facebook / wangle

Wangle is a framework providing a set of common client/server abstractions for building services in a consistent, modular, and composable way.
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wangle tests segfaults #52

Closed kvikas closed 7 years ago

kvikas commented 8 years ago


I built folly and wangle on linux (RHEL, gcc-4.8). Few of the tests fail with segfaults:

$ ./build/bin/ConnectionManagerTest
[==========] Running 12 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 12 tests from ConnectionManagerTest
[ RUN      ] ConnectionManagerTest.testShutdownSequence
*** Aborted at 1467472772 (unix time) try "date -d @1467472772" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @           0x49b7d4 __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add()
*** SIGSEGV (@0x9) received by PID 26785 (TID 0x7f5cb0f36800) from PID 9; stack trace: ***
    @       0x3ab2a0f710 (unknown)
    @           0x49b7d4 __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add()
    @           0x49b834 __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch()
    @           0x49f34d std::_Sp_counted_base<>::_M_release()
    @           0x49e91d std::__shared_count<>::~__shared_count()
    @           0x49df8e std::__shared_ptr<>::~__shared_ptr()
    @     0x7f5cb427c3e9 std::__shared_ptr<>::operator=()
    @     0x7f5cb4276eb2 std::shared_ptr<>::operator=()
    @     0x7f5cb433ae0d folly::AsyncTimeout::scheduleTimeout()
    @           0x49c4db wangle::ConnectionManager::DrainHelper::startDrain()
    @           0x49c487 wangle::ConnectionManager::DrainHelper::startDrainAll()
    @           0x49c218 wangle::ConnectionManager::initiateGracefulShutdown()
    @           0x482404 (anonymous namespace)::ConnectionManagerTest_testShutdownSequence_Test::TestBody()
    @           0x4c2f0e testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @           0x4be15c testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @           0x4a5a4b testing::Test::Run()
    @           0x4a6226 testing::TestInfo::Run()
    @           0x4a68b6 testing::TestCase::Run()
    @           0x4ad0fc testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()
    @           0x4c42ec testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @           0x4befb6 testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @           0x4abd38 testing::UnitTest::Run()
    @           0x488490 RUN_ALL_TESTS()
    @           0x48493c main
    @       0x3ab261ed5d (unknown)
    @           0x4814e9 (unknown)
[1]    26785 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./build/bin/ConnectionManagerTest

Thanks for your help. Let me if you need more information.

kvikas commented 7 years ago

It turns out it was me. I compiled and linked with different libevent