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React compiler requires that expressions referenced in handler code are always resolvable #29127

Closed rjungbeck closed 1 month ago

rjungbeck commented 1 month ago

I was trying to port a bigger existing code base to react-compiler.

I ran about the issue, that react-compiler requires all expressions used in event handlers to be always resolvable (even if the handler itself can not be reached in some cases).

Here is a very simplified sample:

const App = () => {
    return <div>
                <CompilerTest />
                <CompilerTest data={{id: 1}} />

const CompilerTest = ({data}) => {
  const handleTest= () => {

  return <div>
             {data.?id &&
                <button onClick={handleTest}>Test</button>

Replacing console.log(data.id) with console.log(data?.id) resolves the issue. But this would of course require to manualy find and update all of the affected handlers.

Wouldn't it be better if react-compiler uses the ?. instead of . for the dependencies?

josephsavona commented 1 month ago

Hey @rjungbeck, thanks for posting. Looks like someone else filed a very similar issue and i happened to respond there first. Let's continue discussion at https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/29136#issuecomment-2117899444. I'll close this just to avoid duplicates, thank you again for reporting!