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[Compiler Bug]: Compiler disagrees with `exhaustive-deps` linter on whether `React.Ref<T>.current` must be in a deps array #29160

Open jthemphill opened 2 weeks ago

jthemphill commented 2 weeks ago

What kind of issue is this?

Link to repro


Repro steps

I have a hook called useWorker() which creates and configures a WebWorker, returning it as a React.RefObject<Worker>, while careful to never perform a side effect during a render.

The compiler fails to compile my code as written, but succeeds if I specify workerRef.current as a dependency. But you're not supposed to express Ref.current as a dependency, per the react-hooks/exhaustive-deps linter:

React Hook React.useCallback has an unnecessary dependency: 'workerRef.current'. Either exclude it or remove the dependency array. Mutable values like 'workerRef.current' aren't valid dependencies because mutating them doesn't re-render the component. eslintreact-hooks/exhaustive-deps

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

What version of React are you using?

React Playground on 2024-05-17

josephsavona commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for posting this. The compiler currently is only detecting refs that come from useRef(), so it doesn’t consider workerRef to be a ref in the example. We’ve gone back and forth on this, and I think I this issue is a good reminder that the -Ref suffix is a strong convention that we can consider building on (though there’s a bunch to think through). We’ll follow up here!