facebook / relay

Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
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fix: fix requestCache conflicts when have multiple ReactRelayQueryRenderer #4632

Open hannanstd opened 3 months ago

hannanstd commented 3 months ago

Sometimes we have to have two or more ReactRelayQueryRenderer with different environments at the same time. So the problem is that requestCache is used as a shared variable to hold both environments's caches. On the other hand, as you know each environment can have its configName while we creating it. It makes sense that the requestCacheKey consists of this configName to isolate each environment from the others. This PR does that. see the added Unit Tests.

Also, it can solve some issues that were reported before regarding the SSR.

facebook-github-bot commented 3 months ago

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captbaritone commented 3 months ago

At this point we are not investing in improving the older higher-order-components APIs and are instead focused on the hooks-based APIs.

Do the hooks apis (useLazyLoadQuery, etc) allow you to get the behavior you want?

hannanstd commented 3 months ago

@captbaritone Hello, Thank you for your answer. but it is not investing in improving. this problem/bug exists in the relay and many legacy projects use it. This change would not cause any issues or break changes. it just adds the environment configName to the cachekey and can be reviewed quickly but it helps others.

facebook-github-bot commented 3 months ago

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facebook-github-bot commented 3 months ago

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