facebook / relay

Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
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Add context to relay resolvers #4704

Open Markionium opened 2 weeks ago

Markionium commented 2 weeks ago

This is a draft PR to implement an approach mentioned in #4000.

I've currently put the resolverContext on the Store instead of the Environment. It seems that the Store might be a better place than the Environment?

If defined on the environment the context would need to go from the environment into the store down to the reader? Since a store could be used by different environments if the resolverContext would be on the environment that might cause more issues than it being on the store?

The following is an example of how this would be used.

One would provide the context as follows.

const store = new LiveResolverStore(source, {
    resolverContext: {
      counter: createObservableCounter(),
      world: "World!"

Then the resolvers could use the context similar to readFragment

 * @RelayResolver Query.hello_context: String
 * Say `Hello, ${world}!`
import {resolverContext} from '../../ResolverFragments';

function hello_context(): string {
  const world = resolverContext<{world: string}>().world;
  return `Hello, ${world}!`;
 * @RelayResolver Query.hello_world_with_context: String
 * @live
 * Say `Hello ${world}!`
function hello_world_with_context(): LiveState<string> {
  const dependency = resolverContext<{greeting: string}>();

  return {
    read() {
      return `Hello ${dependency.greeting}!`;

    subscribe(callback) {
      return () => {
        // no-op
facebook-github-bot commented 2 weeks ago

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captbaritone commented 1 week ago

Hey @Markionium thanks for picking this up!

I agree that attaching the context to the store is the right choice.

However, rather than accessing the context via a magic function, my preference would be that the context object get passed in as the third argument to the resolver function. This would keep alignment with a traditional graphql-js style resolver function.

 * @RelayResolver User.bestFriend: User
export function myResolver(user, _, ctx) {
    return ctx.userById(user.bestFriendId);

In terms of type safety, I think we can allow users to provide a module/export name in the compiler config for the project. We can then include that type in our generated type assertions (note that these are not yet built for TypeScript, but it should be pretty easy to add if you are interested in another project).

You still need to ensure your compiler config and the store you create actually match, but that's something you can get right once and in one place so probably an okay end state.

Beyond that we are also exploring a more light-weight way to define resolvers using an approach similar to Grats. In that world it could be even simpler, and work similar to how it works in Grats (see the docs here).

captbaritone commented 5 days ago

Connecting the dots. @alloy and I have been discussing this a bit more on this Gist: https://gist.github.com/alloy/f0c9c90ff7a28f3b17850021488979d5