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Improve grammar and parallel structure in React library documentation #29125

Closed dileepdhangar closed 1 month ago

dileepdhangar commented 1 month ago

Summary This pull request aims to improve the grammar and parallel structure in the documentation for the React library. The motivation behind this change is to enhance readability and clarity for users accessing the documentation.

To test this change, I reviewed the modified documentation to ensure that the grammar improvements were correctly implemented. Specifically, I focused on the Declarative section where the changes were made. I carefully checked for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies and verified that the revised text maintains coherence and clarity.

Additionally, I ran a spell check to ensure that there were no spelling errors introduced during the modification process.

No changes were made to the code functionality; therefore, no additional testing beyond reviewing the documentation was necessary for this specific change.

vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

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react-compiler-playground ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback May 17, 2024 7:40am
facebook-github-bot commented 1 month ago

Hi @dileepdhangar!

Thank you for your pull request and welcome to our community.

Action Required

In order to merge any pull request (code, docs, etc.), we require contributors to sign our Contributor License Agreement, and we don't seem to have one on file for you.


In order for us to review and merge your suggested changes, please sign at https://code.facebook.com/cla. If you are contributing on behalf of someone else (eg your employer), the individual CLA may not be sufficient and your employer may need to sign the corporate CLA.

Once the CLA is signed, our tooling will perform checks and validations. Afterwards, the pull request will be tagged with CLA signed. The tagging process may take up to 1 hour after signing. Please give it that time before contacting us about it.

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react-sizebot commented 1 month ago

Comparing: 3f1436cca1f8dd80a19fd52b97b6ff71a4d9ce82...5cfba588a6a9460b10859dfdbc7d96518840991a

Critical size changes

Includes critical production bundles, as well as any change greater than 2%:

Name +/- Base Current +/- gzip Base gzip Current gzip
oss-stable/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.js = 6.66 kB 6.66 kB +0.05% 1.82 kB 1.82 kB
oss-stable/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-client.production.js = 495.01 kB 495.01 kB = 88.68 kB 88.68 kB
oss-experimental/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.js = 6.67 kB 6.67 kB +0.05% 1.83 kB 1.83 kB
oss-experimental/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-client.production.js = 499.81 kB 499.81 kB = 89.36 kB 89.36 kB
facebook-www/ReactDOM-prod.classic.js = 592.16 kB 592.16 kB = 104.15 kB 104.15 kB
facebook-www/ReactDOM-prod.modern.js = 568.39 kB 568.39 kB = 100.55 kB 100.55 kB
__test_utils__/ReactAllWarnings.js Deleted 64.26 kB 0.00 kB Deleted 16.02 kB 0.00 kB

Significant size changes

Includes any change greater than 0.2%:

Expand to show | Name | +/- | Base | Current | +/- gzip | Base gzip | Current gzip | | ---- | --- | ---- | ------- | -------- | --------- | ------------ | | [__test_utils__/ReactAllWarnings.js](https://react-builds.vercel.app/commits/5cfba588a6a9460b10859dfdbc7d96518840991a/files/__test_utils__/ReactAllWarnings.js?compare=3f1436cca1f8dd80a19fd52b97b6ff71a4d9ce82) | **Deleted** | 64.26 kB | 0.00 kB | Deleted | 16.02 kB | 0.00 kB

Generated by :no_entry_sign: dangerJS against 5cfba588a6a9460b10859dfdbc7d96518840991a

gsathya commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your PR but we're not accepting fixes to typos or rewriting simple text to clutter the git history.