facebook / react-strict-dom

React Strict DOM (RSD) is a subset of React DOM, imperative DOM, and CSS that supports web and native targets
MIT License
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feat: Add support for .stopPropagation that warns on RN #81

Closed nmn closed 1 month ago

nmn commented 1 month ago

Fixes #77

Seemed like a simple fix while I was fixing some type annotations.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

compressed-size: runtime library

Size change: +0.02 kB Total size: 18.80 kB

Filename: gzip (minify) kB size kB change % change
./packages/react-strict-dom/dist/native/index.js 14.85 (46.47) +0.02 (+0.08) +0.1% (+0.2%) 🔴
View unchanged | Filename: gzip (minify) | kB size | kB change | % change | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `./packages/react-strict-dom/dist/dom/index.js` | **2.99** (9.00) | **0.00** (0.00) | **0.0%** (0.0%) | | `./packages/react-strict-dom/dist/dom/runtime.js` | **0.95** (2.33) | **0.00** (0.00) | **0.0%** (0.0%) |