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App crashes randomly on Android 12 with `JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException: Animated node with tag ### does not exists` #33375

Closed LiuIos closed 2 years ago

LiuIos commented 2 years ago


com.facebook.react.bridge.JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException: Animated node with tag 201 does not exists at com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedNodesManager.connectAnimatedNodes(NativeAnimatedNodesManager.java:317) at com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedModule$15.execute(NativeAnimatedModule.java:681) at com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedModule.executeAllOperations(NativeAnimatedModule.java:258) at com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedModule.access$400(NativeAnimatedModule.java:85) at com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedModule$3.execute(NativeAnimatedModule.java:287) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIViewOperationQueue$UIBlockOperation.execute(UIViewOperationQueue.java:573) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIViewOperationQueue$1.run(UIViewOperationQueue.java:908) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIViewOperationQueue.flushPendingBatches(UIViewOperationQueue.java:1019) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIViewOperationQueue.access$2600(UIViewOperationQueue.java:47) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIViewOperationQueue$DispatchUIFrameCallback.doFrameGuarded(UIViewOperationQueue.java:1079) at com.facebook.react.uimanager.GuardedFrameCallback.doFrame(GuardedFrameCallback.java:29) at com.facebook.react.modules.core.ReactChoreographer$ReactChoreographerDispatcher.doFrame(ReactChoreographer.java:175) at com.facebook.react.modules.core.ChoreographerCompat$FrameCallback$1.doFrame(ChoreographerCompat.java:85) at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1140) at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:946) at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:870) at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1127) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:210) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:299) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8085) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:-2) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:556) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1045)



Output of npx react-native info

System: OS: macOS 11.4 CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 65.65 MB / 8.00 GB Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 16.10.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.10 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 7.24.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm Watchman: 2021.09.13.00 - /usr/local/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: 1.10.1 - /usr/local/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: DriverKit 21.2, iOS 15.2, macOS 12.1, tvOS 15.2, watchOS 8.3 Android SDK: API Levels: 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 Build Tools: 28.0.3, 29.0.2, 30.0.2 System Images: android-29 | Intel x86 Atom_64 Android NDK: 22.1.7171670 IDEs: Android Studio: 4.2 AI-202.7660.26.42.7351085 Xcode: 13.2.1/13C100 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild Languages: Java: 1.8.0_292 - /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac npmPackages: @react-native-community/cli: Not Found react: 17.0.1 => 17.0.1 react-native: 0.64.2 => 0.64.2 react-native-macos: Not Found npmGlobalPackages: react-native: Not Found

Steps to reproduce

App crashes randomly in Android

Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository

No response

jefersonvinicius commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too!

I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example

Some extra information:

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

Meeting the same crash randomly at version both 0.64.2 and 0.67.3

First i think the point is useNativeDriver: true, so i try to set all useNativeDriver to false, but the crash still exits.

LiuIos commented 2 years ago

Is there a solution?

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too!

I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example

Some extra information:

  • At least with me, the error just happens in release apk. The app works perfectly in debug mode.
  • The error is happening in an Android 12 device, a Galaxy S10 SM-G973F. I tried replicate the error in Android 9 but no error is threw.
  • I don't know if is related, but I realize the crash happens often when I'am scrolling.

Nearly the same, but I got this error even in debug mode randomly. I am facing this problem in Mi12(Xiaomi 2201123C) with Android 12. It seems ok in other devices using android 10/9/8 or ios.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/33400 seems the same problem...

DjamshidDjurayev commented 2 years ago

same here

guptayush commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too! I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example Some extra information:

  • At least with me, the error just happens in release apk. The app works perfectly in debug mode.
  • The error is happening in an Android 12 device, a Galaxy S10 SM-G973F. I tried replicate the error in Android 9 but no error is threw.
  • I don't know if is related, but I realize the crash happens often when I'am scrolling.

Nearly the same, but I got this error even in debug mode randomly. I am facing this problem in Mi12(Xiaomi 2201123C) with Android 12. It seems ok in other devices using android 10/9/8 or ios.

@coolguy001tv can you try setImmediate(()=> LayoutAnimation.configureNext(androidAnimation))

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@guptayush thanks for the reply. But it doesn't help me a lot. I tried to comment the setImmediate rows (there's only one component using it in my project) , it still crashed. Actually, my project has hundreds of pages, I don't know if it's some other animated things affect.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too!

I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example

Some extra information:

  • At least with me, the error just happens in release apk. The app works perfectly in debug mode.
  • The error is happening in an Android 12 device, a Galaxy S10 SM-G973F. I tried replicate the error in Android 9 but no error is threw.
  • I don't know if is related, but I realize the crash happens often when I'am scrolling.

I tried your example in 0.67.1 with Mi12(Xiaomi 2201123C, android 12), which still crashed in debug mode and release apk. But I can only reproduce the crash in your Listing Page in the example, I can't reproduce in Animations Page.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

Can somebody help? I get nearly mad...

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

Can somebody help? I get nearly mad...

Yesterday i got a fool-way but not try yet to avoid the crash for a short time:

  1. clone the match-react-native-version code
  2. goto com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedNodesManager.connectAnimatedNodes and add try...catch... to wrap all method body
  3. rebuild a .aar file to replace ./node_modules/react-native/android/.../...aar file
  4. maybe in 3th step, should replace all file in the dir
mayankyadav-zepto commented 2 years ago

Looked at Sentry logs of my RN app on production.

Here are the list of device models on which this crash is happening.

[ 'SM-G970F', 'SM-N970F', 'SM-F700F', 'SM-G990E', 'SM-G988B', 'SM-S908E', 'SM-G991B', 'SM-G780F', 'SM-A725F', 'SM-G996B', 'SM-G975F', 'SM-G980F', 'SM-G770F', 'SM-N770F', 'SM-G973F', 'SM-G985F', 'SM-N975F', 'SM-N980F', 'SM-A528B', 'SM-A525F', 'SM-F711B', 'SM-G998B', 'SM-G781B', 'SM-N986B' ]

Hope this helps. For now disabling animation on these devices.

All of them are on Android 12.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

How can I disable all the animation? I have hundreds of pages and some other dependencies...

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

Can somebody help? I get nearly mad...

Yesterday i got a fool-way but not try yet to avoid the crash for a short time:

  1. clone the match-react-native-version code
  2. goto com.facebook.react.animated.NativeAnimatedNodesManager.connectAnimatedNodes and add try...catch... to wrap all method body
  3. rebuild a .aar file to replace ./node_modules/react-native/android/.../...aar file
  4. maybe in 3th step, should replace all file in the dir

I am trying to do this too... But it's so hard to rebuild react-native in windows, I failed again and again with error like missing xxx.o. But my colleague who is using mac seems to succeed. I'll try this method. When I have any new info, I shall talk here.

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

Today i find out another IllegalArgumentException crash and it is also only happen on Android 12 level 31, detail crash log below:

# main(2)
Invalid parent node provided

java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

Maybe between the two crash have some relationship.

react-native: 0.64.2

DjamshidDjurayev commented 2 years ago

any updates on this issue? it happens only on android 12 devices. This crash also happens java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid parent node provided

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

We are also meeting those exceptions like java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,Invalid parent node provided etc. Actually, we replace throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException(...) to return in many files to try to avoid such exception. Because those exception throws after condition like if (parentNode == null) or if (childNode == null), I think maybe those node are released somewhere, so I'd like just to return instead of throw exception.(Of course it's not right to do so, for doing this may lead some memory leaks, but for now I have no other better idea).

After doing this, we find the crash happened less than before.(The log shows it indeed gets into the code before the return statement we just replaced, and without the exception, app can continue). But sometimes we find the app may freeze. When freezed, sometimes it may recover by locking the screen and then unlocking the screen (sometimes this operation won't help).

We know the right thing should be look deeper in why parentNode/childNode is null, but we are not android developer, so we have to try to bypass those exceptions.

Still waiting for help...

mouricef commented 2 years ago

Facing the same issue. it happens only on android 12 devices.

Sentry log - https://sentry.io/share/issue/412e43bba0594b70a3e4327ecbb4199d/

Any solution or workaround?

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@LiuIos Maybe the title can be modified to be android 12 to be more specific. It seems that it happens only on android 12 devices according to our discussion.

LiuIos commented 2 years ago

@coolguy001tv 👌

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@cortinico sorry to disturb, but can you help us to solve this bug in android 12? It bothers us a lot in such a long time and there's still no one can offer deeper help.

CaioQuirinoMedeiros commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same problem for a few weeks now. I also confirm that it happens just on devices running Android 12... It just crashes randomly. I tried to remove all Animated uses from the project, even removed all dependencies that used it, but the problem persisted, which makes me think that it is indeed a ReactNative issue.

yanxlg commented 2 years ago

Has anyone tried react-native@0.63.4? I found that some people said it would be OK to reduce from 64 to 63.

yanxlg commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too!

I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example

Some extra information:

  • At least with me, the error just happens in release apk. The app works perfectly in debug mode.
  • The error is happening in an Android 12 device, a Galaxy S10 SM-G973F. I tried replicate the error in Android 9 but no error is threw.
  • I don't know if is related, but I realize the crash happens often when I'am scrolling.

I did not get this error with mi 10 pro device!

I tried this sample project,but did not crashed in any page.Maybe my testing device is ok with this issue.But I fond that some people said it would be OK to reduce react-native from 64 to 63,can you try it and offer the result?

DjamshidDjurayev commented 2 years ago

what about 0.66?

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

Has anyone tried react-native@0.63.4? I found that some people said it would be OK to reduce from 64 to 63.

Can u post more info(like url) on this discussion? And what's your android version in mi 10 pro device?

yanxlg commented 2 years ago

Has anyone tried react-native@0.63.4? I found that some people said it would be OK to reduce from 64 to 63.

Can u post more info(like url) on this discussion? And what's your android version in mi 10 pro device?


my device's android version is 12.It is upgrated yesterday.

cortinico commented 2 years ago

@cortinico sorry to disturb, but can you help us to solve this bug in android 12? It bothers us a lot in such a long time and there's still no one can offer deeper help.

Sorry we can't help you here. The versions of RN you're using is too old (we're at 0.67 and about to release 0.68). If this issue is still happening on 0.67/0.68 AND we have a valid reproducer -> Then we can look into it.

CaioQuirinoMedeiros commented 2 years ago

I was having this problem on 0.66, updated to 0.67.3 and still have the problem. I'll try to create a reproducible code later.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@cortinico sorry to disturb, but can you help us to solve this bug in android 12? It bothers us a lot in such a long time and there's still no one can offer deeper help.

Sorry we can't help you here. The versions of RN you're using is too old (we're at 0.67 and about to release 0.68). If this issue is still happening on 0.67/0.68 AND we have a valid reproducer -> Then we can look into it.

@cortinico There may be too much discussion here which makes you think the RN is too old. Let me sum up: we found this bug in at least those versions: 0.64.2(tested by LiuIos) 0.66(CaioQuirinoMedeiros) 0.67.1(Me) 0.67.3 (zhuanghongji). It crashed randomly in Android 12 only. I myself can reproduct this crash with the example https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/33375#issuecomment-1059844263 in 0.67.1, and as https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/33375#issuecomment-1059844263 said, this crash happened often when scrolling. In my testing, I heavily scroll and click and navigate back in and out. In both debug and release apk, it will crash, though, it seems in release apk the crash will be a little easier to reproduct.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

I'am getting this error too! I created a repo with a simple app as example: https://github.com/jefersonvinicius/react-native-crashing-example Some extra information:

  • At least with me, the error just happens in release apk. The app works perfectly in debug mode.
  • The error is happening in an Android 12 device, a Galaxy S10 SM-G973F. I tried replicate the error in Android 9 but no error is threw.
  • I don't know if is related, but I realize the crash happens often when I'am scrolling.

I did not get this error with mi 10 pro device!

I tried this sample project,but did not crashed in any page.Maybe my testing device is ok with this issue.But I fond that some people said it would be OK to reduce react-native from 64 to 63,can you try it and offer the result?

@yanxlg Because the crash is randomly happening, u may need to try to scroll fast, click fast as possible as u can, this helps you meet the crash sooner( acutally we found this crash in a very normal operation, but this kind of heavy operation can speed up the crash time).

And btw, what's the phone model and system u are using?

cortinico commented 2 years ago

@coolguy001tv Thanks for the context. You're correct, that's a valid bug. After some investigation, we realized that this bug seems to happen ONLY on Android 12 and mostly on Samsung devices.

We still haven't figured out what is the root cause, but the fix for it should be this: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/b347c3949f40b33df300a31ab7f86df4d82a00b2

Sadly, this commit hasn't been released yet and won't be available before React Native 0.69.x. In that version you should be able to execute the extra logic with:

ReactFeatureFlags.enableSynchronizationForAnimated = true

In your Application onCreate section.

@ShikaSD also has more context on this. We're actively monitoring this bug, and we'll come back with more context if we do further discoveries.

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

@coolguy001tv Thanks for the context. You're correct, that's a valid bug. After some investigation, we realized that this bug seems to happen ONLY on Android 12 and mostly on Samsung devices.

We still haven't figured out what is the root cause, but the fix for it should be this: b347c39

Sadly, this commit hasn't been released yet and won't be available before React Native 0.69.x. In that version you should be able to execute the extra logic with:

ReactFeatureFlags.enableSynchronizationForAnimated = true

In your Application onCreate section.

@ShikaSD also has more context on this. We're actively monitoring this bug, and we'll come back with more context if we do further discoveries.

@cortinico Is there any way i can help to test b347c39 if it really fix the randomly crash ?

I tried to build main-branch source code, but something blocked me.

cortinico commented 2 years ago

@cortinico Is there any way i can help to test b347c39 if it really fix the randomly crash ?

You could bump RN version to a nightly: 0.0.0-20220322-2008-8a5460ce8

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@cortinico Is there any way i can help to test b347c39 if it really fix the randomly crash ?

You could bump RN version to a nightly: 0.0.0-20220322-2008-8a5460ce8

Is there anyone who tried this version? I am so sorry that these days I have been too busy to test it.

feras-merwas commented 2 years ago
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "react-native": "^0.67.2",

my app crash immediately on android 12

in my case i found the problem come from react native maps

  "react-native-maps": "^0.30.1",

to fix this problem

diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-maps/lib/android/build.gradle b/node_modules/react-native-maps/lib/android/build.gradle
index 8d6cef1..a71642f 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-maps/lib/android/build.gradle
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-maps/lib/android/build.gradle
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ android {

 dependencies {
-  def work_version = "2.5.0"
+  def work_version = safeExtGet('targetSdkVersion', 27) < 31 ? "2.5.0" : "2.7.1"
   def supportLibVersion = safeExtGet('supportLibVersion', '28.0.0')
   def supportLibMajorVersion = supportLibVersion.split('\\.')[0] as int
   def appCompatLibName =  (supportLibMajorVersion < 20) ? "androidx.appcompat:appcompat" : "com.android.support:appcompat-v7"
coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago

@feras-merwas It seems your problem is not as same as ours. I (most likely we) don't use react-native-maps but still suffer the crash. But your comment may help someone else~

LiuIos commented 2 years ago

I found that Swipeable with React-Native-Gesture-Handler in list is very easy to crashe, in Android 12

harsh-sangwan-mmt commented 2 years ago

@coolguy001tv were you able to find any temporary solution for the problem?

yulolimum commented 2 years ago


I am on rn 0.67.3 and was able to apply a temporary workaround/hack on my project based on @coolguy001tv 's solution here. I'm not ready to upgrade to nighties.

This involves forking rn, checking out the correct version, commenting out where the native error is triggered, building react-native from source, and using that forked version. So far, I haven't seen the issue for a few weeks with a 10k userbase.

Probably not the way to do it properly, but at least we aren't getting crashes anymore.

zincle commented 2 years ago

Meeting the same crash randomly at version both 0.64.2 and 0.67.3

First i think the point is useNativeDriver: true, so i try to set all useNativeDriver to false, but the crash still exits.

Did it reduce the number of crashes, If not finishing them completely, As I can see in other answers, some folks are claiming, It worked for them https://stackoverflow.com/a/63551341

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

Meeting the same crash randomly at version both 0.64.2 and 0.67.3 First i think the point is useNativeDriver: true, so i try to set all useNativeDriver to false, but the crash still exits.

Did it reduce the number of crashes, If not finishing them completely, As I can see in other answers, some folks are claiming, It worked for them https://stackoverflow.com/a/63551341

Not sure if the crash reduced or not, i just turn off useNativeDriver in dev environment and find out the crash still exits.

coolguy001tv commented 2 years ago


I am on rn 0.67.3 and was able to apply a temporary workaround/hack on my project based on @coolguy001tv 's solution here. I'm not ready to upgrade to nighties.

This involves forking rn, checking out the correct version, commenting out where the native error is triggered, building react-native from source, and using that forked version. So far, I haven't seen the issue for a few weeks with a 10k userbase.

Probably not the way to do it properly, but at least we aren't getting crashes anymore.

@harsh-sangwan-mmt For there're too many files modified, so I don't put it here. But I have to say, after the modification, I find nearly no crash any more in production (I know it will crash sometimes with very heavy operations, but maybe in production people just use it in not such a rude way). And however, it's not the final way, I am also waiting for the official solution.

zhuanghongji commented 2 years ago

@harsh-sangwan-mmt I am on rn 0.67.3 and was able to apply a temporary workaround/hack on my project based on @coolguy001tv 's solution here. I'm not ready to upgrade to nighties. This involves forking rn, checking out the correct version, commenting out where the native error is triggered, building react-native from source, and using that forked version. So far, I haven't seen the issue for a few weeks with a 10k userbase. Probably not the way to do it properly, but at least we aren't getting crashes anymore.

@harsh-sangwan-mmt For there're too many files modified, so I don't put it here. But I have to say, after the modification, I find nearly no crash any more in production (I know it will crash sometimes with very heavy operations, but maybe in production people just use it in not such a rude way). And however, it's not the final way, I am also waiting for the official solution.

Maybe there are unknown issue or not of modifying code privately, so waiting for the official solution is way now.

LiuIos commented 2 years ago

Modified react-native-0.64.2-sources.jar files Still crashes

LiuIos commented 2 years ago

I amnotation all the code

LiuIos commented 2 years ago


cortinico commented 2 years ago

Maybe there are unknown issue or not of modifying code privately, so waiting for the official solution is way now.

Just a heads up that RN 0.69.0-rc0 is out. While not stable, it's still worth giving a try as it includes the flags to toggle this behavior

taipham1803 commented 2 years ago

You can try this way in android/app/build.gradle

add this

dependencies { .... implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.7.0" }

yzhangdegit commented 2 years ago

You can try this way in android/app/build.gradle

add this

dependencies { .... implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.7.0" }

have you tried? it worked?