -project AwesomeProject.xcodeproj -configuration Debug -scheme AwesomeProject -destination id=274D552C-C67B-4EFA-A90C-
AF559D0954F0 -derivedDataPath build/AwesomeProject"
info User defaults from command line:

info     IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/HighSierra/Documents/GitHub/AwesomeProject/ios/build/AwesomeProject

info Build Preparation

info Couldn't create workspace arena folder '/Users/HighSierra/Documents/GitHub/AwesomeProject/ios/build/AwesomeProject': Unable to write to info file


error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your a
pp with Xcode.app, by opening AwesomeProject.xcodeproj

2019-04-15 11:50:32.423 xcodebuild[30913:229065] Error saving log: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied" UserInfo={NSFilePath=/U
sers/HighSierra/Documents/GitHub/AwesomeProject/ios/build/AwesomeProject/Logs/Build/09631BCB-251C-4C0A-8A81-7451C031D0B5.xcactivitylog, NSLocalizedDes
cription=Permission denied} | User info: {
    NSFilePath = "/Users/HighSierra/Documents/GitHub/AwesomeProject/ios/build/AwesomeProject/Logs/Build/09631BCB-251C-4C0A-8A81-7451C031D0B5.xcactivit
    NSLocalizedDescription = "Permission denied";

. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.

Could anyone assist on this issue?


devdigitalappteam commented 4 years ago

@Piero87 I had exactly the same problem, I just delete the build folder inside /ios then just run again react-native run-ios and the error disappear.

This should be the answer

Work fine after deleting build folder and re-run

devethan commented 4 years ago

If you don't have cocoa pods installed you need to sudo gem install cocoapods

  1. cd /ios
  2. run pod install
  3. cd ..
  4. delete build folder
  5. run react-native run-ios

if error persists,

  1. delete build folder again
  2. open the /ios folder in x-code
  3. navigate File -> Project Settings -> Build System -> change (Shared workspace settings and Per-User workspace settings): Build System -> Legacy Build System

Thanks. it works goooooooood.

Wan-Codes commented 4 years ago

Eu tentei todas as opções acima e ainda assim, nada funciona. Tudo estava bem até que eu atualizei meu sistema operacional hoje (atualização de 30 min).

Atualização: excluí o arquivo AwesomeProject e inicializei um novo e a compilação foi bem-sucedida. No entanto, agora recebo uma mensagem no simulador dizendo "não foi possível conectar ao servidor de desenvolvimento" Captura de tela 2019-07-31 em 1 48 36 PM

Atualização 2 : excluir a pasta de compilação funcionada, voltando a ver a tela "Bem-vindo ao reagir no simulador do iPhone"

Comigo foi assim também, mas e so dar um ( command + R ) pra resetar a conexão

Henry23 commented 4 years ago

@Piero87 I had exactly the same problem, I just delete the build folder inside /ios then just run again react-native run-ios and the error disappear.


mohmdalfaha commented 4 years ago

Literally, not even a single one could fix the issue. I tried all the suggestions. The only solution I might need to do is formatting my whole mac with a clean installation of all tools.

phuongthuan commented 4 years ago

If you don't have cocoa pods installed you need to sudo gem install cocoapods

  1. cd /ios
  2. run pod install
  3. cd ..
  4. delete build folder
  5. run react-native run-ios

if error persists,

  1. delete build folder again
  2. open the /ios folder in x-code
  3. navigate File -> Project Settings -> Build System -> change (Shared workspace settings and Per-User workspace settings): Build System -> Legacy Build System

It's working. Thank you

garshen commented 4 years ago

This error occurred when I opened my project for the first time in XCode cuz i needed to add a library. Deleting the build folder in the ios folder alone didn't work for me.

What worked for me:

  • In XCode set "Build System" to "Legacy Build System" (File -> Project Settings -> Build System -> Legacy Build System)
  • Delete the "build" folder in the "ios" folder
  • npm install (I also deleted my node_modules, cuz was installing a new library)
  • react-native run-ios

Perfect it worked for me,,Thanks

anandaneesh commented 4 years ago

This worked for me!

     react-native start --reset-cache
     rm -rf node_modules/
     rm -rf package-lock.json 
     cd ios
     pod deintegrate
     cd ..
     rm -rf ios/Podfile.lock 
     npm install
     npm audit fix
     react-native link
     cd ios
     pod install
     cd ..
     react-native run-ios
nihp commented 4 years ago

@phuongthuan @garshen Your solution not worked for me

thiagosrib commented 4 years ago

Nothing above worked for me. Only worked when I include --scheme param in react-native run-ios

react-native run-ios --scheme "xxxx"

nihp commented 4 years ago

@thiagosrib How can you set the scheme param. I also facing the same error.

Can you brief me about scheme param?

thiagosrib commented 4 years ago

@nihp in my case, the project that I work has two schemes in Xcode (Dev and Prod).

So, I used the command below and it worked for me

react-native run-ios --scheme "Dev" or react-native run-ios --scheme "Prod"

Asrover commented 4 years ago
  1. sudo gem install cocoapods
  2. cd ios (Folder in your react-native project)
  3. pod install
  4. Restart XCode
  5. react-native run-ios
nanadjei commented 4 years ago


Solution here 👆

thiagosrib commented 4 years ago

@nihp to create schemes, on Xcode goes to Product -> Schemes -> Manage Schemes... -> (Plus icon to create new scheme).

After create a new scheme, you can manage the configurations chosing Edit option.

Sorry for the delay in my answer.

nihp commented 4 years ago

Can anyone of you confirm after upgrading how your Header Seach Paths are? Is it like (${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/BugsnagReactNative") Or ($RCTROOT/filename).

What is the correct one after upgrade to 0.60.0 or 0.61.5

LAITONEN commented 4 years ago

Ok, I got it. Had issues setting-up a new project after not using React-Native for a lot of time.

My system:

macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 XCode 9.4 Had to reinstall the project in order to use the installation guide from version 0.59.0, because the installation guide from 0.61 uses approach with npx react-native ..., which disallows the usage of react-native below 0.60 (quite totalitarian). 0.59.0 was still using the global version of react-native installed through npm.

In other words: Reinstall the project by removing the old one and use the steps mentioned in the "Getting Started" guide of React-Native 0.59.0 (or any other version compatible with your version of OS and XCode) to install your project again. No need to delete any build or node_modules or installing pods again and so forth, just pick the version of React-Native compatible with your macOS and Xcode (by downgrading and reinstalling the project until you get it) and no need to upgrade to the latest versions, they are developed for the latest systems, if you don't want to buy the latest devices to support the latest software (OS) or you can't afford them, just stay with the old ones - it's totally fine :)

congtrieu112 commented 4 years ago

should be remove build folder in folder ios and run again, I work good

anastely commented 4 years ago

I did every single thing above but still the issues, I can't build my ios app :(

Khushboo-gupta-123 commented 4 years ago

when i run my react-native project on terminal for ios i faced this issue??is there any solution i tried everything but i can't run my app and my xcode not working when i open my project. "Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with Xcode.app, by opening demo.xcworkspace"

DeadDuck83 commented 4 years ago

@Khushboo-gupta-123 I got the same result. I know this is not the solution you are looking for, but what worked for me was deleting my Node Modules and then Yarn them back and if-so fact-o, it worked. Not a fix, but it worked for me.

  1. Delete node_modules
  2. Yarn to re-install them.
GuilhermeTrivilin commented 4 years ago

What worked for me was to rename the project by removing the special characters.

Example: "project_marketplace" to "projectmarketplace"

In this case, I redid the project with react-native init and copied the src and package.json folder.

pereligins commented 4 years ago

Hi All! I have updated Xcode to 11.4. It solves this problem for me.

meetajhu commented 4 years ago

This happens when you terminate the metro bundler terminal window. So make sure you start the metro bundler again by running

npx react-native start

then open your iOS project in Xcode Goto -> Product -> Clean build folder. Then goto your terminal project path start again

npm react-native run-ios

Hope it helps