facebook / relay

Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
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Cannot generate null value for type without mocking parent #3825

Open chrisdarroch opened 2 years ago

chrisdarroch commented 2 years ago

Assuming the following schema:

type Query {
  fields: [Field!]!

interface Field {
  id: ID!

type FooField implements Field {
  sub: SubFoo

type SubFoo {
  name: String!

and I have a query as follows:

query ExampleQuery {
  fields {

fragment myFooFragment on FooField {
  sub {

It's valid for this query to return null for the sub key.

When I mock that in a test as follows:

    environment.mock.queueOperationResolver((operation) =>
        MockPayloadGenerator.generate(operation, {
            SubFoo: () => null,

I would expect this to set the sub key to null in the response. What I'm seeing, though, is a generated value:

{ sub: { name: '<mock-value-for-field-"name">' } }

If I instead do this, it works...

    environment.mock.queueOperationResolver((operation) =>
        MockPayloadGenerator.generate(operation, {
            FooField: () => ({ sub: null }),

I get the expected value:

{ sub: null }

But since not every key will have a nested key to null out, this isn't a general solution.

I think this line is in error; instead of using a nullish coalescing operator, it should be explicitly testing for undefined so that null values are accepted from the generator functions. https://github.com/facebook/relay/blame/98162d36249cbdb162155427c0d721192de78d81/packages/relay-test-utils/RelayMockPayloadGenerator.js#L712

michael-haberzettel commented 1 year ago

Any update on this topic? I have the same issue and it's can be annoying with deep query.

rarenatoe commented 11 months ago

Shameless bump. I'm having the same issue too.

ling1726 commented 2 months ago

Also a shameless bump

susannasouv commented 2 months ago

And a shameful bump