facebookarchive / AsyncDisplayKit

Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
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Build failed with XCode Version 9.3 (9E145) #3305

Open cj1024 opened 6 years ago

cj1024 commented 6 years ago

Version 2.2.1 Embedded with CocoaPods ASDefaultPlaybackButton.m Line 54

chenyingchao commented 6 years ago


maicki commented 6 years ago

@cj1024 Hey - what Xcode warnings do you have enabled? I just tried the ASViewController example and it built fine with Xcode 9.3.

cj1024 commented 6 years ago

@maicki These settings work well with pre version XCode.

maicki commented 6 years ago

@cj1024 I cannot reproduce this error. Please update to the latest version of Texture and also file an issue on the official Texture repo: https://github.com/TextureGroup/Texture

wqforeverhell commented 6 years ago

@maicki I also encountered the same problem above, need how to fix the problem, is to upgrade the Xcode9.3, need your help, thank you very much!

wqforeverhell commented 6 years ago

@cj1024 这个问题你解决了嘛,我也遇到你同样的问题

cj1024 commented 6 years ago

@wqforeverhell 临时解决方法就是把parameters声明成NSDictionary就可以编过了

MatthewRamsey commented 6 years ago

I was receiving this same error after updating to XCode 9.3 and using ASyncDisplayKit. I updated my Podfile to use the latest Texture version and still receive this error in Texture. There is already an open issue in the Texture repo:


Since this exist in both repos, if you come across a resolution, please pass it along to see if it can be a fix for both projects.

xumeng commented 6 years ago

Same error. Replace 'id' with 'NSDictionary', built ok. image

cj1024 commented 6 years ago

@MatthewRamsey You could do as what @xumeng wrote. Just declare the "parameters" as NSDictionary, then you can build.

MatthewRamsey commented 6 years ago

Thanks @cj1024 and @xumeng! I'll have to give that a try. I reverted back to XCode 9.2 for now so I could get some work done.

miletliyusuf commented 6 years ago

I've faced the same issue and did exactly what @xumeng wrote in my forked repo. You may use pod "AsyncDisplayKit", :git => 'https://github.com/miletliyusuf/AsyncDisplayKit.git' to save the day.