facebook / stylex

StyleX is the styling system for ambitious user interfaces.
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docs: fix stylex import source in code example #600

Closed zetavg closed 2 weeks ago

zetavg commented 3 weeks ago

What changed / motivation ?

I tried to copy-paste and run this code snippet from "Thinking in StyleX", and found that the import source in the snippet seems incorrect.

Instead of import * as stylex from 'stylex';, it should be import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';.

Linked PR/Issues


Additional Context

Did a search for import * as stylex from 'stylex'; in the codebase and did not find any other matches in .mdx files.

All are import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';, including other code snippets in the same file. So I think this may be a mistake.

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