facebook / zstd

Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
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Is zstd splitabble in hadoop/spark/etc? #395

Open trixpan opened 7 years ago

trixpan commented 7 years ago

I know the 4mc container adds splitability to zstd but is the standard by itself able to do so without the help of 3rd party implementations?

Note: I am aware zstd still not officially implemented in Hadoop so this is more like a theoretical question.

Cyan4973 commented 7 years ago

We have plan to re-use and extend the skip format based on skippable frames implemented in pzstd for multi-threaded decompression. 4mc's @carlomedas is aware of this context. We may spend some time in the future to properly define it and make it part of the official format.

advancedxy commented 7 years ago

Hi, @trixpan, I talked to the 4mc's author, It would be possible to write metadata in zstd skippable frames and make the whole file splittable by hadoop(need a special InputFormat).

But the idea would be same with 4mc in the essential.

trixpan commented 7 years ago

@advancedxy I saw 4mc previously.

I think people's concern about 4mc is the limited community (although I must confess compression algorithms don't strike me as pieces of code with hundreds of contributors)

ghost commented 7 years ago

Is the format in which pzstd uses splittable frames official? If it is then I can update the hadoop project to utilize anything compressed with zstd-cli then copied into hadoop. Have you guys decided or finalized the format of pzstd files? Thank you

Cyan4973 commented 7 years ago

We don't have yet a splittable format.

This is an active topic, we are working on it, and expect to make progresses throughout March for this objective. Btw, it's probably the best time to be involved in this process, as we will work on this specification with several projects interested in a splittable format. So don't hesitate if you want to be part of it.

The final format will likely be different from current pzstd one. Not that there is any problem with pzstd format, it's just that we can do better. pzstd format will likely be discontinued, though it's not a concern for existing compressed data : pzstd format has been designed to be compatible with zstd decoder, and it is perfectly decodable by any zstd compliant decoder. That will remain true. We merely are going to use different ways to generate splittable and multi-threaded data.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Cyan4973 thanks for the update, I think having zstd splittable in hadoop would be very attractive to a lot of users. I would like to be involved if possible discussing the proposed splittable format. Thank you.

Cyan4973 commented 7 years ago

cc @iburinoc

carlomedas commented 7 years ago

I definitely agree with this approach: 4mc is nice but we need this as mainstream in zstd. A splittable zstd, as matter of fact, is just leveraging the already fully scalable compression format to make sure it can be processed/emitted in blocks with the related indexes.

advancedxy commented 7 years ago

Agreed. Please involve me with discussion and implementation if possible.

sean-purcell commented 7 years ago

Here's an overview of our current thoughts on how to implement this, any feedback is appreciated!

Splittable/Seekable Format

A splittable and/or seekable Zstandard format could be useful in a variety of a scenarios by allowing decompression/processing to be parallelized or by allowing small subsections to be decompressed without having to decompress the entire preceding file.

The proposed general format of a Zstandard frame would consist of a sequence of Zstandard compressed frames, with a skippable frame containing a "jump table". This jump table would contain the information allowing decompressors to seek directly to the frame it wants to decompress, rather than having to process the entire file leading up to it. This design is based on the format used in @carlomedas's 4mc project, which currently adds splittability to LZ4 and Zstd for use in Hadoop.

Given this outline, there's a few choices left to be made:

Jump Table Position

Where in the file should the jump table be placed? There are two obvious choices here:

The end of file approach seems best as I'm not aware of any scenarios where the seek to end of file requirement, for reads, is an issue, but if there are such scenarios then this topic is open.

Jump Table Format

The format of the Jump Table would be a Zstandard skippable frame, with some header (or footer depending on the position of the jump table) containing some information such as the number of chunks, and some flags, and then an array containing the data in the jump table itself

Potentially useful data to have in the table is, for each frame:

Compressed Size

There are two main options for storing the compressed size: do we store an offset, or do we store the size

Thoughts: we could leave this as an option to be chosen by a flag, although I personally prefer the offset option as it provides good behaviour in both cases, and the size issue only comes into play when dealing with files that are already large.

Uncompressed Size

Here we have the same offset/size problem as with compressed size, so that section more or less applies to both. One additional point to add is that for seeking to the middle of a file, the offset method allows for binary search to be used, while the size method requires a linear scan. It's unlikely that the jump table would be large enough for this to be an issue however.

Another point with uncompressed size is that it's likely that in many cases, each frame has the same uncompressed size. If this is a case that would occur, then it could be worth adding a flag/field that allows the jump table to set a single uncompressed size for all frames, allowing a decompressor to immediately determine which frames it needs to decompress based on the offset and frame size.

I think the optional solution for uncompressed size would be to resolve the size/offset issue with the same choice as for the compressed size, for consistency, and then allow for a flag in the header to indicate that all frames have the same uncompressed size instead of storing it with each entry.


It might be desirable to have a checksum accompany each frame so we can verify frames. Zstandard already has a per-frame checksum over uncompressed data, however the layout of this format thus far would allow for it to trivially be extended to allow frames compressed with other algorithms, e.g. gz or xz.

So the questions to be answered here are:

Do we include a checksum? I think this should be a configurable option in the format.

Which algorithm should be used? For consistency with Zstandard, the least significant 4 bytes of XXH64 makes sense.

Should it be over the compressed or uncompressed data? Uncompressed data: allows us to verify both the compressed data and the decompression process. Compressed data: allows us to check the data before we attempt decompression

I think uncompressed data makes more sense, especially if we're mixing various compression algorithms, and since if we have to read the compressed data anyway, we might as well decompress it while we're at it. This is definitely worth discussing more, however.

Dictionary Compression

One way to recoup the compression-ratio losses of splitting the input is to use dictionaries. While currently training dictionaries on data is quite slow, and so might not be suited to doing inline, a possible future improvement on this is to train a dictionary on the frames and using them with each one, and then including this dictionary somewhere in the compressed file.

Some obvious impacts this usage could have are:

We should make sure to put some thought into these and other possible related situations to ensure that the format doesn't hamper future expansion.

carlomedas commented 7 years ago

I definitely like this.

Here's my 2 comments/preferences:

advancedxy commented 7 years ago

My 2 cents:

sean-purcell commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure no flags is the best option, it leaves very little room to expand.

Potential flags I can think of currently:

Since the implementation will be in the library itself, we can handle some complexity there, and we want to make sure we have the flexibility to handle all use-cases that could benefit from this.

advancedxy commented 7 years ago

Since the implementation will be in the library itself, we can handle some complexity there, and we want to make sure we have the flexibility to handle all use-cases that could benefit from this.

On second thought, It's indeed better to use flags to handle various use cases.

Senemu commented 7 years ago

I'm not aware of any scenarios where the seek to end of file requirement, for reads, is an issue, but if there are such scenarios then this topic is open.

One scenario where seeking is not possible is when reading from a pipe. Granted, then, also, no frame can be skipped. But a performance improvement can be achieved by not processing frames one is not interested in.

As there are distinct advantages and limitations to having index frames prepended or appended, it might be useful to provide both.

It is already possible to make a distributed index by prepending by using pzstd skippable frames and Zstandard frame headersʼ Frame_Content_Size.

For appending, I think that a similar simple format would be best. Other extensions such as checksums and dictionaries would then be better implemented in separate frames.

sean-purcell commented 7 years ago

I've created a first round implementation.

The format description is here, comments/feedback is appreciated.

As for the API, the planned compression API looks like this:

/*===== Seekable compressor management =====*/
ZSTD_seekable_CStream* ZSTD_seekable_createCStream(void);
size_t ZSTD_seekable_freeCStream(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs);

/*===== Seekable compression functions =====*/
size_t ZSTD_seekable_initCStream(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs, int compressionLevel, int checksumFlag, unsigned maxFrameSize);
size_t ZSTD_seekable_compressStream(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input);
size_t ZSTD_seekable_endFrame(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);
size_t ZSTD_seekable_endStream(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);

which looks similar to the regular zstd streaming API.

On the decompression side it's a bit more complex, since a decompressor needs to be able to seek.

There's a few cases I can think of here that we can provide for an API:

Other relevant notes here:

trixpan commented 7 years ago

folks would you mind if I ask you to clarify what is current status of this?

Reason I ask is because I got quite confused trying to use git commits to understand what is going on... 😃

eg. despite multi-threading now being part of the main tool, pzstd still included as part of the contrib source directory and while pzstd refer to Skippable format, the RFC related to this ticket suggest the Seekable format.

I am confused. 😃

Cyan4973 commented 7 years ago

The proposed format is implemented in this demo : https://github.com/iburinoc/zstd/tree/splittable/contrib/seekable_format So far, it's the only code which applies it.

pzstd is an unrelated project focused on multithreading for faster processing speed. pzstd has been interesting to experiment multiple appended frames, which is one mechanism used in the specification. But that's all they have in common, which means it's very little.

adamkennedy commented 6 years ago

@iburinoc Direct lookup of the seek table is going to be critical to the Hadoop InputFormat case, correct? Since some byte range spanning one or more chunks is going to be distributed as an InputSplit to different hosts.

sean-purcell commented 6 years ago

@adamkennedy The seek table itself won't be split up though, and it's not hard to traverse the seek table to convert it into a direct lookup to determine what data is where in the source data.

scherepanov commented 6 years ago

I solved similar problem - break large zstd/lz4/lzma files for parallel processing, by extending zstd/lz4 framing format. I am breaking input data into large chunks (recomending 1MB), with each rec reside in full inside chunk (record not broken between chunks). Each chunk is compressed independently (lz4 frame, zstd frame, or lzma (no frame), prepended by transport skippable frame and sequentially written. Transport frame contains size of compressed, size of uncompressed data, type of compression (I support lz4, zstd, lzma, and it can be a mix of compressions in file). And custom data tags. Transport frame protected by CRC. I can do random binary search in resulting format by file offset from beginning, or by custom tags (as soon as tags monotonically increasing, for example timestamps). Works fine on sub-1TB files. Breaking of file done by breaking into even parts (one part per processing thread), and then searching next transport frame. To make sure I found correct next transport frame, I am checking couple more that follows. Have multithreaded utility that compress/decompress/change compression, c++ library, java bindings etc. Works like a charm.

chrchang commented 6 years ago

It would be great if the seekable format plays well with the tabix index format (https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/tabix.pdf ) widely used in bioinformatics; this would speed up a bunch of workflows by up to ~2-3x over BGZF. (I'd be happy to write some tabix indexing and seeking code, if the basic library functions are all ready.)

Cyan4973 commented 6 years ago

@chrchang : Would you mind testing the experimental splittable format API for tabix use case ?

The goal would be to know if this API is suitable enough for such usage, and if not or partially, how to make it evolve to better fit the need.

scherepanov commented 6 years ago

Experimental splittable API was not enough for me. I implemented my own extended version of splittable API. Here are reasons and some details: 1) My data have many formats, but all of them are record-oriented. Record must be processed as single unit. Record size is much smaller than compression block (my records sizes are 40bytes - 2KB, blocks are 128-256-512KB or 1MB). Many records fits into single compression block. 2) Splitting record between two compression block makes processing much harder that it needs to be. I am requiring that record in full is inside compression block. That greatly simplify everything. 3) Pure searching by arbitrary offset makes little sense when you have records - no guarantee that some record will not be partial. I need to get data from record boundaries only. If data starts in the middle of record, it is invalid. 4) I do provide search by offset, but data provided from next record begin. That guarantee that data is valid. 5) I support record attribute, 8-bytes integer that have to be monotonically increasing. In my case it is time. I support search on attribute. Again, I return data from record begin, always valid.

Experimental splittable API is of no use for me. I am searching for transport frames, read block, and inside block do data scan. That guarantee that I am always have valid record boundaries. Splittable API returns data from rather arbitrary offset - you have to guess record boundaries.

As additional feature, my API transparently support zstd, lz4 and lzma compressions. And uncompressed data. File can have several compression formats inside. Each compression block have it's own compression format, and API hide compression type (or absence of compression) from client. API support search in compressed formats by offset and by attribute, and in uncompressed format by attribute (and by offset, to provide data from record boundaries).

I implemented API with a lot of multithreading, and I am not hiding parallel nature of compressor/decompressor. That allow for more direct integration with multithreaded clients. I communicate with clients with blocks of data, corresponding to compression blocks in file. Splittable API produces single data stream, to parallelize it you have to do some efforts. I do not want to say that splittable API is bad. I just telling that it did not work for me, and reasons why.

That was interesting to hear about tabbix format. I think I implemented a small subset of tabbix format. Full support probably would be time consuming.

chrchang commented 6 years ago

Okay, after taking a look at the current seekable API, it appears to be adequate for a basic single-threaded tabix implementation, but it's missing parallel-compression and decompression-stream support which would really make seekable .zst files a joy to work with.

It looks like parallel compression wouldn't take much work to add: just create a version of ZSTD_seekable_compressStream that calls ZSTD_compress_generic?

Possible decompression stream interface (which I've previously written for BGZF files): during decompressor initialization, you pass an additional uint64_t containing a sequence of uint64 [decompressed start pos, decompressed end pos) intervals (not necessarily in increasing-position order, and not necessarily disjoint), as well as the number of such intervals. (So if there are N intervals, the uint64_t points to a length-2N array.) A compile-time constant can be defined to denote the decompressed file size, so N=1 with a [0, DECOMPRESSED_FILE_SIZE) interval would request a normal decompression stream. Ideally, initialization succeeds on a non-seekable zstd file when the intervals are disjoint and in increasing order. A nice property of this interface is that it supports parallel decompression, though that can be left out of the initial implementation.

Cyan4973 commented 6 years ago

It looks like parallel compression wouldn't take much work to add: just create a version of ZSTD_seekable_compressStream that calls ZSTD_compress_generic?

I agree, that would probably work.

adamkennedy commented 6 years ago

Just checking in on the progress of this issue. Is there anything I can do to assist?

We are already using the existing C API (with custom dictionary) inside a system that runs on about 10,000 machines, and if we can get splittability in and Hadoop integration over line we have a couple of use cases in the 100PB range we'd love to use it for. We've also had discussions with one of the major Hadoop vendors about assisting in the finals steps as well.

Cyan4973 commented 6 years ago

Let's have a talk next week on this topic. We are missing "real-world" use cases, that's why it's hard to feel confident about the feature yet, which is required to move it from "experimental" status to production grade. Little details matter, and only production experience can give such hindsight.

So, if you have availability @adamkennedy, I'll be happy to discuss the topic and plan some next steps.

adamkennedy commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy to. Are you at FB HQ? I just happened to speak to the team using the custom dictionary stuff today as well, and I think they've love to have a chat about that at some point too.

Cyan4973 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'm located at Menlo Park now. We can indeed plan for a face-to-face meeting too if we can make the logistic work.

scottcarey commented 6 years ago

I wonder how effective dictionaries would be to help mitigate the effects of breaking it into frames if the following was done:

Lets say we have N frames, (0, 1, 2, 3, ... N-1). The first frame (frame 0) has no dictionary. Frame X uses the raw compressed bytes of frame X-1 (or perhaps some subset of it) as its dictionary. In this way, in order to randomly seek to frame X and decompress it, one would have to seek to frame X-1 and set the dictionary as its raw compressed content, then decompress X.

Whether this has any value or not depends on how many literals in frame X match the compressed content of frame X-1. If this was for lz4 or another format without entropy coding, it would likely work better than one with entropy coding like zstd, but it could be an interesting experiment. Does it help at all? Is it detrimental? Has anyone tried this? Or is it no better than using random garbage for a dictionary?

In the case of a Hadoop InputSplit, if the position of the start of the split was in the middle of frame X-2, then it would first find the start of frame X-1, using that frame as a dictionary, and start decoding frame X. At the end of the split if it was in the middle of decoding frame X+M, it would continue on to decode frame X+M+1 which exists in the next input split but would not be decoded there.

Cyan4973 commented 6 years ago

Frame X uses the raw compressed bytes of frame X-1 (or perhaps some subset of it) as its dictionary. In this way, in order to randomly seek to frame X and decompress it, one would have to seek to frame X-1 and set the dictionary as its raw compressed content, then decompress X.

If frame X-1 is correctly compressed, its binary representation is relatively close to encrypted data (save header data), which means it won't display anything that would look like its uncompressed content. Hence, it won't help compressing frame X.

You can test this scenario with the command line utility :

./zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -c | wc -c

# using compressed file as dictionary
./zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -D calgary.tar.zst -c | wc -c

# using uncompressed file as dictionary for itself
./zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -D calgary.tar -c | wc -c
scottcarey commented 6 years ago

You're right, its essentially the same as using data from /dev/random

I also tried this, just to see what literals remain useful after an lz4 pass:

~ $ zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -c | wc -c
calgary.tar          : 32.59%   (3265536 => 1064153 bytes, /*stdout*\)         
$ zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -D calgary.tar.lz4 -c | wc -c
calgary.tar          : 31.52%   (3265536 => 1029242 bytes, /*stdout*\)         

not much. Although it is better than a small-ish dictionary trained off of itself:

$ zstd calgary.tar --train -o caldict -B256
Trying 5 different sets of parameters                                          
Save dictionary of size 112640 into file caldict 
$ zstd --long=23 calgary.tar -c -D caldict | wc -c
calgary.tar          : 31.89%   (3265536 => 1041469 bytes, /*stdout*\)         
iemejia commented 5 years ago

One year later. Any progress on this? Anything we can help to do or test to get this done ?

scottcarey commented 5 years ago

Its splittable in avro files or parquet files in hadoop, as they have their own blocks to spit on.

On Sat, May 11, 2019, 09:58 Ismaël Mejía notifications@github.com wrote:

One year later. Any progress on this? Anything we can help to do or test to get this done ?

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Cyan4973 commented 5 years ago

While we do provide an experimental splittable format for zstd, at https://github.com/facebook/zstd/tree/dev/contrib/seekable_format, we are not aware of any real-world usage of it so far.

This slows down any effort in this direction, since the next step is basically to "battle-prove" the existing implementation, in order to test its limits, and ensure it's "production ready".

It also asks if this is the right place to provide this feature. Apparently, all users of splittable formats are happy to create their own variant, so it's an opened question if there is any merit to bundle one with a compression format.

iemejia commented 5 years ago

Thanks @scottcarey for the clarification. @Cyan4973 but isn't this like an egg and chicken thing, nobody will test it if is not out, any chance this can get passed, even if like an Experimental thing until it becomes mature because of use..

Cyan4973 commented 5 years ago

It is an egg and chicken problem, but I'm not sure what else we can do. The code is here, we've delivered, it's tested, it's usable. There's nothing more we can learn just by our own.

P-E-Meunier commented 5 years ago

Trying to lay an egg here.

I'm writing Rust bindings to this seekable API, in order to use it as the new patch format for Pijul (https://pijul.org).

I can read from files fine (using ZSTD_seekable_initFile), but could not figure out how to read from buffers (ZSTD_seekable_initBuff). The error I get is An I/O error occurred when reading/seeking. However, if I write that same buffer to a file and read it, everything seems to work.

Cyan4973 commented 5 years ago

@P-E-Meunier , could you describe a test case ? It could be a bug, or an incorrect API usage, suggesting an incomplete documentation.

P-E-Meunier commented 5 years ago

My binding is on https://nest.pijul.com/pmeunier/zstd-seekable. The test is:

fn test() {
    let mut cstream = SeekableCStream::new(10, 256).unwrap();
    let input = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut diam ante, sollicitudin a dolor et, volutpat elementum nulla. Etiam nec efficitur nibh, quis rutrum risus. Maecenas quis lorem malesuada, aliquet mi vel, viverra nunc. Donec et nulla sed velit sagittis varius. Suspendisse vestibulum, neque lobortis ornare vestibulum, orci turpis vulputate nisi, ut sodales neque purus eget magna. Nunc condimentum, diam eu consequat venenatis, est nisl semper lorem, et lobortis velit justo sed nulla. Nunc sit amet tempor nunc, vel posuere ipsum. Cras erat tortor, pulvinar ac pretium eu, auctor ac nibh. Duis iaculis porta magna, eu lobortis elit. Duis vitae massa eros. Nulla non magna accumsan, egestas quam sit amet, laoreet lectus.";
    let mut input_pos = 0;
    let mut output = vec![0; input.len()];
    let mut output_pos = 0;
    while input_pos < input.len() {
        let (a, b) = cstream.compress(&mut output[output_pos..], &input[input_pos..]).unwrap();
        output_pos += a;
        input_pos += b;
    while let Ok(n) = cstream.end_stream(&mut output[output_pos..]) {
        if n == 0 {
        output_pos += n;
        use std::io::Write;
        let mut file = std::fs::File::create("test").unwrap();
    println!("input len = {:?}, pos = {:?}", input.len(), output_pos);

    let mut decomp = Vec::new();
    let mut s = {
    for frame in 0..s.get_num_frames() {
        let size = s.get_frame_decompressed_size(frame);
        println!("{:?} {:?}", size, s.get_frame_decompressed_offset(frame));
        let n = decomp.len();
        s.decompress_frame(&mut decomp[n..], frame);
    println!("{:?}", std::str::from_utf8(&decomp).unwrap())

If I replace Seekable::init_buf(&output).unwrap() with Seekable::init_file("test").unwrap(), everything works.

P-E-Meunier commented 5 years ago

Also, here is the code for the two functions, calling the actual library:

    pub fn init_buf(input: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let p = ZSTD_seekable_create();
            if p.is_null() {
                return Err(Error::Null)
            let result = ZSTD_seekable_initBuff(p, input.as_ptr() as *const c_void, input.len());
            if ZSTD_isError(result) != 0 {
                return Err(Error::ZSTD(result))
            Ok(Seekable {
                f: std::ptr::null_mut(),
                marker: std::marker::PhantomData,
    /// Initialise a decompressor with a file. This method opens the file, and dropping the resulting `Seekable` closes the file.
    pub fn init_file(name: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
            let f: *mut libc::FILE = fopen(name.as_ptr(), "rb\0".as_ptr() as *const i8);
            let p = ZSTD_seekable_create();
            if p.is_null() {
                return Err(Error::Null)
            let result = ZSTD_seekable_initFile(p, f as *mut _IO_FILE);
            if ZSTD_isError(result) != 0 {
                return Err(Error::ZSTD(result))
            Ok(Seekable {
                marker: std::marker::PhantomData,
sean-purcell commented 5 years ago

Looks like it was my fault, that's a little embarrassing. Fixed in #1695.

rwmjones commented 4 years ago

We have a had a request to implement a zstd decompression filter in nbdkit. We already have a filter which supports xz. If implemented it would work like this:

(1) The compressed disk image is prepared by one user and uploaded to a website:

zstd [some flag to tell it to split into seekable frames] disk.img -o disk.img.zst
cp disk.img.zst /var/www/html/

(2) Another user can serve this file uncompressed to their local network using:

nbdkit --filter=cow --filter=zstd curl https://example.com/disk.img.zst
qemu -hda nbd:localhost:10809

(The equivalent already works for xz; note the COW filter makes the image writable but we don't require writing to the underlying zstd file). For xz we can seek to a block boundary and only uncompress a single block which makes it relatively efficient as long as a smallish block size was chosen by the person who originally compressed the file.

As I understand it from the preceding comments, there is no support yet for the seekable format in the zstd tool (the -B option was mentioned but reading the code it seems this is unrelated). There is an experimental directory but the tool there is not widely packaged, and the API exists but is also not packaged in distros or stable. Is my understanding correct?

mlin commented 4 years ago

Hello all, I've just used the contrib seekable code to put together a SQLite extension enabling it to read from a database file compressed in the proposed format. It was very easy to hook up and seems to work well.

Since this application entails frame sizes of just a few KB, I'm next interested in following through on the allusion to adding a dictionary inline. I can come up with some proposal, but just wondering if @iburinoc @Cyan4973 or anyone else have any specific ideas in mind about how that should work

saurik commented 3 years ago

Seeing as xz is a compression container format that specifically is designed to provide seek-ability to underlying compression algorithms (which it abstracts over, similar to a zip file), instead of adding this support to zstd--which then would have its own framing mechanism and have some weird detection on its input and tradeoff in its output--why not just add support to xz for zstd by defining a zstd filter (that's the xz terminology: note that earlier in this thread a mention is used to "filter" near "xz" in a way that is unrelated)?

rwmjones commented 3 years ago

"Filter" in that comment referred to nbdkit filters.

saurik commented 3 years ago

"Filter" in that comment referred to nbdkit filters.

@rwmjones Right. I 100% understood that, which is why I felt a need to make explicit that I was using a different, "unrelated" definition of "filter", lest someone get confused. (Ironically, I see someone still got confused, but I honestly am not sure how I could have been even more explicit in order to ensure no one got confused.)

kaey commented 3 years ago

As a related work there is RAC(random access compression) format https://github.com/google/wuffs/blob/master/doc/spec/rac-spec.md

nigeltao commented 3 years ago

As a related work there is RAC(random access compression) format

I am the author of the RAC format. Happy to discuss that here if you want.

It is not "battle-proven" yet. I started the experiment in 2019, but like many other people, I found 2020 disruptive in terms of getting work done.

A comparison with XZ is briefly discussed in the RAC related work doc.

For actual numbers (not just a spec), here's one highlight from the "Extended Example" of the ractool docs:

$ time unzstd --stdout                 enwik8.zst        > /dev/null
real    0m0.203s
$ time ractool -decode                 zstd.withdict.rac > /dev/null
real    0m0.037s