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How will react solve nested contexts? #14620

Closed Coooooooola closed 5 years ago

Coooooooola commented 5 years ago
<context1.Provider value={value1}>
  <context2.Provider value={value2}>
    <context3.Provider value={value3}>
      <context4.Provider value={value4}>
        <context5.Provider value={value5}>

  {value1 => <context2.Consumer>
    {value2 => <context3.Consumer>
      {value3 => <context4.Consumer>
        {value4 => <context5.Consumer>
          {value5 => (
penspinner commented 5 years ago

The upcoming Hooks API provide a different way to consume contexts.


milesj commented 5 years ago

I'll be honest. If you're encountering this kind of implementation, then your architecture design seems poor and you probably shouldn't be using React context.

milesj commented 5 years ago

What does that library have to do with 5 layers deep of providers/consumers?

milesj commented 5 years ago

In that case, the context handling is now on the users of the library, and less on the library. How they utilize the features is up to them, and if they want all providers in one place (which defeats the purpose of having multiple stores), then that's their choice. Ideally a multiple store solution would be implemented at different splits in the application, so nested contexts like this are much more rare.

My 2 cents at least.

gaearon commented 5 years ago

Not at all. But it's also hard to discuss your problem without a more realistic example. Please create one?

gaearon commented 5 years ago

What would your ideal syntax be?

gaearon commented 5 years ago

Consuming multiple contexts without nesting is already supported. (With Hooks.)

Context.write has an RFC open for it. We don't know if it'll get through because it raises some very complicated questions. But while the RFC is open I'm not sure what's actionable in this issue. Do you have something to add beyond what's already in the RFC motivation?

TrySound commented 5 years ago

@rabbitooops Which exactly issues with hooks do you have? I use hooks in production and they work well for my team.

TrySound commented 5 years ago

@rabbitooops https://github.com/reactjs/rfcs/issues/101

zhujinxuan commented 5 years ago

@rabbitooops How about using a single store and Symbol as keys to mimic multi-layers of store?

data Store = Leaf Object | C Store Store

Or in a imperfect way in javascript:

const LEFT = Symbol('LEFT')
const RIGHT = Symbol('RIGHT')
function createLeafStore = return new Store({});
function createStore(leftChild :: Store, rightChild :: Store) {
  return new Store({[LEFT]: leftChild, [Right]: rightChild})
YosbelSardinas-minted commented 5 years ago

@zhujinxuan You can use Unstated, example:

<Subscribe to={[AppContainer, CounterContainer, ...]}>
  {(app, counter, ...) => (
    <Child />
gaearon commented 5 years ago

Seems hooks API has lots of issues to be solved and is very unstable right now

We're preparing it for a release within a week or two — not sure why you inferred that. They'll be ready soon although if you want to be safe, please wait until a stable release.

And what about this?

Calling Hooks in a loop (as you do in forEach) is generally not allowed. It's easy to cause issues this way.


Both useProvider and useShouldComponentUpdate are problematic as Hooks (which is why React doesn't have them). See my response in https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14534#issuecomment-455411307.

Overall, I'm struggling to understand the intent of this issue.

Consuming multiple contexts is solved by useContext Hook. We don't recommend to somehow "automate" it with arrays because this makes it too easy to write components that subscribe to too much context and re-render too often. You should have a clear sense of which contexts a component listens to, which is what useContext API gives you. If you must, you can write useMyContexts() Hook that explicitly uses specific contexts. I just don't recommend making it dynamic like you did because if the array length changes, it can break.

Putting multiple providers can be seen as "boilerplate" and we might eventually have a solution for this. But I also don't understand why you see it as a big problem. Examples in this thread aren't realistic enough to explain the issue to me. I don't see anything bad with nesting several layers of JSX somewhere at the top of the application. Pretty sure you have much deeper div nesting in most components and that doesn't hurt too much.

I'll close this as I think I already replied to these points, and the discussion goes in circles. If there's something missing let me know.

YosbelSardinas-minted commented 5 years ago

OT: @gaearon, there is any plan to add something like useRender or something to have more control of rendering? eg:

useRender(() => <div />, [...props])

The second arg has the same role of useEffect hook.

gaearon commented 5 years ago

useMemo is your friend.

See second snippet in https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#how-to-memoize-calculations.

0xorial commented 5 years ago

I ended up with a code like that:

function provider<T>(theProvider: React.Provider<T>, value: T) {
   return {
      provider: theProvider,

function MultiProvider(props: {providers: Array<{provider: any; value: any}>; children: React.ReactElement}) {
   let previous = props.children;
   for (let i = props.providers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      previous = React.createElement(props.providers[i].provider, {value: props.providers[i].value}, previous);
   return previous;

Then in my top-level providing component:

public render() {
      return (
               provider(Context1.Provider, this.context1),
               provider(Context2.Provider, this.context2),
               provider(Context3.Provider, this.context3),
               provider(Context4.Provider, this.context4),
               provider(Context5.Provider, this.context5),
         ><AppComponents />


I don't see anything bad with nesting several layers of JSX somewhere at the top of the application.

I have ~15 dependencies that I want to be injectable in that manner, and having 15 levels of indentation doesn't look pretty to me :)

alesmenzelsocialbakers commented 5 years ago

@0xorial you dont really need to have a component for that, after all <></> is just a function call React.createElement. So you could simplify it to a compose function like:

const compose = (contexts, children) =>
  contexts.reduce((acc, [Context, value]) => {
    return <Context.Provider value={value}>{acc}</Context.Provider>;
  }, children);

and use it as:

import Context1 from './context1';
import Context2 from './context2';
import Context3 from './context3';
import Context15 from './context15';

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  // const value1..15 = ... get the values from somewhere ;

  return compose(
      [Context1, value1],
      [Context2, value2],
      [Context3, value3],
      [Context15, value15],
disjukr commented 5 years ago

I wrote a library in the past that handles this case: https://github.com/disjukr/join-react-context

Ilham132 commented 4 years ago


jsdevel commented 4 years ago

this is definitely something that happens in applications all the time. useContext is great for consuming the contextual data in a component, but it isn't so great when you need to provide context in an app with multiple providers.

kornfleks commented 4 years ago

Here is a closure alternative of @alesmenzelsocialbakers solution:

const composeProviders = (...Providers) => (Child) => (props) => (
  Providers.reduce((acc, Provider) => (
  ), <Child {...props} />)

const WrappedApp = composeProviders(

ReactDOM.render(<WrappedApp />, document.getElementById('root'));

Downside is that you have to write each specific Provider component. Example:

export const ProgressProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0)

  return (
    <ProgressContext.Provider value={{ progress, setProgress }}>
csr632 commented 4 years ago

I have created a state management library that is better at service composition. Here is a demo of avoiding provider hell. Feel free to try it or read its source(100 lines of code)!

It introduce a "scope" object to collect the context provider, so that:

kolodny commented 4 years ago

I took a crack at this as well. This seems to work fine:

const composeWrappers = (
  wrappers: React.FunctionComponent[]
): React.FunctionComponent => {
  return wrappers.reduce((Acc, Current): React.FunctionComponent => {
    return props => <Current><Acc {...props} /></Current>

Usage is:

const SuperProvider = composeWrappers([
    props => <IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={messages} children={props.children} />,
    props => <ApolloProvider client={client}>{props.children}</ApolloProvider>,
    props => <FooContext.Provider value={foo}>{props.children}</FooContext.Provider>,
    props => <BarContext.Provider value={bar}>{props.children}</BarContext.Provider>,
    props => <BazContext.Provider value={baz}>{props.children}</BazContext.Provider>,
  return (
      <MainComponent />

I also published this helper as an npm library react-compose-wrappers

keithkelly31 commented 4 years ago

The following shows how I am passing around the authenticated user to components that need it.

I decided to create one state for my application. In my State.js file I set up my initial state, context, reducer, provider, and hook.

import React, { createContext, useContext, useReducer } from 'react';

const INITIAL_STATE = {}

const Context = createContext();

const reducer = (state, action) => 
    ? ({ ...state, [action.type]: action[action.type] }) 
    : state;

export const Provider = ({ children }) => (
  <Context.Provider value={ useReducer(reducer, INITIAL_STATE) }>
    { children }

const State = () => useContext(Context);

export default State;

Then in my index.js file I wrapped my app in the provider.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from './State';
import App from './App';

      <App />

To consume the state in a component I can use the hook. I can also use dispatch to update the state. For example if I want to get or set a user.

import React, {useEffect} from 'react';
import State from './State'

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [{ user }, dispatch] = State(); 

  useEffect(() => {
    const getUser = async () => {
      const data = await fetch('http://example.com/user.json');  // However you get your data
      dispatch({ type: 'user', user: data });
  }, [dispatch]);

  // Don't render anything until user is retrieved
  // The user is undefined since I passed an empty object as my initial state
  if(user === undefined) return null; 


export default ExampleComponent;

I think this way gives me the freedom to build the state how I need it without adding a ton of extra contexts and helps me to avoid a deep nest of providers.

Emyboy commented 4 years ago

The upcoming Hooks API provide a different way to consume contexts.


How to do I use this in a class component ?

Zhigamovsky commented 4 years ago

The upcoming Hooks API provide a different way to consume contexts. https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecontext

How to do I use this in a class component ?

Aren't hooks used to take advantage of various React features without writing classes? Well, that is, everything that various hooks do is already exist in the classes. If you're talking about convenient syntax and usage api, then the react moves away from classes to functional components, so welcome to functions and hooks)

TotooriaHyperion commented 3 years ago

I created a package to solve the problem by provide similar API with vue3




import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import { Providers, useCreateContexts, useProvide } from "../..";
import { createService, ServiceA } from "./service";

export const Outer: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  const contexts = useCreateContexts();
  const service = useMemo(createService, []);
  useProvide(contexts, ServiceA.id, service);
  return <Providers contexts={contexts}>{children}</Providers>;


import React from "react";
import { useContexts, useReplaySubject } from "../..";
import { ServiceA } from "./service";

export const Inner2: React.FC = () => {
  const [
      actions: { inc, dec },
  ] = useContexts([ServiceA.id]);
  const count = useReplaySubject(state$);
  return (
        <button onClick={inc}>Increment</button>
        <button onClick={dec}>Decrement</button>
buhichan commented 3 years ago

here is how I do it:

interface Composable {
    (node: React.ReactNode): React.ReactElement

const composable1: Composable = (node)=>{
      return <someContext.Provider>{node}</someContext.Provider>

function Comp({children}:{children?:React.ReactNode}){
       return pipe(
             composabl1, composabl2, composable3

You can find the pipe function in many popular libraries such as rxjs, there's also several language-level proposals for this pipeline-like operation. There's no need to 'solve' it by using another lib.

waleedshkt commented 3 years ago

From all the above proposed solutions to wrapping components with multiple providers, this one by @alesmenzelsocialbakers is the most performant and neat one

jdarshan5 commented 3 years ago

well I have a problem with context, this is my code `

{...children} ` Problem is that if I try to access the context value of the AContext then it gives me the values of the BContext and I have access them in my class component. consumption of AContext in child component is as below, ` class P2 extends React.Component { static contextType = AContext; componentDidMount = () => { console.log(this.context); } render() { return( 2 ) } } ` Here the problem is that on component did mount the console is showing the data of this.beta which is passed to the BContext but I need to access the value this.alpha which is of the AContext. Plz help me
nanxiaobei commented 3 years ago

react-easy-contexts is made to solve this.

👉 https://github.com/nanxiaobei/react-easy-contexts

An introduction article:


pandanoir commented 2 years ago

I published package that provides type-safe way to merge providers flat.


doronhorwitz commented 1 year ago

This is a fun solution too: https://dev.to/alfredosalzillo/the-react-context-hell-7p4

pandanoir commented 8 months ago

I have completely resolved the issue.

const valid: FC = () => (
      [createContext(0), 0],
      [createContext("string"), "string"],
const invalid: FC = () => (
  <MergeProvider // type error!
      [createContext(0), "0"], // mismatch
      [createContext("string"), "string"],

The implementation of MergeProvider is available here