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[React 19] - Components from React.createElement are not renderable anymore #29042

Closed titouancreach closed 3 months ago

titouancreach commented 4 months ago



Svg (imported with @svgr/webpack) are not renderable anymore (since react 19 beta (alpha was ok)), this is the code produced by the webpack loader:

import * as React from "react";
var SvgLogoOfficiel = function SvgLogoOfficiel(props) {
  return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("svg", _extends({
    xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
    viewBox: "0 0 2000 2000"
  }, props), _defs || (_defs = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("defs", null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("style", null, ".logo-officiel_svg__cls-1{fill:#0c6d8e}.logo-officiel_svg__cls-2{fill:#f9d57c}.logo-officiel_svg__cls-3{fill:#de5351}.logo-officiel_svg__cls-4{fill:#ffedb4}"))), _circle || (_circle = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("circle", {
    id: "logo-officiel_svg__Calque_3",
    cx: 1000,
    cy: 1000,
    r: 867.5,
    className: "logo-officiel_svg__cls-1",
    "data-name": "Calque 3"
  })), _g || (_g = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("g", {
    id: "logo-officiel_svg__Calque_12",
    "data-name": "Calque 12"
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    d: "M819.57 1354.67a264.9 264.9 0 0 1-56.31-57.44C720.11 1237.1 703.79 1164 716 1085.81a360 360 0 0 1 33.68-104.41 371.3 371.3 0 0 1 61.88-89.22c43.92-46.68 95.51-76.68 149.19-86.75 11.11-2.09 27.94-6.28 40.93-10.19 5.9-1.78 10.81-3.43 14.6-4.9 8.53-3.3 21.6-8.73 35.85-16h.18l1.72-1c125.81-71 132.22-124.31 140.33-191.83 4.24-35.32 9.05-75.35 33.14-124.63 23.41-47.9 51.64-99.9 115.19-163.54 52.41 140.54 58.87 266.68 19.17 375.07-39.23 107.1-115.76 174.56-173 212.3-55.86 36.84-109.86 58.35-139.24 65.6-21.64 5.36-38.46 10.61-52.94 16.53-71.26 29.14-100.13 83-93.61 174.61 4.15 58.47 30.94 102.62 79.67 131.45-16.87 7.1-33.17 11.83-46.82 15.79-7.64 2.21-14.24 4.13-19.57 6.07-38.17 13.92-70.7 35.41-96.78 63.91",
    className: "logo-officiel_svg__cls-2"
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    d: "M1339.72 307.14c48 134.35 53.12 255 15.1 358.76-38.53 105.18-113.82 171.5-170.14 208.62-55 36.24-108.1 57.4-136.86 64.51-22 5.45-39.15 10.81-54 16.87-74.73 30.56-105 86.72-98.26 182.08 4 55.88 27.73 99.23 70.71 129.27-11.64 4.19-22.73 7.41-32.46 10.23-7.77 2.26-14.48 4.2-20 6.23-37.06 13.51-69 34-95 60.87a256.8 256.8 0 0 1-49.4-51.72 261.9 261.9 0 0 1-43.93-99.86c-7.06-33.89-7.75-69.57-2-106a352.3 352.3 0 0 1 32.92-102.26 363.7 363.7 0 0 1 60.6-87.42 309.8 309.8 0 0 1 68-54.93c25-14.72 51-24.68 77.13-29.59 11.33-2.13 28.48-6.4 41.71-10.38 6.08-1.84 11.18-3.55 15.15-5.08 8.36-3.25 21-8.5 34.91-15.46h.37l3.43-1.94c129.13-72.84 136.06-130.59 144.1-197.46 4.17-34.73 8.9-74.1 32.43-122.23 22.08-45.19 48.5-94.08 105.48-153.11m5.9-27.14c-71.8 69.71-101.61 126.08-124.86 173.66-69.78 142.76 19 206.38-170.42 313.22a392 392 0 0 1-36.77 16.47c-3.83 1.49-8.71 3.1-14.05 4.71-13.5 4.06-30 8.08-40.15 10C902.25 808.77 849 841.45 806.1 887c-100 106.22-143.66 282.55-48.93 414.57a273.1 273.1 0 0 0 63.48 63.14c24.68-28.61 57.32-52 98.27-66.94 16.76-6.12 48.8-12.54 80.6-28.33-42-20.87-83.68-58.1-89-132.56-7.25-101.89 32.1-143.88 89-167.14 16.12-6.59 33.64-11.67 51.9-16.19 29.71-7.34 84-28.64 141.51-66.55 139.59-91.94 278.77-281.66 152.69-607Z",
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    d: "M999.52 1286.1c21.08 9.68 41.8 15.69 57.32 20.2 7.25 2.1 13.5 3.91 18.13 5.6 36.81 13.42 67.78 34.5 92.06 62.65 36.43 42.22 56 98.66 55.14 158.93a259.2 259.2 0 0 1-15.22 84.26 232.3 232.3 0 0 1-42.15 73.11c-18.54 21.58-44.12 39.74-74 52.53a255 255 0 0 1-56.95 16.71c5.86-6.84 11.51-14.12 16.57-21.23 18.14-25.49 41.41-65.88 49.24-113.56 8.66-52.73-.27-128.11-92-187.76-28.75-18.69-64.24-35-105.48-48.38a268.2 268.2 0 0 1-58.54-27.1c22.27-22 49.24-38.81 80.39-50.16 4.61-1.69 10.87-3.5 18.12-5.61 15.53-4.5 36.24-10.51 57.33-20.19m0-16.62c-31.8 15.79-63.84 22.21-80.6 28.33-40.95 14.93-73.59 38.33-98.27 66.94a283 283 0 0 0 76.94 38.68c41.79 13.58 75.33 29.38 101.93 46.69C1189 1573.31 1017 1772 989.72 1779c77-.42 146.33-31.68 186.46-78.38 78.52-91.36 83.38-241.81 2.21-335.87-24.68-28.61-57.33-52-98.29-66.94-16.75-6.12-48.78-12.54-80.58-28.33Z",
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    className: "logo-officiel_svg__cls-3"
export default SvgLogoOfficiel;

React throws:

ncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {$$typeof, type, key, props, _owner, _store}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
    at throwOnInvalidObjectType (react-dom.development.js:9439:9)
    at reconcileChildFibersImpl (react-dom.development.js:10548:7)
    at reconcileChildFibers (react-dom.development.js:10573:27)
    at reconcileChildren (react-dom.development.js:15802:28)
    at mountIndeterminateComponent (react-dom.development.js:16938:5)
    at beginWork$1 (react-dom.development.js:18458:16)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:20565:14)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackImpl (react-dom.development.js:20614:16)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:20689:29)
    at beginWork (react-dom.development.js:26949:7)
    at performUnitOfWork (react-dom.development.js:25748:12)
    at workLoopSync (react-dom.development.js:25464:5)
    at renderRootSync (react-dom.development.js:25419:7)
    at performConcurrentWorkOnRoot (react-dom.development.js:24504:74)
    at workLoop (scheduler.development.js:256:34)
    at flushWork (scheduler.development.js:225:14)

I followed the migration guide and I've seen no mention of this. I think it's an issues since a lot of project (in my experience) use this.

Thanks Kind

eps1lon commented 4 months ago

Can you include a cloneable repository? You likely have multiple versions of the react package installed.

titouancreach commented 3 months ago

Yes sure and sorry for the delay:

I've created a new app with next-create-app, then added svgr.

To run:

eps1lon commented 3 months ago

You're using next@14.2.3 which does not support React 19. You need at least next@14.3.0-canary.45

Once I install next@14.3.0-canary.45 and the required React version (exact 19.0.0-beta-4508873393-20240430), it works.

titouancreach commented 3 months ago

@eps1lon OK thanks very much. Where did you find this info ?

and sorry for the noise !

eps1lon commented 3 months ago

I implemented support for React 19 in Next.js. We don't have a list of compatible libraries/frameworks yet.

titouancreach commented 3 months ago

Ok I understand, thanks again