facebook / watchman

Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
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serde_bser: Apache-2.0 license file missing from git repo and published crates #1143

Open decathorpe opened 1 year ago

decathorpe commented 1 year ago

The serde_bser crate maintained as part of this project lists its license as Apache-2.0 in its Cargo.toml file, but there's no license text for Apache-2.0 in the crate, and not in this entire repository, as far as I can tell.

The Apache-2.0 is one of the licenses which require redistributed sources to contain a copy of the license text, so it would be great if the serde_bser crate included it - currently, crates distributed via crates.io (or in Linux Distributions) don't satisfy this requirement of the project's license (because they cannot).

dcecile commented 6 months ago

The license has been updated (74be16ffe71e99ca74833ed92e0d07240bf45a18) to be MIT, and the license file is present in the serde_bser folder now.

I think all that's left is just needs a push to crates.io (#1182).