facebook / stylex

StyleX is the styling system for ambitious user interfaces.
MIT License
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Add option to support vertical writing modes in modern browsers #512

Open nmn opened 3 months ago

nmn commented 3 months ago

logical properties like inlineSize and blockSize to width and height in the final bundled CSS file

Discussed in https://github.com/facebook/stylex/discussions/510

Originally posted by **mobalti** March 29, 2024 I noticed that Stylex converts certain logical properties like inlineSize and blockSize to width and height in the final bundled CSS file. I'm curious about the rationale behind this behavior. Is there a way to prevent this while retaining the logical properties? Although I'm aware of Stylex's capability to efficiently manage variables through tokens.stylex, in this particular case, I've opted to use Open Props V2. My main objective here is to become acquainted with Stylex's API. Would there be any performance implications if I import variables from a global.css file, as I've done in this example, instead of using stylex.token.ts?" Overall, I find the library to be solid, just as I expected. Thanks to the entire team for their work! https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/mobalti/open-props-v2-stylex-example