facebook / react-native

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.measure returns undefined on Android unless collapsable=false or onLayout are specified #29712

Open evelant opened 4 years ago

evelant commented 4 years ago


If you call .measure on a ref to a View on Android but you don't also have onLayout or collapsable={false} specified then .measure will call its success callback with undefined.

This issue got closed but it was never fixed https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/3282 Seems it got reported again and was also closed without a fix https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/19103

The issue here is identical, a 5 year old bug! I suspect it's due to android removing "unnecessary" views when it shouldn't. If there's a ref the view should essentially have collapsable={false} automatically.

React Native version:

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.20190
    CPU: (16) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
    Memory: 33.48 GB / 63.93 GB
    Node: 10.18.1 - C:\dev\tools\nodejs\node.EXE
    Yarn: 1.22.4 - C:\dev\tools\nodejs\yarn.CMD
    npm: 6.14.7 - C:\dev\TaskHero\node_modules\.bin\npm.CMD
    Watchman: 4.9.4 - C:\dev\tools\watchman\watchman.EXE
    Android SDK:
      API Levels: 28, 29
      Build Tools: 28.0.3, 29.0.3, 30.0.1
      System Images: android-24 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom, android-25 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a, android-25 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64, android-28 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64, android-29 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64, android-30 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64, androi
d-R | Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64
      Android NDK: 21.0.6113669
    Android Studio: Not Found
    Java: 12.0.2
    Python: 3.8.4
    @react-native-community/cli: ^4.10.1 => 4.10.1
    react: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1
    react-native: 0.63.2 => 0.63.2
    *react-native*: Not Found

Steps To Reproduce

Provide a detailed list of steps that reproduce the issue.

  1. Add a ref to a view on Android
  2. Call .measure on that ref, values returned are undefined

Expected Results

It should return the measurement results

Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

Not needed, can be reproduced immediately on any react native android project of any version

LogicAnalysis commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for this! I was looking for a solution, and setting collapsable={false} fixed it for me!

rrr3da commented 3 years ago

collapsable={false} was a great workaround for me after upgrading to react-native 0.64.0, thank you @AndrewMorsillo

GrimDev commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. Another quick solution that work : bind a noop function to the onLayout

markymc commented 2 years ago

collapsable={false} worked for me too! Pity this is needed though. I agree with this:

If there's a ref the view should essentially have collapsable={false} automatically.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you @AndrewMorsillo. collapsable={false} worked for me.

xhirazi commented 2 years ago

Thanks man. collapsable={false} worked for me.

rrain0 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! collapsable={false} is working.

rrain0 commented 2 years ago

And instead of measure() better use onLayout={} View attribute (it works without collapsable={false}).

const onLayout = ({nativeEvent: {layout: { x, y, width:w, height:h }}}: LayoutChangeEvent) => {
    console.log('onLayout: ',x,y,w,h)
return <View onLayout={onLayout}></View>
markymc commented 2 years ago

And instead of measure() better use onLayout={} View attribute (it works without collapsable={false}).

const onLayout = ({nativeEvent: {layout: { x, y, width:w, height:h }}}: LayoutChangeEvent) => {
    console.log('onLayout: ',x,y,w,h)
return <View onLayout={onLayout}></View>

However onLayout doesn't provide pageX and pageY, so it's not a direct replacement. https://reactnative.dev/docs/direct-manipulation#measurecallback

endlessqt commented 2 years ago

Hey, any updates on this issue? I got similar problem, but collapsible and empty onLayout are doing nothing. Still getting 0 and 0 for x and y values on android, but on ios works perfectly.

nguyenhoanglam commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much! collapsable={false} work for me.

alexborton commented 1 year ago

Just going to bump this up - collapsable={false} works as expected, but seems like an unnecessary hack.

lukearndt commented 1 year ago

Thank you for documenting this. Adding collapsable={false} has worked for me too.

bozaigao commented 1 year ago

use pageX and pageY instead of x and y

iway1 commented 1 year ago

@bozaigao pageY will be undefined in these cases as well

BasixKOR commented 1 year ago

pageX and x serves a bit different purposes, and I don't think I can replace it with pageX in my use-case. I'm also having the same issue as #4753 and collapsable=false didn't help.

tranquan commented 1 year ago

Tried different solutions (collapsible, requestAnimationFrame, etc), and it doesn't work for me Work around by wrapping measure with setTimeout 500ms now but I think it's not a proper fix

In my case:

Only the first component measure has values in (x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) The other components measure are undefined

The issue only occur on Android. IOS work fine

ororsatti commented 1 year ago

any updates on this one?

BasixKOR commented 1 year ago

I've taken a closer look into this issue, and I'm assuming Yoga wasn't able to find the shadow node in case if the view has been flattened out (unsure about the word choice): https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/76bf71e2cc12cf0ca3d3e04ac898c4a62a9df400/ReactCommon/react/renderer/uimanager/UIManagerBinding.cpp#L584

quockhanhz176 commented 1 year ago

In my case the view was not visible on the screen when measure was called (the second page of a swiper). It worked after I move the view to the first page. Not totally satisfied with the solution though :/

najil-12 commented 11 months ago

Tried different solutions (collapsible, requestAnimationFrame, etc), and it doesn't work for me Work around by wrapping measure with setTimeout 500ms now but I think it's not a proper fix

In my case:

  • I have a horizontal flat list
  • the component I want to measure in the renderItem

Only the first component measure has values in (x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) The other components measure are undefined

The issue only occur on Android. IOS work fine

Hey @tranquan did you find the solution for this if yes then please share with me

tranquan commented 11 months ago

@najil-12 I just wait some timeout before call measure

rsmutch commented 10 months ago

Tried different solutions (collapsible, requestAnimationFrame, etc), and it doesn't work for me Work around by wrapping measure with setTimeout 500ms now but I think it's not a proper fix

In my case:

  • I have a horizontal flat list
  • the component I want to measure in the renderItem

Only the first component measure has values in (x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) The other components measure are undefined

The issue only occur on Android. IOS work fine

Try adding removeClippedSubviews={false} to the FlatList. RN defaults this to true for android.

FabianMontoya commented 8 months ago

Thank you so much for this! I was looking for a solution, and setting collapsable={false} fixed it for me!

Here on december 2023, thanks, it worked for me, a View ref was giving me an undefined using .measure

Xavier-Charles commented 4 months ago

collapsable={false} does not work for me so I used onLayout as a trigger for the .measure

Mookiies commented 3 months ago

Have other people's workarounds had success in getting x and y values to be anything other than 0?

longb1997 commented 1 month ago

Have other people's workarounds had success in getting x and y values to be anything other than 0?

No, i still got 0 for x and y